Photoshop Pictures: My (page 35)

results 171 - 175 of 374

My New Toy - created by Lamantine

My New Toy
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 11/20Score: 52.8% (0)5466 views

Credits to Adam Borkowski , Darren Nickerson , ~matrija-stock , =SalsolaStock and Sergey Tokarev and =night-fate-stock.

Updated. (5 years and 3261 days ago)

6 Sources:

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Great illustration of the size concept, but the lighting needs a lot of work. The planet is not lit so poorly that the baby's feet would be almost invisible in shadow, unless it was night. By contrast, there is a glaring white spot on the baby's shoulder that is very distracting, and is matched by the overly bright spot on the diaper.
The elephant "toy" (EXCELLENT size emphasis for the image) should have some sort of harness, instead of the cable just coming out of his back, and shows a rough extraction edge and some white pixels ~ Try using the Extraction Tool or the Pen Tool for better edges.

Consistency and edges are the key to good Photo-chopping, and you cannot "cover up" inconsistencies by simply making everything dark.

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Well said MossyB. I think you said enough for everyone. But it is a cute idea

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My pet dolphins - created by layerstack

My pet dolphins
Favs: 0SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 7/20Score: 52.4% (5)8018 views

Thanks for all your feedback. I have made some changes which you all mentioned and feel this has improved the image 100% from the original. Once again thanks for your feedback and pointing me in the right direction. (5 years and 3266 days ago)

2 Sources:

no avatar
neobonde says:

Try to make the water a little more transparent
good work

author says:

Yeah, i see what you mean Thanks

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Instead of keeping the reflection on the edges like in the original try to take a piece of that rock & dolphins, warp it and lower oppacity to give realistic reflection on the recipient's walls ( i hope you understand what I'm saying.
And yeah, make the water trasparent & the jar itself.
Afterwards, select a the part of the image behind the jar and distort it. Something like this:

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

The water needs transparency... it looks like milk.

avatar greymval
greymval says:

It looks better.

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

Very cute!

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Putting my foot down! - created by Disco

Putting my foot down!
Favs: 1SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 4/20Score: 56.3% (31)13040 views

With thanks to andres.thor for the image of the prostrate man. (5 years and 3271 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good idea, but edges need cleaning up, especially on the left leg. Part of the background is still there between the jeans & shoe on the right side, and there's some sort of patch beneath the man's eye.

author says:

Now for once, CMYK46, you're very wrong - the legs are perfectly cut out, they are in fact seperate legs and clean as a whistle - am going to add them to my sbs now ( thought I'd done that) The patch under the man's eye is just part of him , (his lower lashes I believe) - does look odd though I must admit. I think you can see that if you look at the original pic in SBS's. Off to add the clean cut legs now........

author says:

Legs now No. 7 in sbs. Not had time to doctor them so that's how they were and are!

author says:

I can wait for a little apology - but bear in mind that I am booked in fot the "Horse og the year show" NOVEMBER 2011

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

This is nitpicking, but on the jeans beneath the man's eye, compare to the source image...there's some sort of irregularity there that looks like it's patched in. And at right of the left shoe, directly below the cuff, there's still a triangular piece of background that the arm of the star is pointing at.

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The figure is a bit too sharp in focus. A little Depth of Field blurring would help the visual believability.

The left leg is problematic to this piece. Looking at the DOF blur of the floor and the angle of the camera, that left foot should be slightly larger at the heel, and toe needs to be angled upwards a bit, not "flat" on the bottom edge of the image. Also, the pant leg on the left leg is doing a weird "pinched in" mirror effect at the ankle, and shows an odd gray fade mark running about 10 inches up the back of the leg and stopping.

The light source on the man's face is very strong, striking his chin and lower cheek from the top. This would make the shadows of the legs stronger on the left.
I cannot visually "read" the forearm with the watch on it. It looks like a brushed metal pipe, not a hairy forearm...

Personally, I'd suggest darkening those eyelashes. The light reflection on them is too distracting to your overall image.

author says:

MossyB - I'll need a day or two to digest all the info, but thanks for it all the same. CKYM46, I QUOTE "And at right of the left shoe, directly below the cuff, there's still a triangular piece of background that the arm of the star is pointing at." It is in fact the black strap of the man's watch! With regard to the jeans just below the man's eye - it's just where the jeans fold on to the shoe (foot) Baggy jeans man!!

author says:

Tomorrow, tomorrow............

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

LOL...the LEFT shoe!

author says:

THE END! (Baggy jeans and all!) Thanks for all the comments, they really have been appreciated - have simply done my best! I realise it may not be good enough......

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Dude, it's a good entry, don't get discouraged, we've all seen a hell lot worse. People here are just trying to help u improve, it would be more unpleasant not to have any feedback.

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Very good.

avatar George55
George55 says:

looks great.... you did a good job.... good luck

author says:

Aw, thanks George!

avatar hereisanoop

Congrats.., very nice entry

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My Lab to Another Dimension - created by pearlie

My Lab to Another Dimension
Favs: 1SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 3/20Score: 59.3% (25)12531 views

Here's a shot of me in my lab during some free time, powering up my backpack equipment for some traveling. I've devised a portal through which I can travel to other times in order to get some flying time in different aircraft.

OK, the truth: this is a composite of two photographs of me taken by my neighbor and friend, Tana, in my 'Amelia Earhart' outfit. I'm wearing a real leather flight helmet, with a pair of Swiss ski goggles - used for size and placement of the locomotive pieces. I found this cool shot of an aviation instruction center, and posed so that I could sit at the table holding the controlling device. See sbs for details. (5 years and 3275 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar RayTedwell

I like what youve done here, made your own stargate . Nice one.

avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

Really nice use of source! Good luck!

avatar madamemonty

A really fun image, I like it , perhaps you could work on the shadows of yourself and the stargate, look at the shadow of the table you are sitting at for direction and length, good luck

author says:

Thanks for the comments, and good observation Madamemonty - I've made some changes, looks better to me, shadows can be tricky! Feedback is appreciated.
Edit: Learned something new and tweaked this again.

avatar arca
arca says:

Love the attention you have paid to the detail ... like the picture of Amelia on the wall and the goggles are perfect. Great work!

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Yes indeed arca is right about the attention to detail, the shadow on the wall of yourself is a nice touch. Very nice!

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Very creative

avatar erathion
erathion says:

great humor and perfect execution...well done author

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place, Pearlie!

avatar DigitalPro


author says:

Thanks for your votes and support, this was a fun chop, I really got into it!

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Congrats Pearlie, I saw you share the same interest with the mechanics things as me . That's the great job with many details, you should spend long time for searching the sources and put them well together.

avatar spaceranger

Congrats!! Nicely done!

avatar hereisanoop

congrats for the 3rd place....

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats...great entry...

avatar Drivenslush


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My friend in the moon - created by ramsesje

My friend in the moon
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 16/20Score: 52.5% (0)5238 views

I made this one after my dearest friend Geert died at the age of 48.
Please see the sbs to understand all of the symbols
I put in this work. (5 years and 3276 days ago)

1 Source:

author says:

Thank you Nator

avatar erathion
erathion says:


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