Simple but with the theme and one source,
masking, color and so on. (5 years and 3933 days ago)
Well this theme looks easy, but is hard to do...
Anyway I tried making an biker who was doing an 180 spin in the air as a mime...
My shadowing maybe little off here, since I based the shadows here as per the biker light source and not the stage lights... (5 years and 3933 days ago)
almost looks like it should be moving LOL.. good job
very good i cant even think any of it
great idea
great but could be better, nice job good luck
Strong entry.. good luck !!!
Verry nicee, i like`t and god job..
Good Luck
I could really see this as a frozen shot of a professional mime performing faux bicycle tricks. Since I would expect the spotlight to be coming from above, the shadow should really be smaller than the the mime.
Howdie stranger!
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Know you something about the TV-news program for mimes?
Mime news is the best news program in the world!
Check this out! (5 years and 3934 days ago)
Nice idea good luck!
well done
really hit the theme right on mark..HAVE NO IDEA how they would pull of the news cast though LOL.. good luck
Great job! Suggestion: The white of their faces is so bright that you loose almost all the features. Try playing with that white balance and see if you can't bring out their facial features while still keeping that bright white makeup. Good work and good luck!!
I like it!!!
Hehe......Well done & congrats at having the gonads to give this hard topic a go!!!
Interesting idea, except is just looks like news anchors/readers in mime makeup. Different expressions and poses showing them acting out the day's news would be more compelling. (This is clearly a difficult theme to execute.)
good idea
lol great idea, how we gonna listen the news, waiting to see how they gonna pull it off
Love the scroll at the bottom. lol
haha! I can imagine it taking oh about three hours to give us the news nice idea author !!!
Verry nicee, i like`t and god job..
Good Luck
When listening carefully...I guess 'no news is good news'! Great job author.
Realy nice, should be hard to understand them :P
That is just wonderful! Greatidea and execution! GL!
Congratulations for 3rd
Congrats! Great job!
thanks everyone!
Howdie stranger!
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Very very cute and original! Love the idea! Maybe you should correct the shadow slightly, it should be going behind the right side of the cat as well, for the time being it seems that it just surrounds the right side of the cat! Best of luck!
This made me laugh. One suggestion: If you use the smudge tool set at 30 strength, with assorted brushes #54 set at 30 pixels and went around the edge of the cat "pulling" the fur out a bit, it would make it look less cut out. Kind of detailed, but that's cuz I tried it myself to see how it would look.
Good imagination!!
very nice image but as u add the focus light the shadow should be at the back of the cat
very solid focus on theme... good LUCK!!!!
Verry nicee, i like`t and god job..
Thanks for the great tips and compliments everyone, I did make the adjustments as you suggested....Nelista, ITt8r,Nav777singh.
Good Luck
LOL very cute idea looove it!!
Amusing mime make-up, but what is the cat miming? [See contest description.] A clever answer conveyed in the title could make this a winner. (Consider background and cropping as well.)
Great suggestion Danlundberg, and I took your advice and made the little changes
I agree with Dan Lundberg and Nellista. More over I suggest you to use the Pen Tool (P letter on the keyboard) to draw lines. Clearly you used a mouse and lines are quite rough. Overall very good idea and nice image
Oh, what a cute little mime cat! Very original! Good luck author!
Howdie stranger!
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