(5 years and 3490 days ago)
- 1: Thanks to LMorris2
- 2: Rosary
Tosaporn Boonyarangkul-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/tung072
Julia Starr-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/night_fate
Petr Kovar-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/kovik
Heitor Jose-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/tchor1974
Thanks guys for the great resources... (5 years and 3511 days ago)
Even gathering so different images, everything looks so peaceful. I am fan of this coloring... nice mood!
nice effect ..........
very nice work!
w0w! amazing sweetheART fave ;} happy hippy hugglez
Howdie stranger!
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strange monk is thinking about strange day at the coroatia beach
Guest what? are u thinking? XD
thanks for all sources, special the monk (5 years and 3534 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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"Would you like some tea?"
A complex photoshopping result...I divided the man's face and mirrored it to make him turn forward. (5 years and 3669 days ago)
Good job, look quite convincing. Maybe you should change the shadow below his head a bit, because it's not round like that. GL
Thank you langstrum, I agree. I'll try to fix it within the next couple of hours.
Maybe just liquify the tip of his nose downward a tiny bit. Good concept to turn him around!
Good idea too, pearlie. Thanks! Will work on it.
Fixed! How is it now?
Hmm, quite better but not desired to me. The shadow should be more or less like that around his neck --> \/. About his nose, it's still not realistic, you can use the bloat tool in liquify to make the center of his nose tip (whatever, I don't know how to call) to be rounder. Just find an photo and observed the real nose than you can figure it out
Great feedback--much appreciated. I think I have an idea what to do now. Thanks again.
Pretty good, nobody thought of turning forward the man!
Okay here goes...attempt number 3. Altered the shadow again and fixed the nose (hopefully). How is it now? The bloat tool didn't work as desired so I blended it with another asian man's nose.
Good idea, but do something to alter the symmetry on the face, so it doesn't look like you just flopped it...otherwise it's a good image.
Thanks, CMYK. What would you suggest? Adding some assymetrical details to the features? I already did a bit of work on the hair so that it doesn't look too mirrored but I'm not sure what else to do. :/ This is my first try at attempting something like this.
Author, just play around...remove some shadows, etc...it shouldn't be hard to alter the symmetry.
Okay I get what your saying now. I fixed it up a bit. Any better now? Again, thanks alot for the feedback.
Yes, that's much better...good luck!
nice work --- has been interesting to watch this this one evolve
perfect ! --- completely different and nice work ! Good luck author !!
Very nice...good luck author
congrats !!
Thank you everyone!
congrats for 2nd
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to modish, GlennPeb (Has been notified), ratnesh and nfocus (Has been notified)
(Yes I know it it not a monk** but it is a great image) (5 years and 3796 days ago)
This looks very 'copy and paste' try adding shadows and matching colours and lighting
heheh! Good work author...
if you add a bit of contrast to the gorilla or something even, it might bring it a tad more in line with the other items
Boot is to sharp,blur it a bit...gl
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great job on the hands and face especially like the work on the clothing and lighting
Nice work...but in all honesty, he does look like he is wearing a wet suit.
very very nice work author...One of the top entry's for sure...I have the same nit pick as freejay,he's vest is to tight...
Shadows are inconsistent or missing. (Like inside the hood on his left side, and there wouldn't be a hand shadow on the chest).
well done ...please tell me the version or the software used to create the image..........
nice work ! g l
Great image
Nice one!
Congrats! for 2nd place
Congratulations....great entry
congrats on the 2nd......
please tell us the software used......or the version...............
Thanks for Your comments and votes.
congrats man
Howdie stranger!
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