Photoshop Pictures: Odyssey

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The Blue Odyssey... - created by Nellista

The Blue Odyssey...
Favs: 3SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/58Score: 61.4% (15)15577 views

For me blue can be a fluffy cloud, the serene sky, a magic eye, the refreshing water, a precipitant comet in space, a delicate flower, a free butterfly or the simple and sincere smile of a child!
I feel like blue surrounds me everywhere and combining all of the above helped me create "My Blue Odyseey"!

The main method in this image has been the combining of different images using a lot of masking and blue coloring.

Hope you like it!

(5 years and 3670 days ago)

9 Sources:

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Talk about your Visine Overload.. I dont' know where to look first ...hehehehe.. it's weird, While I look at this I get overwhelmed with the smell of GRAND CHAMPA incense (My roommate worked in a new age store and he came home smelling like that) and this Picture would have been right over his bed LOL.. good luck and great skill author

EDIT: whoops..the little girl peaking in is a trip.. LOL

avatar OliviasArts

beautiful work

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

A stunning image, but you missed the largest butterfly - it has reds and pinks in it still along the leading edge of the wing.

avatar BlueSparkle

Just beautiful! Well done! GL

avatar nishagandhi


no avatar
unkskitty says:


avatar burtzomega


avatar gopankarichal

welldone, nice feel

avatar akasha
akasha says:

great blending of all those sources

avatar chakra1985

nice job

avatar Christy
Christy says:

Great Image and Staying on Theme!! IMO the starburst in the eye is a little much maybe fade it slightly...Good Luck

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Really liked this one! Thought it should have placed higher.

avatar orientallad

you did very well, keep going

avatar chakra1985


Howdie stranger!
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