(5 years and 835 days ago)
Please view image in hi-res. For some reason it makes it very soft when viewed normally. Captured from Earth, the Little Green Men are taking him to their home Planet. Poor old geezer. We need to help him. Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn\'t, and have added the source for the smoke brush.
https://pixabay.com/p-1818413/?no_redirect Cockpit bubble - Qijin https://pixabay.com/en/forest-the-roots-of-trees-tree-pine-2248606/ Roots - summa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Weird_rock_formations_Chiricahua_Nima.JPG Rock - Zereshk https://pixabay.com/en/wooden-windows-window-shutter-old-949805/ Window - Antranias https://pixabay.com/p-195835/?no_redirect Spaceman in Window - augustfinster https://www.flickr.com/photos/jdhancock/6777240320/sizes/l More little green men - CC0 Public Domain https://pixabay.com/en/seer-unit-measurement-old-volume-246480/ Used to make tower - prasadganapule69 https://abluescarab.deviantart.com/art/PS-and-GIMP-Cloud-Brushes-247810856 Cloud brushes - abluescarab https://pixabay.com/en/screw-thread-nut-iron-metal-476570/ Bolt - Potztausend https://pixabay.com/en/iron-rusty-thread-old-oxide-metal-1305812/ Bolt- adymyabya https://pixabay.com/p-214544/?no_redirect Cloth for banner - PublicDomainPictures https://pxhere.com/en/photo/854067 Old Geezer - CC0 Public Domain (5 years and 932 days ago)
Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn't, and have added the source for the smoke brush.
Author, link no.2 doesn't work, no.3 goes to the search page at pixabay not to the image used, please the source for the old geezer.
One of these days I am gonna get this right the first time. :-O Fixed link #2 and #3. Added Old Geezer link at the end of the description, but I will post it here too.
https://pxhere.com/en/photo/854067 Old Geezer - CC0 Public Domain
Thank you
It's pretty bad right now.. I'm about Maybe 25 are 30 miles from the eye.. We've been getting 100 mile an hour plus winds for. 8 hours now and it won't let up. For another 8 or 10 hours. Electric is off. but cell phone service still works.
You would miss my chops but not me? Haha totally cool. I can live with that.
I have not voted yet so I don't know who you are yet. But I will. Glad you survived (and will show us more chops)
I hope you're ok, and not too much damage to your home. This is a really fun chop
Yea MM, I am fine. I have been through devastating hurricanes before. This one was a doozy, but I have seen much worse. I have some video I uploaded and will post it after the contest is over since my YouTube account name might give away my identity. Thanks for your concern.
And yea it was a fun chop. Rarely do I envision a chop and it comes out perfectly as I imagined. Well, this one did. Wasn't sure I could do it, but perseverance paid off.
yes, better in high res.....a lot of work, nicely done.
Thanks Still. Those little preview images we get do the Chops no justice. They always look better in hi-res. Well, actually the hi-res can accentuate flaws too haha.
Congrats BWR, such a cool chop.
Maaaaaaaaahalooooo!! Was fun to do... mainly cause it worked out when I didn't know i could even do it.. haha.
Here is some cell phone video of the hurricane. I could almost go surfing on the lake. BWR = Big Wave Rider if you didn't know.
Very impressive Surfs up, you're lucky these windows were strong enough to stand the winds!
How come I made that comment like a minute ago and it says "(4 hr ago)" under my post? Same thing when I enter an image into a contest it also says "(4 hr ago)".
It does me the same, I thougt it was because I'm in France, because of different time zones, but it is not the reason why if it happens to you also.
Thanks Z. You always have some thing nice to say.
Congratulations my friend.
YW George. Thank you man.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
A home made spaceship which successfully survived the journey to the moon.
The body is made from the windows of the car. The section was cut out flipped horizontally and merged, then duplicated, flipped vertically and merged again. The centre window section was filtered with the bloat tool.
The lights and grill looking things are made from the headlights and front grill of the car. The legs are made from the bumper bar. The light beams are made with the paintbrush and radial blur tool. The background is a combination of the source images listed below. (5 years and 1182 days ago)
OH my goodness....I can't believe the incredible creativity on this site. This post blew me away and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting how you did this. I am relatively new to this, and you have inspired me to try something too. Your post is realistic, the merging is really well done. Can I ask how long it took you to do this one?
Thanks for your comments Olga. This one took approx 3 hours but a lot of that time was spent trying to find source images and then decide what I liked and did not like in the combinations I was playing with. I spend a lot of time just playing around with possibilities and the work just takes on a "life of its own".
If I had all the source images to begin with, it would take less time.
I waste a lot of time in decision making and deleting things which I don't like in the end.
Thank you for your response. I enjoy learning from you very much.
It's always a pleasure sharing with you. I learn a lot from you too.
Congrats Angel 1 & 2
Thank you Megan.
Congrats Angel!!
Thank you Spaceranger
Congrats on 1st and 2nd Skyangel!
Thank you Sylvie.
Thanks Demi
Congrats again for your 1st and 2nd.... !!!
Thanks George
Thank you Randy.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
The background was done with a brush and colors set to Multiply..... (5 years and 1200 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
(5 years and 1205 days ago)
Thank you....
Congratulations George
Thank you....
Congrats George!
Thank you....
Congrats George!!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Congrats BWR, nice work on the construction of the space ship
Merry Christmas 
Mahalo MM.
Congrats bro!
TY Z. Appreciate it.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: