Photoshop Pictures: Strawberry (page 2)

results 6 - 10 of 16

Strawberry Cookie Brownie Man - created by Drivenslush

Strawberry Cookie Brownie Man
Favs: 1SBS: 16Hi-resRank: 7/17Score: 54.9% (5)9347 views

Happy Birthday Platter made into a Man in a window

All my photos

Government building for back ground (5 years and 3453 days ago)

avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

Great imagination -- like the teeth

avatar dreamdriven

Good work.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

amazing work with the of luck

avatar woodztockr

I had to smile real big when I seen this composition.... The teeth...tooth... uuhhhmmnnn two teeth really makes the chop stand out!

avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

good work with the expressions

avatar arca
arca says:

Made me chuckle ... and a little hungry.

Howdie stranger!
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Isn't this garbage yummy? - created by Naizy

Isnt this garbage yummy?
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 13/17Score: 54.3% (0)11517 views

Well... I must add a description... This was the first imagination after I saw the source image, so I made it. (5 years and 3456 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Fun, but the spherizing threw the perspective off. I think limiting the spherizing to just the dust pin itself would work better. I wouldn't distort the ring with the handle, but instead keep it attached to the post and just color it green. As for the lid, I would retain its bottom edge, round the top, and resize to fit atop the spherized dust bin.

avatar gopankarichal

Looking good. correct the perspective issues. good luck

Howdie stranger!
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Une Fraise - created by jadedink

Une Fraise
Favs: 0SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 10/17Score: 58.2% (0)7464 views

the queen of the strawberries...

Thanks ever so much to Della Stock on deviant art for giving me permission to use the stock image off deviant art. (see sbs for screenshot)

Thanks to kevin kemmerer @ flickr for the single strawberry
thanks to clairity @ flickr for the strawberry leaves for the crown
Thanks to Matildi @ deviant art for the bowl full of strawberries.
thanks to ro-stock @ deviant art for the glow brushes

*UPDATED SOURCE LINKS* (5 years and 3471 days ago)

5 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Please post a link for the face used.

author says:

OOOPs!!! :blush: thanks for pointing that out CMYK... updated sources!

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Great work.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

great work author...she looks like Red Queen from "Alice in the wonder land" of luck to u...

avatar Tuckinator


avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

She's kinda spookie! GL!

avatar RickyRuckus

Howdie stranger!
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strawberry telling - created by dekwid

strawberry telling
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 14/17Score: 56.3% (0)6999 views

(5 years and 3472 days ago)

8 Sources:

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice imagination and work author...few nit picks,edges of the strawberry should be a bit softer,also,bright part around the tree is a distraction and would be better if strawberry follow the line of the ground.Same is for the other side to,strawberry need to follow line of the water there...any how i like this work and i wish u best of luck...

author says:

very good suggestion, I have made some changes to the bright part, actually it is considered to be blue cloud,.....and I prefer to keep the positions of the two strawberries this way by consideration that the upper strawberry is inside the other one,....btw thanks for your good suggestion....

avatar hazem
hazem says:

it is very good work ,i like it

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:


avatar Tuckinator

very cool work

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

beautiful ........

Howdie stranger!
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The Strawberry House - created by Chuck

The Strawberry House
Favs: 0SBS: 13Hi-resRank: 17/17Score: 51.8% (0)9071 views

Spec Thanks to Mqtrf. for use of his picture found in member stock on

Spec Thanks to Vlbelicka for use of his picture found on Flickr photo and vlbelicka photo stream. (5 years and 3474 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Cozy and delicious!

avatar Tuckinator

great idea

Howdie stranger!
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