Made from the Star and a texture. Check out the SBS to see how it was made. I included two images that were used for reference. Not one pixel from these reference images were used. Only the Star and texture were used. (5 years and 532 days ago)
Designed and built to defend the Foundry at all costs. (5 years and 550 days ago)
Nice work. Nice SBS.
Thanks guys. Been awhile since I've been here. Trying to step up my game.
Impressive work thefinalcut. close race.
Congrats Mr Final
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(5 years and 595 days ago)
Thanks CMYK.
Again, I will try hard not to GUSH. I studied your SBS with interest and want to say that I've looked for flaws that I could critique or help you with ( )
but this is quite perfect in my eyes. You have shadows from the legs done realistically. The tail from the cat in front could be lost (to my puerile eyes) but that is just me. Thank you for your SBS which is a lesson and education for me.
Thank you Olga.
OMG you did it!! You hit the magic 70. A very close race too!! Like .1% away.
Thanks BWR. I am ecstatic to have finally beaten my own highest score and keeping up with you feels like a great achievement too.
I'm ecstatic too for you. I wish you would have won to make your accomplishment that much better. I know you have been trying to reach 70, so this is a milestone. I made a milestone dance gif for you!! https://i.imgur.com/sUf8YSP.gif
Hahahahahahahahaha... Thanks for the laugh and thanks for the gif. I had to save that one. I wish I still had a body like that.
Yep a nice piece, deserving of a high score. Congrats.
Thank you very much Loyd.
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All source except for the wheels, seat, engine springs and exhaust. Even the Robot was created entirely from source. See SBS (5 years and 613 days ago)
Great, love his face!
Thanks CM. Simple but effective.
Sigh, I have just spent the last 10 minutes reading and thinking about your SBS, simply mind-boggling and the end result is just incredible. I have recently been educated by a master chop and photoshop manipulator on some of the finer things to look for when reviewing work on this side of pxyleyes. Your shadows are realistic, your blending is splendid your SBS is educational and dear author, you get high points from me. THANK YOU for being here.
A question: How do you make your work look like it is NOT PASTED ON. When I do PS my stuff looks pasted on. Thanks
That is a very difficult question. This Chop had some difficulties but also had some good things going for it. The main problem was the car external source was underexposed, and had lot of lost detail. Due to loss of detail, I probably could not "lighten" the car parts to match the source pipes, so I decided to darken the "source" pipes to match the car parts. You can see this in the engine block, the heat-fin thingy, and the front end part in steps 7, 8, and 9. Color Match worked good as a start (which took a bit of finagling) and then some lighting/color adjustments to dial it in.
Cutting things out properly is vital too. I generally use a 1px feather when cutting things out but sometimes that is greater or even much much much greater. The enemy is a "hard edged cut out" that looks like a cut out. If the 1px feather doesn't look good you can always re-mask and re-feather it as you already have your "base-line" cut out. Also cleaning the edges from **ANY** fringing, to me, is key. Even something minor like these "yuckies" on this spring should be taken out IMO https://image.ibb.co/dn0nr8/springs.gif. This is rather easy to do. Clip a layer on top of the springs. Sometimes I use Multiply, Hard Light, Overlay, but this time I kept it at a Normal Layer. Then just clone in some matching color from the springs to cover the yuckies and it will lessen that "cut out look".
Also when blending something in, remember that you do not always have to use a 100% brush while masking. A lot of the time it's best to use a lower opacity soft brush (22%-44% in my opinion but u can go higher or lower if needed) and just keep brushing from the outside to the inside which will create sort of a feathered mask. It takes time, but your blend can come out WAY better. Don't forget you can change the hardness of your brush so sometimes a harder brush will do better, but this is not usual.
Get used to your Pen Tool when cutting something out and make sure you can set your mouse/tablet to a lower DPI to make it move slower when using a Lasso or even while painting/masking. Use Smart Objects when you can, and also use Clipping Mask layer adjustments. You shuold almost NEVER work destructively.
Beyond that the brightness and color should matching, which is a whole 'nother ball game. Sometimes you may even have a bright/dark "spot" on something that needs to be taken care of, so that will have to be masked (generally with soft feather)and adjusted accordingly.
Proper shadowing or lightening of areas is also vital. A lot of the times you should use several layers when making a shadow. Make a darker one on top (this one will generally be smaller in size), and get lighter and lighter towards the bottom layers (these I generally make larger and lager). You want to do it this way because if you put the lighter shadow layers on top of the darker one, it may make the dark shadow layer TOO dark. You can change your brush shape with F5, so a lot of the times it's best to use an "oval" brush when doing this.
I'm probably missing a million things, but these are the ones that popped into my head while sitting here. Watch YouTube videos. Besides looking at other's work, it's one of the best ways to learn. Hope this helps.
"Hope this helps."
Hey, do bears fart in the forest?
YOU BETTER BELIEVE THIS HELPS. Thank you so much. I have faved this and will have it in my files to refer to, thank you again for your talent and generous heart.
Great work.
Thanks SA. It all fit together nicely. I had two final versions and basically after a coin toss, I decided on this one. The other one didn't have that "old fashioned" look but it was definitely awesome too. Sometimes nothing is good enough, but this time I had two to choose from. Not a usual situation.
You could have put both in the contest if they look different enough. You are allowed more than one in a contest.
Congratulations BWR. A well deserved win.
Mahalo seestah. My score surprised me. Didn't expect that high.
Congratulations BWR. It was the winner all along mate.
It all came together pretty easily actually. Once I found that source car, it was destiny.
Congrats on this well deserved win!
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(5 years and 639 days ago)
Love his little blocky feeties
Howdie stranger!
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You're a maniac. In the best way, of course...
Sometimes these take a life of their own. I could try to make a happy scene by a lake and end up with something dark and gloomy.. or even an elephant juggling zebras. This one came out as planned. Never any real struggle. It just all came together. Well I did struggle a bit making the body of the vehicle look rounded, then I slapped on like two strokes of a dark color and it was a miracle.

Thanks for the "term of endearment".
Talk about CBR.... Can't recognize the original source at all but your work is excellent. At least the SBS shows us what you did with it.
Yea this needed an SBS to seem legit. Thanks Angel of the Sky.
Great job
Thank you rob. Glad you like it.
Very good! funny, I used the same lady here: http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-picture/58668708c6e15/Thunderstruck--recurring-dream.html
Well, you took #7 and me #8
Nice chop!! mjranum-stock at Deviantart has some cool stuff for sure.
Very good chop ! Howerver i cannot feel the source image...
I hear ya and a valid opinion. I didn't want to take the face and put it on the moon or something like that. Glad you at least like it.
congrats and well deserved
Mahalo Majkman
Congratulations. Excellent as always.
TY Angel.
Congrats B
Thanks Z!!
Congrats for first place BWR ! Incredible picture !
Thank you lolu. The source was so "blah", did what I thought was best.
Howdie stranger!
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