(5 years and 3366 days ago)
Image altered to include wings I created in Apophysis. Thanks to Deviantart for the source images:
Model from mjranum-stock
Flames provided by
Star Brushes created by Reikavich. (5 years and 3383 days ago)
Wow...very nice.
Thank you
Really nice, but her legs look green with the shadows...If you can make all of her warm toned, it will be better.
Fantastic, great image well done
Thanks, I'm glad it still looks good, I had to redo the wings.
Great imagination! Love the way this turned out
Howdie stranger!
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Humanoids could not withstand the radiation and long term loneliness of deep space travel. So she had chosen to lose her humanity. It was the only way she could own the stars.
Mostly source with a few clouds photos of my own and thanks to faestock for the model. (5 years and 3426 days ago)
cool work
looks great, love it
great job building the model -- high res is worth the look to really see the effert.
wonderful stuff..... and perfect use of source High marks and fav from me....
bravo, good luck!
wonderful use of the source and an excellent sbs well done
Fantastic work! Especially love the work on her eyes.
Beau travail !! I like it.
Wonderful just wonderful! I love the scenario love the "gingerbread" detail! There's a touch of Fritz Lang (Metropolis)here as well.
What everyone else said!
Really nicely done! Good luck!
Wonderful creation and the SBS is OUTSTANDING!!!!
Oh my wow! A LOT of work went into this one, I can tell. Very nicely done and very creative. Great SBS too
Very good entry.
Awesome SBS as always, and really cool art work = )
this is just mind blowing and explicit work
Very beautiful, amazing work!
Absolute winner...Perfect entry author...
great .........
Just fantastic. What an excellent use of source..
Congrats, Arca, awesome chop!!
Congrats for a well deserved first place. Lovely entry!
Very well done, congrats on first place!
Thank you all so much for the votes, wonderful comments and favs!
congrats on first place
Congratulations....great work.
Congratulations! Very well done
Congrats Arca, awesome work
Wow, wonderful, I though it was from Spaceranger, that's not your usual style, but still fantastic. Congrats Arca on your win and the high score!!!!
Congrats!! I love it!
well deserved 1st pace with a great score..... Congrats...
Congrats Arc...Perfect work,one of my favorite favorites....well done
Congrats ! So amazing !!
I missed the contest, but saw this on the front page. Beautiful work! So much patience, so much detail. This is going into my favs. Congratulations on placing first!
Howdie stranger!
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Please see Full Resolution Image to appreciate the finer details!
Young man image from PhotoXpress:
http://www.everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=5525367 (5 years and 3451 days ago)
I thought you could do much better than that , with all the nasty comments you make...
Sorry you don't like it, Lamantine. I had fun creating it.
My comments aren't "nasty." I don't insult members, although I point out what I see, good AND bad. Maybe your skin's a little too thin, eh?
Feel free to offer specific suggestions on how to improve the image. Merely being snarky about what you THINK doesn't do much to help make it better, since everyone has different opinions.
Ok ok. I admit that the background is nicely done. But you have kind of spoilt it will all your effects. I think something like Step 10 in your SBS might look better. But as you said, that's just in my opinion.
Love the concept and the way you have blended the shading his face and hands ...also very clean cut.
I am not sure about the Planet/stars inside the body outline. IMO they are not quite "starrish" enough. They look a little more like water bubbles or balls to me... great idea though!
Good work, good SBS.
I like the stars on his hands, the concept is very nice. But I agree with arca about the smaller stars; maybe if they were more "sparkling", with a glow...
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to all unknown photographers for the resources,and thanks to Emo for the barcode brushes
Please watch High Resolution before voting...Thanks (5 years and 3455 days ago)
Back Gere? oh lord.. hehehe. very funny author
The gene splicing is well-done although perhaps a bit simplistic (e.g., just the mouth?). Doing a supermarket-tabloid cover as a way to include multiple gene splices (thumbs up for twins!) while also distinguishing your entry from the typical just-a-portrait approach is very creative. Unfortunately, the fonts [avoid subtle serifs] and layout [including bland gray background with simple black or white text, bar code not in white box for high contrast, and odd black border] are all wrong for grabbing shoppers' attentions in the check-out line (plus the concept is perhaps an overly-ambitious undertaking when English is apparently not your native language — but that could be easily overlooked if there were much less text and it were presented as more-eye-catching headlines).
@Dan ordinary i am ok with your comments and suggestion on my entry's but i don't like them on others work at all especially on some beginner's entry's...So your comment looks like these,first thing that u do is to give author some nice words,but with a dose of sarcasm,for example "The gene splicing is well-done although perhaps a bit simplistic"...Then is the right time to do things that u do the best, start with cultural mocking and malicious observations...I told u that i don't have problem with that but u crossed the line these time..."overly-ambitious undertaking when English is apparently not your native language",these was the fun,my interpretation of interesting theme and u point on some obvious things...and i am sure in one thing,that i way better speak and write English then u Hindu,Chinese,Slavonic languages and etc...Maybe is this magazine designed for non English readers who better understand Tarzan-ish English... I think that 80% of choppers on these site are from non English area of speech so u have only that "advantage"...And for sure that there is some reason for your poor 100 VP points...I could told u many many other things that u do and they are all rotten but i wont,all people knows your style...U are good chopper and would be better for u to create some nice artwork,and not to mocking some others works and language expertize...Or u could quit photoshoping and start to work as language editor in some classy non gray style fashion magazine...And finally "Have a good day"...
P.S. "To all choppers"- i am sorry for my English guys
THat's nice buddy.., like every thing.. and the gossip too...
Very original and creative!
The mouths are a bit oversized and off angled, making this look a little unnatural, but I really like your concept!
@Drivenslush , hereisanoop, MossyB thanks guys for your comments....
@Mossy u are right about the mouth, but i wanted that effect, i have PSD file where he look normal, thing i did id first time,but there he is not funny at all, so mouth like these are created with purpose...
Howdie stranger!
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Post source links.
All the photos belong to me... Photo of the model is made in my friend's studio, and the stone sculpture is taken from a Green Garden of a city.
nice image, but the statue tattoos seem a bit artificial, but the image is nice! best of luck!
yes i know... it's a bit hard to combine vectors with smooth images in this way :P it's a result of more than one center of attention and this is not really good...
very good work author...good luck
Thank you
Howdie stranger!
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