For the background image, I made the wood using filter clouds, filter grain and filter sheare. The wall made using brush (Keane Brush). (5 years and 3804 days ago)
- 1: spider
thanks to boogaloo from sxc.hu for source (5 years and 3847 days ago)
great work!! but the back of the body (don't know if there's a name for it) is very blurry..
EDIT: kaj ne vices nisam znao haha! samo polako...
pa bemu misa sta se mucis sa engleskim kad mozes lepo da napises na naski sad cu da popravim to samo odo do kuhinje da okrenem paprike da mi ne izgori dorucak
tnx for comment i will fix it now
His front left leg looks a little blurry for soem reason.. but GREAT job!!!
this is great i thought it was a picture at first
Nice job except for the stripe on the front leg, and in hi res it looks like you just drew lines for the joint edges with the pencil tool...at least blur them a bit...
took me a while to work out the relationship I think the cut out was pretty cool too>
awesome job!
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to Lisa Mcdonald for the back drop from freedigitalphoto.net
Thanks to Coolza for the spider from Stock.xchng.hu (5 years and 3852 days ago)
Source link 1 doesn't lead to anything...
the fence on the left looks odd for some reason- probably too light maybe. good job
Howdie stranger!
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Oh well... This is the first time I ever attempted something like this lol...
Please watch in High Res and comment... Need advices as where I made mistake and where I need to improve...
Well I dunno whether I will be able to implement it now, but it will be useful for me in the future...
And thanks to Claudia Mayer for that nice spider pic...
Edit: Brassed it... (5 years and 3870 days ago)
very nice done!
purely awesome
great job author!
Fantastic.. this is very, very good. I'd like to see a steam-punk background of some sort.. but don;t change it unless you want to.. because this is INCREDIBLE!
i love the shadow and the reflection, caught my eye straight away... I am trying sooo hard to make something for this contest inbetween painting the kids room lol
Thnx all for the comment... @ponti55 I did thought of adding a different background, but then I would have to change the shading of the spider and ground reflection... Well this particular background shows the light source and is kinda cool... So will stick to it... Will implement a more steampunk background if I make an another steampunk art... My head is bursting with ideas lol...
Edit: Thanks cmyk64, well I did thought of going brass at one time... But decided to go a bit modern style... Will keep that in mind though in making further steampunk stuff...
Edit: @DanLundberg thnx for ur comment... Well I did admit it was a bit modern, I didn't say it was not steampunk... Also now a days the concept of steampunk is very much diluted... About the material okay I didn't used brass or iron, and about the background hmmmm just cause I didn't give a steampunkish background doesn't mean the subject becomes "non-steampunkish"... But oh well different poeple think differently...
Edit: @Ponti Thanks... It's okay to leave 3 comment in one entry... P.S. The reflection is still there, but barely...
Edit: @Christy He he he it's small coz I wanted to strain the viewers eyes... Just kidding... Well I wanted to make it big, but then I have show nicely on how the boiler gets connected to a burner/fuel tank which is connected to a engine whose piston are inter connected with cylinders which is linkable to a flywheel and stuffs like condenser, valve, gauges etc... Which I am not really familiar on( btw which I am working on)... So I apologize for it... Will try to make an even better working mechanism next time...
Haha, okay! It was just a suggestion, but it's just a hassle to change it, so leave it the way it is.. again - good luck!!
just a wonderful mechanism.. just super!!!
very good
Great image, nicely done.
Very cool image great work on this!
Excellent work! Just one suggestion: steampunk stuff is usually made of brass (sometimes iron). This would look extra cool if it was brass.
Cool, but as you admit, this is modern and not particularly steampunk because of material and background (as others have pointed out).
brass looks great too! well done!
a huge steampunk fan, I love the construction of this, great sbs!
i realy like the reflection overlaping the shadow... realistic... good luck...
Author, the change you made looks nice, and definatley on theme - much more so than your previous one, but in my opinion, the futuristic or modern one looked a lot better. the reflections you made on the body itself looked great. I'm not saying you should change this back, because i do think this is more on theme, i just wanted to let you know, in case you were having second thoughts, that you're previous entry was absolutely magnificent. Good luck, once again (sorry to have left three comments on one entry.)
Make the spider HUGE! Show me how he works
GREAT work!! I love it
i love love love this very well done high marks from me
the high res is excellent...very well done
Congrats for your second place!
congrats on 2nd nice work
Thanks all...
Congratulations for 2nd
Howdie stranger!
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Had a lot of fun making this trinket.
Only source used, I used my own spider photo I took for reference which I will post in the SBS
ENJOY (5 years and 3877 days ago)
super fun.. good job.. wonderful sbs.. good luck author
Nice transformations..........Well done.....Good Luck Author.
This has got to be one of my favourite entries ever.. This is AMAZING!! Your step by step guide is also very good. Good luck and you're getting full marks from me.
Good work...the cobwebs are a nice touch!
Looks real yet a toy, amazing work author!
Very nice job.
Finally a spider I don't want to kill. (Or better: yell for my father, so he kills it ) Beautiful and great work!
Good luck
best entry I've seen yet! good luck
nice idea and perfectly worked on, Good Result, and as the Final touch , good work of adding some web strings Good Luck
spiders my fav !!
very good work , GL
very nice
lotta good ones in this contest
Very nice work
transformers... the revenge of the spider... goood... very good...
Fun idea, and I really love the little ironic touch of the cobwebs. The adding the eyes was a clever move, too. I really like the zigzag in the web in the reference image -- might have been interesting if you could have worked that in, too. Anyway, I love it. Nice job!
Congratulations on the top-three place, Dreamer!
Congratulations for 3rd
Yeeeha! A third place for the spider! Congrats Angela!
Congrat for 3rd place
congrats! creepy thing you made there
Howdie stranger!
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*lol* That spider is a true artist
For sure the most talented spider I've ever seen
I'd suggest to use a real corner of a room and place the web and the spider there. In case you prefer it, like it is, you need to give a link to the brushes you used for the wall. Good luck 
Howdie stranger!
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