(5 years and 2660 days ago)
The two search words are:
Misty Rainforest (5 years and 2812 days ago)
Nice use of source images, I like the tones of the background. GL
Thank you, rusvelt2000!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 2821 days ago)
Silly Spooky! love that, reminds me of I Know What You Did Last Summer LOL
Oh yeaaaah!! agree a bit spooky,this is my fav!.. GL
Very dramatic. Well done
Congratulations for third......
Howdie stranger!
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own photos
1. monks
2. field
3.mountains (5 years and 2838 days ago)
The HILLS ARE ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! with sound of MONKS!!! hehehe
super great masking, and the little flowers are fantastic at the base of their robes
Yes - agree with drivenslush. This is gorgeous! I love how the colour of the litte pink flowers is picked up in the robes.
Thank you both. I really like that photo of the monks, but the background was just so boring.
They seem so happy!!
That what I liked about them when I took the photo.
Wow, great photos! Good masking of all, author.
really thought this would place so much higher, it is absolutely brilliant with great detail work.. Still okay, but kind of a burn in my eyes, but who am I? giggle snort.. Great work, you should be very proud of a job super well done!!!
Thank you, your encouraging words will keep me trying. Would have loved to at least get a place.
Yes Friiskiwi - sorry this didn't get a place as I loved it. Please keep doing more of this delightful work.
thank you
Howdie stranger!
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This piece of art is my dedication to the nature itself because I love mountains and mystical creatures.
Techniques I’ve been used is a matte painting inside Adobe Photoshop and digital painting with PaintTool SAI. Lots of chops from the source image as well as textures to cover the Stone Sentinel’s body, dirt and manipulate the surroundings; all with my graphic tablets.
No external images required in the process.
Brush in Photoshop is required to clip masks the source image and Brush with paper texture in SAI is applied to summon the one and only Stone Sentinel with its dirt around the environment and the ‘Stone Sentinel Slayer’.
Hope you like my creation; because I had a lot of fun to complete this artworks.
Thanks for viewing (also to my WIP field) and have a great time! (5 years and 2910 days ago)
Amazing work, perfection in every detail!
superb work.... very comic book like
fantasy creatures are always my favorite..... no probs wat they look like and wat they do... .
good luck buddy
love everything in this image! Great work!
Thanks for nice comments, friends. It means a lot to me and I'll keep them coming for upcoming contest (if there's no problems to my current job) as well. Lots of great entries here, just wanna slip with my fantasy creatures imagination though. = )
Still have many details lost to my final result, still need a lot of improvements to the painting and compositing. Hope everyone like it. Have a great time!
° °
Instant FAV!! perfect!..
amazing SBS author..
my respects to you!!
Good Luck!
IMO too much filter is used on the background and a lot of the detail disappeared. REALLY nice composition overall though and good use of source!
Thanks for the nice comments and FAV, friends. Really means a lot to me.
@Kid; you're mistaken. It's not filters I've been used for the background. It's a digital painting method with SAI Brush that has a textured like a paper (watercolor rough paper) and it's obviously to distract viewer's eyes into the main composition; the Golem and the Fat Boy. = )
Thanks once again and hope I'll improve my final artwork for the next time. Also have a great-great time, fellow artist.
° °
good job!
Howdie stranger!
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Great fantasy image, good color & lighting!
nice source pics
Yeap, agree with above, it all fits well. Also nice SBS and convincing result. Good luck!
perfect shades of colors, very good
Congrats for 1st!
Congrats Dustfinger
wonderful work
Howdie stranger!
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