The Mod, -- a integral part of any web community, They are just your average everyday person who puts forth that extra little effort to help keep the community running smoothly.
Always there to lend a hand or give advise to those who may need it.They try to keep discourse to a minimum between members and are ever present and ready to enforce the rules laid out in the F.A.Q.
BUT !!! don't you sometimes get that feeling that they lay an wait, just to pounce on the unsuspecting member to strike fear of having their entry pulled for some trivial reason that makes no sense. Or that they harass you for piddly little things like missed source links, or using a unauthorized something or other ?? Yes they can be brutally ruthless to the unsuspecting , and if you constantly nag and try to set them straight on matters---POW !!!
The ultimate weapon is unleashed upon you, yep you got it
Ps. this is all in fun of course and I do want to be around next week. Mr mod , you want a cookie ?? (5 years and 3194 days ago)
This is an Extreme chop. Most definitely a smooth piece of work. KUDO'S author
thank you Ichappell
WOW!! Love this! My greatest fear is that the original "Joker" image is copyrighted by WB, even if the source you used was not. I've been away a while - has PXLeyes resolved a potential conflict like this? I sure hope I'm wrong, author. This is wonderful in so many ways. It would be awful to have it fall victim to... the BAN HAMMER bwaaahahahaha!!
awesome work.....................keep going
Very clever and fun with a great color palette. More shadows would enhance the feeling of depth. Somehow all the straight-line text seems kind of stiff to me. (BTW I don't think the description really adds much.)
hilariously funny , I like it a lot
these are words that haunt me, until I got used to the rules
vexycon I am still haunted by all the rules ,this has been pulled twice already for rules I did not know, I hate reading the faq lol.
Like the safer update. The original was creepier, but a photo of someone made up LIKE The Joker but not the "real" Joker HAS to be allowed.
Yipee! GL, author!
Elemare is that a real photo of you ---wow ~! thanks for the comments.
Colorful and cheerful..................GL autor!
welldone author
Thanks everyone, much appreciated
Congrats, this is wonderful
Howdie stranger!
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