Photoshop Pictures: Sucker

results 1 - 5 of 6

Train Sucker - Monster Feets - created by AndreasL

Train Sucker - Monster Feets
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 6/6Score: 58% (0)17713 views

I added the feets and maded some lightning effects with clouds, and some burning effects. (5 years and 3110 days ago)

2 Sources:

No comments yet... Be the first!Train, Sucker, Monster, Feets, lightning

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Heart Sucker - created by jaskier

Heart Sucker
Favs: 18SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 1/6Score: 67.6% (38)12834 views

(5 years and 3283 days ago)

avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:


avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

A beaut!!! Lighting and color is superb!

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Amazing...great work

avatar Bibs
Bibs says:

So nice..!

avatar artgirl1935

Great work! Love the color combos and design. GL

avatar spaceranger


avatar shaiju1974

Great work!!!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

beautiful colors ............. awesome job ..........

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Dude you're recognizable from a mile, who else does this organically artistically stuff with such a nice blending mood ? .. and also humor !

avatar nanaris
nanaris says:

great entry! good luck!

no avatar

This is amazing...........Best of Luck Author.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very very good piece of work

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Beautiful work = )

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Beautiful work, and I think one of these creatures is what's eating MY tomatoes!

avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:


avatar madamemonty

Congrats Jaskier, lovely work

avatar locxoul
locxoul says:


avatar steed
steed says:

Congrats, great work

avatar Francky
Francky says:


avatar hereisanoop

Super fantastic entry.., congrats for the 1st place

avatar spaceranger

Congrats!! Lovely work as always!!

no avatar
abyglobal says:

Congrats!! Good work..

avatar yoguy108
yoguy108 says:

truly amazing work, one of the best

avatar DanielaOwergoor

Wow, wow, wow!!! Fantastic work! Congratulations!

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Congrats on your win

author says:

Thanks for Your comments and votes.

author says:

Thanks for Your comments and votes.

Howdie stranger!
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blood sucker - created by hereisanoop

blood sucker
Favs: 26SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 1/6Score: 68.6% (39)15513 views

For cmyk......., enjoy (5 years and 3502 days ago)

no avatar
nvela says:

and i thought there wasn't much to do with this image...Congrats in Advance! Great Entry

avatar oasisman
oasisman says:

Absolutely stunning. Well done.

author says:

thanks nvela and oasisman..., but don't be that much sure abt the advanced congrats....,

avatar gamemastertips

WOW! Way to maintain the source! Brilliant construction! One question though: what does this have to do with CMYK lol?

no avatar
nvela says:

he has been expecting robots... i guess the wait was worth it...

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

ohh........ !!!! Finally they arrived ........... superb job ............... great creativity ........... and a well detailed sbs ............. great entry again ........... wish u high marks .........

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Good job

avatar YFZBOB
YFZBOB says:

Very Cool!! Awesome use of the source image !

avatar nishagandhi

amazing work CMYK has many fans here lol

avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

Yeah it finally arrived
Good job !! I love it !!

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

aha,...I should have known better that it is you,....amazing.....

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Fantastic job. Well done author

avatar neeraj55
neeraj55 says:


avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

I personally liked the blood sucking part better in step 4 or 5. Although I could see how that could interrupt the flow of the legs behind it. I enjoy the way you had the background fade to white, it really makes your subject POP! Good luck!

avatar Drivenslush


author says:

@gmt- cmyk has been waiting for robots...(see the contest comments).., so i just dedicated this to him...

avatar shaadow
shaadow says:

clever as usual, good sbs too, GOOD LUCK

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Just one question: doesn't it have wings?

author says:

I added the wings but later removed.., because It distracted the work..

avatar silencer32

just one,word...**GREAT**

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Real Nice Job

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Something strait out of transformers. Now we know what the microscope will turn into.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

This is one nasty Desepticon for sure...your creation is small miracle author...well done
edit:i know this was your work my dear friend...

avatar ikrumon
ikrumon says:

great construction, excellent.

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Wow splendid work! Very nicely done.

avatar steed
steed says:


avatar cabldawg71

You did a fine job on this one Author
Good idea

no avatar
SwaranjaN says:

Super work. congrates....................

avatar artgirl1935

Clever use of the source! GL

avatar George55
George55 says:

That is what a good entry should be.... Good luck author....!!!!!!

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Great job.

no avatar

Superb creativity...........................Awesome work.

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your first place, Anoop!

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Congrats buddy! It's one of your best with this kind of construction

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for 1st place. Agree with langstrum. Really well constructed and great output. Keep going

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

I knew it......congrats......stunning work as always.....

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Anoop, awesome work

avatar nishagandhi


avatar Ressiv
Ressiv says:

Congrats! Very detailed work!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

congrats for the 1st place .......... please fix his wings and let him go ..........

author says:

Swwwworrd fishhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Congrats, Anoop! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

avatar Giulia
Giulia says:


no avatar
nvela says:

and u weren't sure about the congrats in advance? Congrats!!!!

avatar shaadow
shaadow says:


avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Great work here, congrats!!

Howdie stranger!
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Big sucker - created by CMYK46

Big sucker
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/6Score: 58.9% (0)11056 views

I always wanted to mess this guy up a bit... (5 years and 3790 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Hehe, nice job.

avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:


avatar divair
divair says:

lol... Funny and well done!

avatar elficho
elficho says:

great!! that guy asked for it one little nitpick though.. you could clone the guy's wrinkles to his forehead to get a more realistic effect. and i don't really see why would the mosquito's proboscis cast such a shadow

author says:

It would cast a shadow because it's an object in a fairly strong light source, just as the mosquito is casting shadows on the vegetation...

no avatar
Keiley22 says:

keep sucking keep sucking.... might be the last time we see this photo of the guy lmao ( who is this guy anyway)

Just thought i would let you know, everytime this comes up on the screen, my stomache seriously turns lol.... I hate those nasty little critters ;p

avatar hereisanoop

good and funny work

avatar Iluvscrappy

Lol! Terrific!

avatar refleksi
refleksi says:

nice humour ....good luck to you

avatar aworld
aworld says:

hilarious and well done

no avatar

Funny but basically painful.....well done Author....G/L.

avatar chakra1985


avatar chakra1985


Howdie stranger!
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Sucker! - created by Hippunky

Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 6/6Score: 45.4% (0)6428 views

Another hapless fool gets drawn in to a Nigerian scam e-mail!

[Now a more correct leech colour, with some shading and mouthparts darkened]. (5 years and 3805 days ago)

author says:

N.B. The leech is on the inside of the monitor - this is intentional, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see his/her/its teeth. I just know I'd get comments if I didn't point this out.

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I would have made the sucker darker.

author says:

Thanks k5683, I'll do some research and see what a leech actually looks like (thankfully haven't seen one close up!).

avatar kayaklovergirl


avatar annabat
annabat [banned] says:

I love the idea, this scam is notorious, I would like to see a bit more shading on the "leech" if you want it to look 3d at all.

author says:

I've applied some changes - thanks for the feedback annabat and k5683 - any better now?

avatar kayaklovergirl

its much better now, that its grey because the red teeth or whatever they're called stand out more, before i thought it was blood lol

author says:

Thanks KayakLoveGirl - actually, it was kinda blood, a mix between that and it's mouthparts - of course, monitors don't bleed, so it makes more sense now!

no avatar

love the play you are creating in this image... eeww leeches.. always having to get rid of those little suckers when we go walking.

Howdie stranger!
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