Don't stare too long or you'll find yourself turned to stone.
Thanks to PsychoPxl and davidgera @ SXC for the source images. (5 years and 3406 days ago)
Beware of her...
Thanks to:
- fotografiche.eu @ Photoxpress;
- evildrjeff @ Morguefile;
- alicepopkorn @ Flickr. (5 years and 3535 days ago)
is that Medusa?
Yes, this is my modern version of Medusa.
nice image may it would look better if you warp/liquify the texture on the skin a bit (a slight liquify bloat on the nosesection so the linetexture goes next to the corners of the mouth) I also would remove the texture on the lips and if you got some time left may a bit dodge&burn to the face to give more depth.
I think I met this chick in a bar once , great work, personally I think the face itself has sufficient depth but maybe the hairline and the snakes emerging from the behind the face would benefit from a little burn. Well done author
@ Solaris and Geexman: some changes made, thanks!
Btw, Gino, how didn't you become stone?
Great work . How does she maintain her snaky hairs???
wow this is awesome...(better and better)
Thanks, guys!
@ Nasir: with Cobra poison extract shampoo!...
Her eyes look so creepy :P ! Good luck!
Nice work . . . .
wow nice work author nice and scary
Well this is definitely one of the best I've seen so far. GL!
well author, she wore a low cut top, so i didnt make eye contact
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(5 years and 3716 days ago)
Probably the best one / use of source so far... I would colour her eyes slightly... just my opinion...
very good use of source.well done and good luck
@JamesD: Look closely...the eyes are rusted camera irises.
oh right... well I just thought seeing as it was medusa... and you done the snakes, you might put a little emphasis on the eyes, cause the camera thing is hard to see; I find... anyway, I still think it's one of the better ones in the contest so...
EDIT: by emphasis I meant colour... only a tint...
Scary! Looks like she can turn people into stone
wowww..... real nice 1 mann.... i thgink u r gonna win. seriously..still, u coul use some back ground, but anyway, superb effortt..
i loveeeeeeeeee Medusa, good thinking and great work
Nice idea but you could have fixed the blue edges on the snakes and bars. Try using color replacement tool next time. it's really good for matching non matching color edges. (where the healing brush is)
Very strong entry. Her eyes really could kill!
Very nicely done, my fav. Something I had an idea for but mine wouldn't have been near as good as this one.
Congrats for your second place, Bob!
congratulation XD
Congrats bob!
Howdie stranger!
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Thank you to Tobias Biehl for his great eagle in flight picture myky020 for his fantastic magic horse and NASA for the coiled galaxy pic, the galaxy cluster pic and the milky way galaxy pic, also desconhecido for the Galáxias_espiral.gif (5 years and 3829 days ago)
beautiful. gl
Nice, but I don't get the title...
Check this one out, the character is my interpretation of Pegasus and in one version of Greek mythology, Pegasus was one child born from Medusa's blood after Perseus beheaded her.
Happy to see the horsie again, beautiful entry
wow i never knew that author... very cool
Very good job in building the horse and especially the wings. The background fits just perfect with these flying glass (is it supposed to be glass?) pieces. Good luck!
also... when Perseus Flew with her head supposedly each droplet fell to land and created the poisonous snakes on the ground hehehe. .it's a really fantastic story.. good job author
Looks really good.
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In Greek mythology, Medusa (Greek: ÎœÎδουσα (Médousa), "guardian, protectress") was a gorgon, a chthonic female monster; gazing upon her would turn onlookers to stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until giving it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity and today, the image of the head of Medusa finds expression in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion. She also has two gorgon sisters.
Edit: Updated 2...thanks CMYK46 (5 years and 3897 days ago)
I'd remove the shadows from the background, and maybe use something more than just a gradient...
EDIT: Much better background! Now you need some shadows of the snakes on the head & neck...
EDIT 2: Lookin' good now.
Great image love her intense expression!.....snakes look a little to uniform in places maybe you could flip the odd one here & there...
i love medusas! the snake hair is great
Looks perfect!! Good job!!
I so terrified of snakes---- Oh, Very good..
Nice job, I suggest a soft, dark shadow on her forehead close to the snakes. To let them look as if they are sitting on her head.
wow cooool
very fierce
the "hair/snake-line" doesnt look that good i think. could look better if some snakeheads look forward. so the hairline can be better hidden
very nice
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how about making the snakes look like this: http://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads/2008/07/coral-snake.jpg
It will add a color contrast to the image and maybe a Wow effect.
Thanks for the suggestion greymval. The very first time I saw Medusa, was in the move "Clash of the Titans" the original one. That's the look I was going for.
After I posted this comment, I decided to open it up and started playing around with some of my adjustment layers. I think it "pops" a little more.
Hey, if you like this pic : http://remember-ensemblestudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/cmofMedusa04th1-300x300.jpg
you know what to do...
Put some reptile skin on her face to better blend the snakes, maybe make their bellies a diff. color and.. if you can find some stock with some aggressive snakes, man that would rock.
Howdie stranger!
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