Photoshop Pictures: Penguin

results 1 - 5 of 18

The Guardian - created by BWR

The Guardian
Favs: 0SBS: 15Hi-resRank: 2/23Score: 61.8% (30)15882 views

Penguin is ready for battle.

Pike Weapon - TY Rama

Left Castle - TY Mike Peel

(5 years and 1063 days ago)

10 Sources:

avatar WYSIWYG


author says:


(5 years and 1063 days ago)

author says:

CMYK46.. I'll understand this stuff eventually. Sources added. Thanks for the heads up.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

OK links are fine now.

avatar Drivenslush


avatar tinasedits

Very detailed, good job!

author says:

mahalo tinasedits

(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Nice image and great step by step.

author says:


(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Ohhhhh so so so so corny that it is gooooood! I couldn't help but laugh. Your imagination and creativity shine and it looks like you put a lot of work into it and have succeeeded.

author says:

TY still26

(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:


author says:

Mahalo nui skyangel

(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar demi
demi says:

Congrats BWR

author says:

Haha demi you always have nice things to say

(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar demi
demi says:

avatar spaceranger

mau hoohiwahiwa!!

author says:

mahalo aku oe i ko`u hoa

(spaceranger runs to google translate)

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

Didn't have to... watched 8 seasons of Hawaii 50 iki hoahanau.

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

author says:

Haha SR. You da man!!

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Congrats on this win.

author says:

I don't get it still26. Why do people congratulate you on a "win" even if you come in 2nd or 3rd?


(5 years and 1058 days ago)

Moderator says:

Place in the top 3, you're a winner. 1st-Gold, 2nd-Silver, 3rd-Bronze...just like the Olympics. Look at your portfolio, you'll see a Winner flag next to each of your 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries. You also earn talent points (tp) 35tp for 1st, 30tp for 2nd and 25tp for 3rd.

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

author says:

Thank you moderator. Makes sense.

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats BWR!

author says:

TY Zizounai

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


author says:

Mahalo Drivenslush

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

The moderator gave a better answer than I could have.

author says:

Yea I think they summed it up perty good.

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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Skiing Penguin - created by skyangel

Skiing Penguin
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 4/23Score: 60.2% (20)13178 views

(5 years and 1064 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar Drivenslush

awwwwwWWWWWwWeeeeeeeeeeeee! awe awe awesome!!!

avatar tinasedits

Nice shadow work.

avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh dear oh dear, this is you and you got top notch and thumbs up. The way you make your manipulations look real is quite an achievement. I look for marginal telltale signs and you have none, it really is a well done image and I laughed out loud with this entry.

avatar still26
still26 says:

......oops forgot to mention the border. YEs I like it, it works to hold the image in place.

author says:

Thank you everyone.

avatar George55
George55 says:

Congrats, 4ths are not to bad. I like your entry.

author says:

Thanks George

(5 years and 1060 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


author says:

Thanks Drivenslush

(5 years and 1058 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:


Global Warming - created by still26

Global Warming
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/23Score: 53.8% (0)3568 views

I also added a Topaz Texture effect to the final product. Appreciate all comments as I am very new to this kind of photoshop manipulation. Thank you. (5 years and 1077 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks like he's hopping backwards on one foot.

author says:

thank you , yes , that sand , I imagine is hot hot hot

Moderator says:

The source used for the fan is an illustration and can't be used. If you look at the page of your source you can see the term "free illustration" listed. Illustrations are not permitted as per Photoshop Rules and Guidelines: 5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.

You will have to replace that source with one that is acceptable. I'll allow you time to fix this before sending a warning.

author says:

Dear Mod,

Thank you for that explanation. As you know, I don't do this kind of stuff and am really green behind the ears. I will try to fix it to make it abide by the guidelines, I thought I was being careful to use free photos...guess I wasn't careful enough.

Thank you for your time, I appreciate it a lot.

Moderator says:

I know much of this is new to you and we all have made mistakes. It's not a major problem you should be able to find a suitable replacement. I found a couple on pixabay you could use: You could tint this one to add color if you want. Not bad. I like this one myself.

There's plenty of time, I'll leave your entry up just fix it and republish.

(5 years and 1070 days ago)

author says:

HOW KIND....I think I'm in love with this site.

author says:

I fixed it with your favourite fan. Thank you very much.

avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

I agree with the first comment. He's going where he's already been and could maybe use a shadow. It's such a good idea.

author says:

wedoo2, how do I do a shadow? Can you steer me towards a link that will teach me. Thank you.

avatar spaceranger

There are many ways to do shadows. Put shadows on a layer set to multiply under the subject and paint in the shadow, some art skills help. you can add a gaussian blur to soften them and adjust the layer opacity to look right. No space here to write all the details but this video can help with some of the ways to do it:

Blue lightening has many great tutorials.

author says:

I really appreciate this , thank you.

(5 years and 1067 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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CatPen - created by friiskiwi

Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 13/23Score: 61.3% (0)9174 views

cat and penguin (5 years and 1624 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Great! You might want to take the penguin layer and change the hue of all the black patches to match the molting fur color. I just think that would really kick the blending over the top. I think it's really cool you matched the cats color to the molting, but I'm just thinking more for visual coherence. It's so super all round right now, so no worries. GOOD LUCK!

author says:

Thanks, good idea. Appreciate the advice and kind words.

World of difference. AWESOME!

(5 years and 1622 days ago)

avatar George55
George55 says:

It looks really cute I love his eyes.

author says:

Thank you

avatar hereisanoop

rare creature.. like the mixup author

author says:

Thank you

(5 years and 1616 days ago)

no avatar

did not see image before the changes suggested but love this outcome. Believable .. great image author.

Howdie stranger!
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Yikes! - created by bigredpenguin

Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/23Score: 59.4% (30)29390 views

Oct 2, 2013, Banagoochie, Florida. Officials from the Banagoochie PD reported today that 24 students from the Filbert Cashew High School went missing after they were last seen boarding a ride called "The Up Chuck" at the Banagoochie state fair. Fair spokes person, Blindon Crabstin expressed concerne.
"We don't know what happened to those kids." (5 years and 2292 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!ride, six-flags, amusement, kids, students

Howdie stranger!
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