Photoshop Pictures: Night (page 25)

results 121 - 125 of 270

silence night - created by apocalips

silence night
Favs: 0SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 14/21Score: 53.1% (0)8129 views

(5 years and 3157 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar RayTedwell

Nice job, the only thing I would suggest would be to desaturate the house a little more. The yellow is still quite vivid, and it wouldnt be this bright in low light.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Interesting work

avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

What happened to the lights in step 6? I kinda preferred them, but maybe you had a reason for changing them. Good luck!

avatar Drivenslush

good work

author says:


avatar hymerion
hymerion says:

I'm sorry that my comment come too late, but the side of the house standing opposite of the moon should be much darker...

Howdie stranger!
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Night Snow - created by Chalty669

Night Snow
Favs: 9SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 1/21Score: 62.3% (43)17933 views

Only background source used (5 years and 3158 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

This is really great, very good work.

avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

nice work, would maybe soften some of the foreground hi res they look a little clean cut.... but still an excellent chop, well done

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great! I could nitpick a few things, but I won't. It's a fine image...GL author!

avatar Brunheroti

Nice work!

avatar lolu
lolu says:

Just perfect ! Good luck author !

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice work

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Well done, VERY convincing!

no avatar
marina08 says:

Really love it! And very good sbs!

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Well done

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

I know this is not a comment, but tells pretty much what I mean . Also good SBS

avatar Derivatix
Derivatix says:

stunning, great work and great sbs! Good luck!

author says:

Thank you everyone, for the comments and kind words!

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic work author...really really great day to night transformation...well done, this is one of the best in the contest for of luck author

avatar Drivenslush

YEEEEKK!! (very nice job) but still YEEEEK!! (thank god I live in Florida)

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Really well done, I would have not even known this was a day shot to start with if I saw this pic elsewhere = )

avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:


avatar arca
arca says:

Great work. You have created a realistic and dynamic image. Lovely conversion and super final product! You are my hero (this week )

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Very nice result, you made the right mood with the right skills. Good luck!

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Chalty beautifully done

avatar arca
arca says:

Congratulations ... great work!

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

Gorgeous , and very deserving of the win.

avatar lolu
lolu says:

Congrats !

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats! Really nice image, Chalty.

avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

Well deserved!

avatar Drivenslush


avatar k5683
k5683 says:

AWESOME! You did a great job! The source image is awesome in itself.

avatar locxoul
locxoul says:


avatar dreamboy
dreamboy says:

Congrats Chalty, you done good work.

avatar spaceranger


avatar ramesan
ramesan says:


no avatar
marina08 says:


avatar hereisanoop

Congrats on the first place..

Howdie stranger!
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Night Walkers - created by Norman

Night Walkers
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 16/21Score: 52.7% (0)8655 views

Thanks to Bizior for the use of the image. (5 years and 3159 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Too much yellow for a night scene...night would be more blue.

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Too dark. All I can see is some yellow ground with a couple shadows walking on it. The lamp isn't illuminating very much...

avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:

Only a stronger light would cover that much ground and cast that shadow. Yelow is fine for incandescent light, the fringe of the image should be cooler or neutral...simple rule... light = color...less light, less color....if you want a realistic look. Should have a strong set shad at the base of the feet casting off gradually. This image has a ton of potential..nice effort....whoever you are...i'll vote now.

avatar arca
arca says:

I agree ... this is a lovely effort and definitely moving in the right direction!!!

Could desaturate it some or give it a more "night" colour (blues & purples work well for night). Except where the lamp is (as Stowsk mentioned) the lamp is fine casting a soft yellow glow.

Other than that I will leave the shadow comments to those with more skill in that area ... I think you are getting pretty close (but as I have said before, shadows are not my strong point).

Overall this is looking to be a very lovely image ... I think I will wait to vote as I think this image could get better and better!

author says:

Thanks for all the nice comets. In the source photo there is a lot of yellow and the absents of light will not turn it blue or purple. The lights in my rendition are gas like at my home and do cast yellow on yellow leaves. Yes it is dark but there is no moon and night is dark. Sorry all of you don’t like it but it was fun doing it anyway.

