(5 years and 2479 days ago)
(5 years and 2588 days ago)
Might be good to get rid of the white line at right of the skull & blur out some of the noisy artifacts on the shirt. Otherwise it's a well made image. GL author.
The suit and shirt have been fixed. Thanks for the advice!
Nice image, i like the coloring. It would be nice if you could correct the shadow of the seagull. The shadows on the seagull itself and the skull suggest the light is coming from the left. Light from the back would never create such a shadow on a vertical plane.
Thanks, I will work on it.
EDIT: I changed the shadow cast from the bird. I also added more shadow to the skull the bird and the spine. and created bones for the hands that look like deer feet. I did this the same way I created the spine.
Thanks. I agree. Thanks for the advice!
PS: Author, you did a lovely job with the noise problem on the shirt, and the title change rocks!
Thank you and thanks for the advice you gave.
Thanks! I love your work by the way.
awesome !! you simply have to win. Good luck !
Thank you!
Congrats, Terry!
Thanks Bob!
Howdie stranger!
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Headed home from a stag party... (5 years and 3230 days ago)
nice work
gl author
For some reason reminds me a bit of Donnie Darko . Perhaps I'd make the guy's shadow a tiny bit darker and give the suite a little bit of yellow photofilter. If you want you can give the guy a tiny blur (you can experiment easier with it if you make a smart object from the head and body) and also add a layer (with blending overlay) with some tiny grain noise, so it fits better with the quality of the background photo. Good luck!
EDIT: good improvement imo
Thank you so much for the suggestions, Waz! A bit of Film Grain really helped. I couldn't get the color filter to cooperate, but using Selective Color and adjusting the neutrals to have a bit more yellow and a bit less cyan seemed to do the trick.
This is looking great. I agree that the shadow of the man needs to be darker. Overall a nice creepy image. Love the description.
Not too shabby. Nice work.
great image, good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3402 days ago)
The left eye looks liie it is floating on the armor instead of being behind it. It also needs a slightly more visible shadow in the face, so it looks like she is using the armor
Nice job.
No SBS? Why bother?
CMYK46, I've worked this pics with an external source and i'm not suppose to provide a SBS....And i m on pxleyes.com for fun not to bother....
Howdie stranger!
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Okay... Before you guyz/galz want to vote or see the sbs or even comment... Read this please...
The contest theme is "To create your own character or make a new character for an existing game"...
But you may find the suit wore by this female character quite similar... Of course it will be similar... Coz I made it taking the influence of the crysis suit...
Coz what I made is a female character for an existing game i.e. Crysis... A sort of tribute to the crytek team for making such a wonderful game...
Well while creating a female char for this game, I can't make her wear a tin can for armor... So I had no other choice then other to create a female cryo suit...
I also asked a mod bout it... He said as long as it's an different character it's okay... I am not sure about the other mods though...
Also I fully respect the developer and thank them for making such a visually nice armor( my version is like a bicycle compared to a tank :()
Also reference for the armor is taken from the game itself... In the sbs I explained how I created the suit... So I made a new female character for an existing game, so that stays in the theme I think...
I don't claim to have created the original nano suit nor could I have create this female suit if weren't for those people...
So this is basically a fan art...
I again repeat, this digital painting is a tribute to the crytek people... Thank you =)
P.S. Damn writing all that long description, I forgot to name the character's name... Her name is "Ai"... :) (5 years and 3912 days ago)
very nice!!
Cool, but i'd change the name, most people read the description anyway
Edit: Nice name!
Okay.. I read the description and went through the SBS.. can I have my Fifteen minutes Back NOW?... I'm just funning ya.. this is very excellent work... though You should make the SBS more Detailed.. add more steps and submit it into the Tutorial section.. it would be very popular I'm sure and many peeps would love to use it
@ponti55 he he I changed the title... Well most people read, but some don't... Thats why that name... lol
@Nator thanks for the comment... Well cityscape hmmm... I imagined this situation as the character is dropped from a B2 bomber plane...
@GolemAura hehehe... well I am thinking of writing a tut on work like this... In progress...
@Nisha thanks for favoring my work
i love crysis too! good job
Haha....so U finally made a female character.....no doubt its u At@s&d%B7*.....oops sry can't name the author......excellent work At@s&d%B7*.....
welldone author!! great work. good SBS
Thanks Elficho and GK... And lol @ LKY...
Beautifully done Author.......Good Luck.
GREAT!! really like this
Very cool looking character great job!
looks very good
very nice
Howdie stranger!
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Just from curiosity , what's the idea ?
Howdie stranger!
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