(5 years and 3666 days ago)
:) (5 years and 3708 days ago)
It is a good idea, but try finding a highr res pic..it seems too pixelated :S GL
Good concept but a very noisy image.....
Yeah, I agree with you... But when I think I found a pic, or the angle is not that good, or like this, the resolution is poor...
I agree with the comments aboce, try to find a bigger picture. good luck!
And how about now? I think it's quite better...
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Thanks to Lelaina for her forest background :) (5 years and 3757 days ago)
very good...
super cool image but it looks like you only used the doll. you need more of the source
Uber moody, but the dark figure is hard to see against the dark tree...
Very minimal source used. I imagine you are new author and when it comes to source photoshop contests, it's ideal to use a lot more than you have.
... okay, i guess i made a mistake. I'm not new to this site, and i was aware that the provided source could be used in any way, there's not much more of the source i can add to this image, but thanks for your comments.
Author, you used the source image. What part you choose to use is up to you, and IMHO you used it well.
Thank you very much Nator and CMYK. Nator - i brightened up the Santa as much as i could, but unfortunately the .PSD file was corrupt, and so i had to do it straight on the JPEG. I hope it still looks okay.
Finall result is great but this is minimal use of source...
congrats matteo!
Congrats! for 3rd place
great idea, innitially i thought you used the doors to make the trees
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3809 days ago)
Very, very good! fantastic work, especially in leaving the glasses there. Great creation of depth.. i love it!
his skull looks like the moon, very nice
Skin comes off & glasses stay on? No blood...?
like the title it's only skin cmyk ... I don't add blood or muscle there, cause it'll be too creepy I think. Why the glasses still there...well....look cool isn't it...bwa ha ha ha....
Thanks for comment guys...
did you try warping it a little as if it was like plastic coming off his face? That would be neat I think because when the skin comes off, it doesn't stay intact.
@k5683 : yes... i was thinking to warp the face, but i prefer to put it just like that. Like Billy Joel said ".... I wanna just the way skin are...."
interesting creation..nice work. GL sorry no other constructive ideas.
I think leaving the skin in tact the way it is was a great idea. It makes him seem more like he's not real. GL.
Howdie stranger!
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source only (5 years and 3829 days ago)
A high res would be great, to see the details. One thing is see right now, is that you forgot to erase a part of the former background where the little pavilion is on the left side. And you need to fix your source link, it doesn't work right now. Good luck
Thanks Lelaina. Your comments were very helpful. Fixed what I could. Thank you!
This is a unique use of the source image. Wasn't expecting this one!
There is something about this picture that makes me want to keep looking at it, particularly the people and the sky.
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Josh, it's totally CC and free to use.
(Wiki's an excellent place to look if you just check out the credits, just like EveryStock can steer you wrong if you don't check original sources there too).
The original
Ok, well not my place to say, that's the mods decision. I just know that not everything on there is free to use, like googling images.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Oh the beauty!!!!!!!!!!!! He was so fun to watch! RIP!
Oh that's funny! What a great showman he was! Ditto what annabat said! BTW jawshoewhah Wikipedia uses creative commons and public domain images and states usage rights. It also shows the image is from flickr also with a CC license.
Very funny... he WAS a great showman
LOL...nice one...good luck
Good to know I'll remember that thanks!
too funny! love it!
Howdie stranger!
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