Wishing you all a very merry Christmas. Completely created from the sourcefile given. Please look in HIGHRES for all the details. (5 years and 3008 days ago)
Have a Merry Christmas!! ;-) (5 years and 3368 days ago)
U 2!
Simplistic yet effective, nice image author & a very merry christmas to you
Merry christmas to you too
Nice use of the source.
Subtle, clean and beautiful!
And Merry Wonderful Christmas to you, too!
Beaten bu erikuri
Yes it is subtle, clean and beautiful
great work author...very effective...well done
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3619 days ago)
this is from a tutorial?
yep, first source link.
Howdie stranger!
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Thank you to:
Matt Gibson from Flickr,
Arno & Louise - Flickr,
AlhikesAZ - Flickr.
Pictures of smoke and Christmas tree are my own.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)
Not the merry christmas I would wish anyone!
oh...he's making a poop. and it's steamy.....(:
Post sources for tree & smoke...
Thank you guys for comments. CMYK, it is posted: SBS, steps 15,16,17
Oops, didn't realize those pics were your own, sorry...but what's with the helicopter?
And what about helicopter CMYK? I just checked, link to this image is working... Or you're asking what is it doing there?
Get it while it's hot!
I think CMYK is hinting that the helecopter doesn't really fit with the image. I was thinking the same thing. Also your snow filters you used on the tree and elephants feet, well they seem very fake, I would play around with them more. Try blending them better.
ha this made me laff
o.k. CMYK and Jawshoewhah, about helicopter: My idea was that helicopter just brought this elephant to the Christmas party and flying away. About filters: I only used hue&saturation adjustment to make the colors of light on elephant and tree sampe purpleish as a base image. May be it could be less strong though... I'll try to play with it, still have time.
Edit: Corrected Hue&Saturation on the elephant level.
Thank you Jawsh
You used another elephant layer, didn't you? (see tip of the trunk) I honestly think a better blend would be to just feather a pattern stamp.
No, Jawsh, I didn't use another elephant layer, took me a while to find out where this lines were coming from. But I find it and fixed. It was my sloppy masking of second shadow of the tree, that wasn't masked right. Thank you and diamond medal for you sharp eye.
good one. nice image. good luck to you
ahha the shit steam , is nice idea..
Howdie stranger!
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i know its quiet late... but had to wish merry christmas..;) (5 years and 3728 days ago)
lovely! it has the beak of a duck
Howdie stranger!
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And a very merry christmas to you too!
Nice work. The star looks like a real decoration you could buy in a store.
thank you very much
my mom used to have a wooden christmas star when i was a child I saw it many christmasses hanging.. I have no clue what happened to it.. the star was 3d and there was a lamp inside.
Nice work here....love the star and the doves. GL author.
Thank you very much George
Really stylish Christmas card, love the old gold glow
Thnx Cornelia ) That was what got me started with the star I wanted to use these nice light effects
Howdie stranger!
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