(5 years and 3916 days ago)
(5 years and 3917 days ago)
i like it
Nice job...add some more shading to keep with the light source
spiders have 8 legs?
Oh yeah, and 8 legs too... better fix that
interesting, from where that six-legs-stuff is come? is it in some good known movie? however, the work is fierce!
good luck!
well done the High Res is awesome
good work
oooh creept, I like it, nice going
nice work well done good luck mate
Well done, looks real and spiky! Great work with the shadow
nice job
It's obviously an alien spider, so 6 legs are not a problem for me.. GL
Howdie stranger!
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No Outside sources. The spider made from only the source file. And add the spider net. Some liquify.
Modified and add two more legs. (5 years and 3918 days ago)
pssst, a spider has 8 legs, hurry and fix it great idea
Take tapiona's comments and correct it
In my opinion, you need to mask better around the legs of the spider.
Also, the spiderweb doesn't seem to be attached to anything, and some lines don't meet at the angles...
Good blending. Well done.
thanks for all the comments. And I will do the changes.
haha...I would prefer the spider SMALLEST and hanging around.What do you think?
I like it.
You could learn by watching pictures of spiders. Idea is good.
nice job
Howdie stranger!
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Heavily cropped the bottom left section of the source. Reduced to black and sky blue. Rotated. Added spider, messed with his legs to hold the web line. Added fly and sunset colour overlay. Added leg of lodd in the background as if looking out of a rock cave.
(5 years and 3924 days ago)
Well I must say I would not have found the source if you didnt tell me.. Looks a nice image.. GL.
very clever idea! how spider again with only 6 feet? ah no matter - max points for idea!
good luck!
nice image, does Lodd get to be the spider or the fly? good luck =)
I see you did use the source but like animmax said, only because you pointed it out, you could use lodd to make another creature, a bird or something?
this one is more special still a interesting idea good luck!
sorry, I will fix the legs later today, i didnt spot that, too busy on the technicalities to notice the obvious?
good idea, but source.....................even I have the doubt. add SBS
hopfefully thats it all fixed, the moral of this one is, get some rest every now and then!
yes spider is really better, but ohh... i liked the last frame very - in majority of the pictures can to understand only with sbs what and how has been used - i think that this addition was not necessary... however, fav. anyway. cheers!
yay and original idea great idea
nothing impressive for me but maybe otheres like it..
good job and good luck
interesting idea
Howdie stranger!
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beautiful work!

...7...8 yes all legs! higt marks!
good luck!
I think I covered everything with that.. and a few very serious YIPPEEES as well :P
woohoo, you even remembered the 8 legs, great job author, high scorer for sure!
Nice work with Good Luck Author.
so intricate
Totally amazed..........beautiful work......
good work. can guess the artist
Very, very beautiful! Amazing! Well done!
Pretty interesting. I like the colors and depth. Well done, good luck!
itsy-bitsy spider crawling down the what? nice one, author!
I love the colors.Congrats
wonderful job author
good luck
Beautiful work author
I am speechless

Congratulations for 1st jaskier, outstanding pic
Congrats! Another jewell of yours
Thanks for Your comments and votes.
Howdie stranger!
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