(5 years and 2840 days ago)
(5 years and 3140 days ago)
this is cool.. especially the work you've done with the hairs..
Dramatic change, nice work!
well done and nice blend, hi res is still small though.
I recommend making her irises round. That got lost in the reshaping. Good luck!
Wow! Love it, it looks as she is truly oriental! Best of luck!
">Let me know if you use my image.
>When using our stock you are agreeing that the work it is involved with, will remain ONLY on DeviantART and may not be placed on any other website
>you may not use the stock images for website templates, or for commerical and/or profitable use "
thank you to withdraw my images on this website
KatanazStock, assuming that you're the same person as the one from DA, you'd know that on the front page of your profile you allow people to use the stock outside DA. I cant say anything about the 1st point, but the 2nd one shouldnt be an issue here.
Author, good luck!
EDIT: KS, feel free to define "commerical and/or profitable use", s'il vous plaît
Katanaz writes:
As of 28th of July 08, you now have permission to use our stock OUTSIDE of DeviantART!! This is brilliant news, and I'm sure many of you agree as in the past we'd sadly turned down hundreds of requests.
However, when using our stock outside of DeviantART you MUST include credit and a link back to our direct profile page here on DeviantART.
Note: katanaz`s last visit to deviant art was 28 weeks ago, the real katanaz would have checked thier DA account for notes before writing this garbage!
I will assume that your lack of knowledge about your own rules implies that you are an imposter!.....A fellow pxl member trying to have entries removed to make way for your own perhaps? Well I`m sure the mods will have access to IP address`s & lets hope you haven`t already tried to red flag this image under your own name, whilst using the same uneducated reason for removal...that would be a telling clue wouldnt it?
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
If you take an oriental person and spin him around a few times, does he become disoriented?
(no offence guys! :)
(5 years and 3944 days ago)
gosh he's a man not a woman!!!
well, honestly, I didn't check, but those poor guys seem disoriented
verry funny, and well done
Nice reflection in the water! GL!
High marks for your interpretation.. completely NOT what I would have dreamnt.. super duper.. love to see other's thought.. good LUCK hehehe
funny man nice idea
lol well done
i'm asian. i dont get it. can someone explain this?
Nice idea good luck!
Nice work, good luck
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Thank you again
Thanx a lot
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: