Used provided pxleyes stock
one of my own images
and eyelash brushes by Redhead Stock from DA
(5 years and 2968 days ago)
"Listen Guzub, if ya wanna get along in New York, ya gotta remember a couple of things: Don't ever wear a Red Sox cap, I charge extra to go to the Bronx, and I don't take any of that friggin' Martian money!".
(5 years and 3358 days ago)
ha ha ha...great pic
funny picture but if its night time why is there sun light on the steering wheel
Who says it's sunlight? Aren't there bright lights at night that reflect off surfaces...like the driver's glasses??
ha..ha .. I like that..,
It a unique idea, but just one nit pick. I suggest reducing the brightness on the Alien's head. If he's in the back of the taxi cab at night, you are not going to be able to see highlights that well and just give the head a slight blur, just to better blend with the shirt of the guy who you put the head on. And just a suggestion, why not add another alien to the back seat, different species or a slightly different variance of the other.
Still a very unique idea! GL!
nice one .... GL
With a face like that I`d make him ride in the "trunk" ! ...see what I did there? no? ok..... well done author great blend
I can almost hear him saying : I DON'T TAKE MARTIAN MONEY!
...and I fav. SOX
Great concept! Love the humour and I agree with derdevil ... I can hear him shouting from here!
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to Wanner Cavagnolle,
for the street scene. (5 years and 3465 days ago)
i think this is incredible work author, incredible job on the machines, its not repetitive!!!!!!!!!!
What a chaos! Pls, call the FBI, Nasa, the SVU, Psych members, dr. House...
I like the explosions effect, it's perfect...
Very cool! The perfect right angle of the flame edge below the middle Martian's left armpit is odd, made more so by not being how that area of the image appears in the 'Final result' of the SBS. I think this would be more dramatic if the middle Martian weren't the only one shooting some sort of ray; they all should be doing that. The white edges on parts of the legs and some head elements seem like poor blending.
EDIT: Armpit issue has been resolved. Added ray is spot on.
Very cool work author...work on a construction of a machine/creature is amazing...crashing cars is fabulous little touch...because of big contrast of the major machine and background,maybe would be cool to add some adjustment color layers...just and idea...
Love it, great work, especially on the explosions, author!
Nice addition of the "target rings" for the closer Martian. The other two shooting already have found their targets, so it makes sense that this one is looking for one and not shooting yet.
Sweet!!!!! am working on one like this donno if I'll finsh it or not
nice work like the explosions
I love the stuff you guys do. So much fun!
hehehe.. love the violent chaos
Well done author
filmy scene. nice . need more finishing
very good work
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to Surely for the cat's face source. (5 years and 3735 days ago)
Another great work from old site . This contest looks interesting
very cool!
Interesting idea, i really like the octopus and the cable, but i feel like the humanoid is a bit lacking around the eye area. I think the black patches are too dark and maybe some spheres as eyes would've worked better, but this is your entry. Great job with everything else though. Good luck, and high marks from me!
Still love this one!
Good one.
Congrats! for 1st place
Congrats mqtrf, this is so funny
congrats cutie
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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