Photoshop Pictures: Path

results 1 - 5 of 37

Becoming the Path - created by magicalfruittuts

Becoming the Path
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 9/11Score: 53.2% (0)5178 views

Life is about the journey, not the destination.
Relish the journey.
It is wise to contemplate your universal moment on the path. (4 years and 251 days ago)

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Hidden Path - created by DanielaOwergoor

Hidden Path
Favs: 4SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/11Score: 69.7% (81)14641 views

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

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avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

It's a good idea, but I don't understand the light source behind the windows. IMO the original darkness is more effective. Your entry might benefit from a SBS so we understand your thinking.

author says:

Thank you very much for your comment and your interpretation, CMYK.

There is nothing to understand, buddy, is purely surreal, ie it would be impossible to have light in a place like this, if you check the images used, can realizes that it is a desert. The light behind given source, lamps in the desert... all surreal. You can clearly see that the door itself is not attached to any wall, every idea is surreal, is not to be a realistic scene!
Hope this explanation have helped.

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Surreal or not, the perspective is wonky, with the lampposts being about 4 1/2 feet tall in relation to the door behind them... The lighting is not "surreal," it's nonsensical. Perhaps you do not know what the Surrealism Art movement was all about, but trust when I say it is not to excuse poor Composition.

Surrealism focuses on organic shapes, twisting lines, visual textures and lighting specifically angled and shadowed to help convey a mood, not just lights tossed around with no logical illumination or shadows.

Your lighting of the archway provides no illumination of the ground in front of it, and the midget lampposts do not cast proper illumination of the ground directly below them.

CMYK was being kind in requesting an SBS. Whatever your thought processes, buddy, they are far more "surreal" than the lighting in this entry...

It really shows a lot of promise, but it also shows some glaring continuity issues that "surreal" cannot hide or excuse.

Regarding lighting, I would note that Salvador Dalí, for example, generally depicted realistic shadows which I think contributed to the disturbing nature of his images by giving a sense of reality to the unreal. The glow around the streetlights here (that don't illuminate the pavement below them) make them seem like they're in front of a stage backdrop to me.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

author says:

Thank you for your opinion MossyB, also, thank you very much Dan for your opinion too.
Always interesting hear all sides.

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar tnaylor21286

Maybe a little more contrast between the figure and the door. The person gets a little lost. Other than that I really like this work. I love anything surreal, when done well (As you have done here). Great work author, good luck.

Thanks for pointing out that there's a figure in front of the door. The fact that I hadn't noticed it is clearly telling. I agree that there is a lot to like here, however.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

author says:

Thank you very much for your comment Tnaylor, much appreciated! You too Dan, many thanks!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar RickLaMesa

nice lighting

author says:

Many thanks Rick!!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar George55
George55 says:

Download the photo on the left and manipulate it in any way you want. You did your work, it is your idea, and if is surreal or not, this is the way you wanted to present it. It is good to give constructive criticism or suggestions about an entry. But at least tell the author how he / she can improve their work. Negative comments do not work. Good luck author, you have the talent, and you have your ideas!

author says:

Thank you so much for your kindness, George, always supporting me, you're lovely!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Dramatic elements and color palette. In addition to tweaks others have mentioned (except I myself like the bright light behind the windows if it were to illuminate the foreground a tad), I wonder if the moon is a bit too small for maximum drama (plus add three or four stars to the sky?) and if eliminating the left-hand street light would create a more compelling diagonal composition.

It just occurred to me that moving the figure to midground with footsteps in the sand behind him might be evocative.

author says:

Many, many, many thanks for your attention and comments, Dan, i'll consider your tips to my next entries!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

no avatar

Wonderful work, very creative and original. I loved it so much my favorit good luck!

author says:

Thank you so much for your kindness, sweets!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar minnie
minnie says:

The colors and mood are beautiful, but I feel the streetlights are too small. Maybe if you placed them farther back, behind the door... and that would count for the lighting on the windows... just an idea!!

author says:

Thank you very much for your comment, dear!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

no avatar

I think this is a great image. Well thought-out. I love the light behind the doors. It's central to the theme here, I believe. Sort of like the light at the end of the tunnel. It's funny, when I first saw this entry a few days ago, I didn't notice the figure. Whatever, if anything you did, it was the right move. Nice work all around. It's obviously art as you've garnered quite a bit of thought from the PXL audience. S. Dahli would be proud. Art is, after all, quite subjective.

author says:

Hey dear, hear these kind words from an artist as you is more than a honor! Thank you so much!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

elegant, bravo

author says:

Thank you very much!!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

avatar Chrys Rizzo

Very nice and deserved. Nice week for you!

author says:

Thank you so much!!!

(5 years and 2411 days ago)

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Path to a New World - created by Sapphyreopal5

Path to a New World
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/11Score: 62.6% (25)29780 views

This is my entry for the Pathway contest. This is my first contest entry here on pxleyes ^_^ (5 years and 2439 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar Chrys Rizzo

I'm amazed at the creativity and composition of each one on these contests, it is fantastic! This is gorgeous!

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nicely done for a first entry.

avatar George55
George55 says:

Welcome to Pxleyes....! Yes, your work looks nice, I like the sky and the blendings you did to put the image together. Good luck....!

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Strange Path - created by DanielaOwergoor

Strange Path
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/11Score: 66.8% (32)16927 views

Cave by cliodna: (5 years and 2443 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar Chrys Rizzo

Good job... GL

author says:

Thank you, dear!

(5 years and 2437 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Quite ok, that open gate only makes it more strange, haha. Tiny nitpick, wouldnt it be easier and look more naural if you use the left side (for viewer) of the moustache, so it really shapes like some kind of entrance? That moustache part also has a side going in, would make it even more realistic, but it's up to you. Good luck!

author says:

Thank you so much for your constructive comment, Wazowski, much appreciated! Actually, any of your hint is welcome, but I don't want to look further into this work, as much as I hated this result. I was too tired to do something better, and the result was this, some unattractive. I believe (i know!) you're right in your point of view to improve this piece, but i can't fix anymore, no free time!
Anyway, thank you VERY much!!

(5 years and 2437 days ago)

avatar George55
George55 says:

Congrats Daniela.....!

author says:

Thank you so much, dear!!

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:


author says:

Thank you!

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

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Path - created by ekatwalker

Favs: 0SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 11/11Score: 59.1% (0)4716 views

(5 years and 2478 days ago)

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