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

There is a very old song by the Moody Blues, "Nights in White Satin" with the lyrics:
"Cold-hearted orb rules the night,
Removes the colors from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow, white,
And we decide which is right,
And which is an illusion... "

Your lightening of the ambient light has improved this quite a bit, lifting it from the ubiquitous black void so popular in too many entries.

avatar ShiZa
ShiZa says:

everything is dark! where's the logic?

author says:

ShiZa Averroes defined logic as "the tool for distinguishing between the true and the false". So if its night it is most likely dark.

author says:

So true about what you have said MossyB. The art is in the eye of who creates it not the possibility of a buyer. Real art has no price because it belongs to the creator. Ask that to the Admins on here . They are so busy looking for copy rights. I do this for fun thats it.

avatar spaceranger

You're the author, whatever you think looks right for your creation is all that matters. The suggestions given are meant to improve your work based on the realism of the piece. You commented "In the source photo there is a lot of yellow and the absents of light will not turn it blue or purple." Actually if you look at the visible spectrum: , you'll notice the chart of spectral colors. At the top are violet, blue and cyan. These are high frequency low wavelength colors, the lower frequency higher wavelength colors are less visible when there is less light so in reality even a bright yellow flower will lose its color when the amount of light is reduced.
I don't understand your comment "Ask that to the Admins on here . They are so busy looking for copy rights. I do this for fun thats it." What does Administration have to do with your entry or any comments made. Moderators look for copyrights and see that rules are followed among other responsibilities as well as assisting members with problems. Apparently we even comment on entries (I just did), so what's the problem?

author says:

spaceranger you took what I said out of context. "Real art has no price because it belongs to the creator." What I said was not about the Moderators doing there job they should.

avatar spaceranger

I still don't understand what your comment means within context or without. Ask What of the Admins? Your statement makes no sense, MossyB didn't ask a question only made a nicely poetic statement and complimented your work. So I ask again what do you mean by :"Ask that to the Admins on here . They are so busy looking for copy rights. I do this for fun thats it."

author says:

spaceranger take the source pic of mine and do all the different ways of darking it and see if you get blues or purples. As far as the Mods jobs I don't have a problem with it you just don't understand what I said. Mabey I will paint you a picture in Paint.

Howdie stranger!
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A good night`s rest. - created by HELSIEN

A good night`s rest.
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/21Score: 51.4% (0)10908 views

(5 years and 3160 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

You might want to post a step-by-step, or a link to the transparency tutorial.

author says:

No tutorial to refer to,its just a simple plastic wrap with the hue and saturation adjustment.And some blur around the edges,real simple no tutorial needed.I like working things out for myself,more fun than following tutorials.Thx for your comment.

avatar ShiZa
ShiZa says:

the effect you wanted to create dont works in my eyes!

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very very nice piece author...@what is with u ShiZa do u have somethings nice to say about others work...if u want to gave critique then give creative advice how to author fix his u just trashing others work and that is not good start of luck author

author says:

Maybe we have different views on what effect we want?Difficult to say,besause you only give a negativie comment,without anything else.Thx Erathion appreciate the positive comment,it really helps to encourage people to enter again.

avatar Mad
Mad says:

I like what you've tried to achieve and I like your idea. Good luck

avatar arca
arca says:

Interesting concept and results.

Howdie stranger!
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Night Creature - created by TwilightMuse

Night Creature
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 13/21Score: 51.1% (0)5263 views

The girl is my photo and the background is Blackdown Hill 1 - Stock
by *GothicBohemianStock
The cat was provided by pxleyes.
I started this earlier in the week and got interupted by a vacation. I finished it late lastnight. The SBS is animated because thats the easiest/quickest way to do it if your in a time crunch.
All the coloring on the girl was done my me. (5 years and 3161 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Very good work. As dark as this is, you have the contrast high enough that the image is visible, not just a sea of black with some vague shapes. That alone makes this above many other works...Really nice job!

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

I like this! I almost think it would be even more effective if the outer areas weren't so saturated and gradually got to where it is on the woman. Just a thought. Great job.

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Like this to. Though the girl is a little to much in the middle composition wise.

avatar arca
arca says:

I agree with all the above ... and nice work!

avatar jcfreak6363


avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

It really hard to see this. I think you made it too dark. I had to go to your SBS, just to find out where you used the source.

Howdie stranger!
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