Thanks to flametree at flickr.com for the red hat; Other hat source my own; (5 years and 2520 days ago)
Thanks to a girl who i know for letting me use her pic! :D (5 years and 2542 days ago)
you need to post the image in the SBS
Wait step by step. -_-
Go to your My contest link and select the edit entry -- you can then upload a copy of the image used -- you may want to lower the quailty of the pictuce to speed the upload.if the orginal image is very large
5.3. Use of Personal Images as Source: If you use your own personal images, the uncut source must be placed in the step by step with an explanation that it is your image.
Go to My stuff>My contest entries>Edit entry.
Do you realize an actual vulture would be more than twice the size of her head?
It's about the photo not the realism!
The contest is about the vulture not about your girl friend. All you did was cut out the source (extremely easy) and paste it on your friends image (which is obviously flopped). Minimal effort = minimal score.
Its a tea cup Vulture Man!! Comes with a little diamond studded purse to carry it around in
Aha She's not my girlfriend and i edited the image myself, your just jealous.
wow, maybe you should check Spaceranger`s portfolio and see the kind of quality expected. Maybe then you wont mistake his good advice for jealousy.
Oh and it`s "you`re just jealous"... if you feel the need to foolishly insult a respected artist try to be grammatically correct.
How the hell did this get ANY votes?
Howdie stranger!
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Use Source
1 own photo for bodice
1 photo for back ground (5 years and 2549 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Miracles ocurre every day. One of them is when a butterfly is born. Have you thought of the process that it takes for a butterfly's transformation, from a single, humble, little caterpillar, into a beautiful, colorful, butterfly. In this entry, I show you the final stage of cocooning a caterpillar and at the end....the butterfly is ready to fly and enjoy Nature.
Thanks to Victoria Bernal for the pic of the butterfly, to Jenik, for the pic of the leaves, and to Joel abroad for the pic of the foliage, used in the background of this image. All of them, artists from Flickr. (5 years and 2836 days ago)
very pretty
Thanks Driven.....
Ah, love this especially. I did this as a child, caught a caterpillar in a little jar, watched it make its cocoon, then eventually turn into a moth - fascinating! Good job with this source.
Pearlie: Thanks for your comment. These are the wonders of Nature. Love to see them flying among the flowers.
Wow! I didn't recognise this as the dandelion. Love to see something transformed into something completely different. Beautifully done.
Hi, thanks for comment. I wanted to use the source to do something different. Glad you like it.
very very very feel made author, nice creativity on it.
Thanks rusvelt...
wow... levelly creation!
Thanks phshoudini....!
Looks so realistic, very good job author.
Thanks Akassa....!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
No outside sources were used. Tree and decorations are all made from source as well as table, cookies, and tray. Cat, cup of cocoa, stocking, and bow are hand drawn with brush tools. Please see SBS for all details. Have a Merry Christmas All!!! (5 years and 3014 days ago)
happy, Happy, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!
Stunning! Love the white kitty
Very nice piece of work
This is great! The kitty looks a bit too blurry to me...but sweet image!
Congrats for 2nd. I really like the mug.
Congrats for second.... I love your entries...so detailed and well executed.... !
Howdie stranger!
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Ha-ha!! Love it. Seamless execution.
I think he still needs a date, though!!! lol
Love this idea, good luck!
He looks so clean and ready to have fun.....! Good luck!
Congrats Lois
nicely done
Thanks everyone!
Congrats I love your concept!
Howdie stranger!
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