Thanks very much for the stocks!
iSuat (5 years and 3489 days ago)
(5 years and 3493 days ago)
The divergent thinking . nice work .. g l
Funny, now nobody cares of the parede, we need a can of Raid!
Ok, how did you make the ants?
Erikuri i made the giant ants by cutting out shapes from the wooden texture used as a source(lined above) and then used dodge and burn tool and drew the legs and the antennae...
Howdie stranger!
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Spec Thanks to Chefranden
for use of his picture found on Flickr photo sharing.com & chefranden photostrem. (5 years and 3493 days ago)
The perspectives of the horses and riders are a little off. They're too big.
jawshoewhah Thanks any better?I saw they pxle bad the smaller I make them
did you download the high resolution version of the source1 image? i'm asking because the cowboys look kinda weird. like you used an awkward combination of filters on em. also, they're too blurry compared to the rest of the image, especially the background when they are supposed be the ones in focus. but the chopping must have taken forever!
Yes but flickr has changed the way photo's come up now I took largest picture but when you make them smaller they pixle I thought it would be good but maybe I should have left alone yea it was a lot of chopping I don't like way pictures come up on flickr now I don't know if I have enough time to re do
The parade is indeed nice, but the shadows are weak (compared with shadows on right side of image) and the rear paraders seem oversized relative to the parade watchers.
The rear paraders if you look at blond girl standing and guy on horse they look same size. The horses were re sized before
good shadows
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3495 days ago)
Nice idea. Not sure if the machines should have been helicopters for more realism but good effort.
Nice! You did a great job with the lighting, the bridge...and pretty much everything. Awesome!
Really nice work here! I especially like the extra rays traveling through the bridge. Good luck!
Looks good! Try to distort the far end of the bridge so it's smaller, and the perspective will be better. GL.
extreemly cool!
Very realistic, I like the ilumination!
PS: You really should make a SBS for this. Would definitely improve your vote.
Update: added sbs
very cool work author...gl
Now that's what I wish Springville looked like!
nice one
Congrats, great job!
Congrats, terrific work
Thanks for the congrats... didn't really expect this one to win!
Congratulations on your first place!
Congratulation...best of luck...!!!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Spec Thanks to Chefranden
for use of picture of Corvette
and Hot Rod found on Flickr Photo Sharing.com & chefeanden photostream.
Spec Thanks to Nikias for clown picture found on Flickr photo sharing.com & nikias photostream. (5 years and 3496 days ago)
the shadows need some work. the shadow from the clown in back is across the one in fronts head. and the legs on the shadows are off. as with the umbrella. the car in back may be a bit big. good luck. i like that the clowns are looking the same way as the people, like there is something over there.
Perspectives are way off. The cars are huge.
Like the concept, the filling up of the empty space, the colorfulness. But I have to agree with the previous comments.
Like the concept, the filling up of all the empty space, the colorfulness. But I have to agree with the previous comments.
Ok guys Thanks here's a remake any better?
I think the balloon strings are too thick. Try to make them using pen tool (2 or 3 pxl) and draw them stretched.
erikuri Thanks I guess it don't pay to hurry I should have seen that...lol Thanks
Author i think apply guassian blur to shadows
pretty much what every one else said
Thanks mounirupa but I had guassisn bur at 8 as you saw it. I just added 3 more over that maybe becuse of size not sure. Hows this now/
Howdie stranger!
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agree with gamemastertips
hahahhahahahaha, soooo funny!
GL ;-b
Poor king or queen in this case...gl
Howdie stranger!
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