No external sources were used for the making of this image. Everything was done by cutting , transforming and deforming certain parts of the given source. Some minor details, however, where drawn from scratch. (5 years and 3132 days ago)
(5 years and 3501 days ago)
Nice image except for the lens flare.
ahah not bad!
cool work...gl
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3597 days ago)
nice idea
You may want to throw some of the line pattern from the source into the base of the picture.. or just make a gravel pattern using the red bricks... you know how picky so many of the regs are at not seeing the source clearly.. GREAT GREAT GREAT JOB!!!!! (only if you want or have time... hehehe... awesome work as always)
Train is pretty well constructed, but the front (cow catcher) is flat...it should be V shaped. Also, the wheels don't look like they're on the tracks.
Train is pretty well constructed, but the front (cow catcher) is flat...it should be V shaped. Also, the wheels don't look like they're on the tracks.
Very cool!
But chimneys seems to be out of place (not in the middle)...
1st step, 2 point perspective, mad props!!!
nice .......................
beautiful ! outstanding work
A little CBR'd (chopped beyond recognition)
A little CBR'd (chopped beyond recognition)
Howdie stranger!
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PLEASE SEE ORIGINAL BEFORE VOTING> ordinary girl in regular street clothes and regular setting.. not posed and i changed her clothing and background.
http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/172568 ( front tree) (5 years and 3794 days ago)
Awesome job with the clothes but there are a lot of un-even edges.
Good job,but she is to sharp.U have to blend her better,Blur her little bit then select her ,contract selectio by 2 pixels and then with blur tool cover the edges.Pic will be way to better.
thanks for the great feedback.. will fix now... erathion:
please post another comment so i can give you GOLD thumbs up..... your feedback and steps on how to fix are just fantastic.
Nice compilation of images. I really like this!
Light sources are wrong, i guess the lgiht from the forest comes back the back and the light on the model comes from right.
High res tells the story on this one! Although you have a good start on a fine image, there are to many depths of field as it is right now. I would really like to see you take your time and pay closer attention to your blending. THEN you would have a FANTASTIC image. Just MHO!
thanks for the tips, however i can no longer edit to fix. ....
A couple of areas for improvement as mentioned, but a great image and nicely framed by the trees too. Good job!
great work.gl
very nice
Congrats for your second place, scratzilla!
Congats for second place,well done author....
Congratulations for 2nd
Howdie stranger!
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3ds max 2009+mentalray, and photoshop.
Thanks paulus62 for the clouds.
see links for textures.
It has taken me 4 days just to model this and texture it. I wish I had more time to complete the model, I wanted to add brackets for the pipes and work on the texture some more. (5 years and 3886 days ago)
I love how you used a veriety of 3D and 2D programs, but that the end result doesn't look like a bad CGI film... fantastic work. Good luck!
Very well done author...also very clear image...good luck
great finish touch...
awesome work author.. mind blowingly awesome!!!
OMG.. I just realized that I think I had that Propeller thingy on a hat when I was a kid.. one of those twirly beanies... LOL.. I got hit a lot
oh WOW!
Up until 2/3 from the left the image looks great, the 1/3 on the right has got some perspective problems. It looks like it's bend. The angle on the propellor and the tube on top are wrong. Could be an easy fix.
Looks fantastic too me I like the way the propeller looks and also the way the hull detail is ...very nice overall
WOW!!! great image!! i like! Very good
author you so brainy .. I used to fix those lens bends from my 35 mm.. so I know what robvdn is talking about.. now that you've explained how the 3d max does it.. it truly is amazing (I'm just learning how to use the dern burn tool, I"LL NEVER GET TO 3d MAX LOL)
Good concept, but it looks half finished. Too many textures make the result look disjointed...the hull texture is too heavy.
Great entry. I know this distorsion effect, it dissapear when use a lens camera between 85 and 135 mm.As a suggestion : raise the distance between camera (hope is a target camera) and your object and use a lens around 100 mm. To not modify the angle select Camera, right click on Select and Move tool, open Move Transform Type-In dialogue and in left down corner raise the value for Look at - Dolly. But I'm sure you know all that, good luck.
I want 3d programs too.... if this is what you can produce. this is a wonderful creation author well done...
excellent job!
Some very cool elements like the sub itself. The lack of any portholes is a but disconcerting, however. The three miniature smoke stacks (with rather modest smoke output) seem inconsequential compared to the odd inhaler horn on the front of the sub [which I would personally delete]. I wish the front and back propeller blurs were more rotational.
wow ... aweosme imsge! the prop ias aweosme too!
Very nice lots of work...lets hope that it is appreciated....
very nice!!
should have been in the top 3....
Howdie stranger!
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woo hoo.. lots of fun!
Nice work!
very realistic look author..it is very very good work
best luck author
my fav
Thank you all!!
Nice idea!..I like it
Thanks! (:
Thank you!!
Wonderful work!
Thanks! (:
Nice Congrats
Howdie stranger!
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