Photoshop Pictures: Sunset (page 9)

results 41 - 45 of 83

Day's End - created by arca

Days End
Favs: 8SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 2/15Score: 61.1% (36)18687 views

My tribute to Andrew Wyeth. This is not a copy of any of his work. I tried to captured his style and feel.

It was a lot more work than just adding a filter to a my photo. I removed a house, trees, a mountain, added a sky and basically recomposed the whole image to get his "uncluttered" look. Photos used are my own. See SBS.

Mr. Wyeth work is copyrighted but you can see it here (sorry it is so long) (5 years and 3270 days ago)

avatar hereisanoop

Great entry and a great sbs..., good luck to you

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Beautiful. Nice work.

avatar Drivenslush

well shuck my corn and call me grits... I do declare I may have just peed myself.. a little (got my depends on so I am fine) .. Now do American Gothic ...purdy purdy purdy please?... hehehe.. super duper perfection.. and the SBS is exhaustingly excellent (I know exhaustingly is not a word but I may as well earn the thumbs down I'll get shortly... hehehe.. seems to be a trend LOL)

Any whooooooo... GREAT JOB!!!... I do back flips if I wasn't so top heavy (very big head) LOL

GOOD LUCK and awesome SBS!!!

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fabulous very peaceful scene author...i see some personal mark on this one...look very soul-ish...well done

avatar gornats
gornats says:

so this is how to counterfit art - awesome work

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Very, very nice!!! Yep!

avatar ibmaxed
ibmaxed says:

Really nice, well done

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Wyeth was a very subtle colorist. He was never this monochromatic. The hues of the main subject always stood out from the background.

avatar sgc
sgc says:

Wonderful work, cool sbs! GL author

avatar petersheep

Hey man!! Love this result!!! Best of luck!!! fantastic!

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

wow! this is facinating!

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

On it's own it looks like a picture you took and just change the tones and texture, that's how good your blending is. But when you look at the SBS, you can really see how much work went in to this, and now I like it even more, goo job = )

author says:

@ Emik - Thank you so much for noticing. Your comment is really appreciated as I was afraid that the work I put into this would not get noticed!

Thanks to everyone for your comments and favs!

avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Very good entry.

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

WOW, this is incredible work, author! Great sbs, thanks for sharing, those are some interesting techniques. I think the high-pass adds a sort of sparkle to the foliage. I personally like the subdued tones and I think Mr. Wyeth would be impressed.

author says:

Again I want to thank all for the wonderful comments and recognition on this image. I was afraid it would be too suble.

I got really sick last Wednesday with what the think is Bronchitis or possibly Bronchial pneumonia so I did not get the voting and commenting I would like to have done but please believe me that as soon as I am on my feet again will be around to visit your latest art and fav anything I have missed! Hugs to all ... from afar as no-one wants what I have!

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congrats for 2nd

avatar hereisanoop

Congrats.., very nice work

avatar spaceranger


avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

congrats and well done Nancie

avatar elemare
elemare says:

This is why an SBS is so important - it's a pain to remember to grab a screen capture when in the throes of creating and tweaking, but only a detailed SBS reveals the intricacy of techniques used (and some great tricks!) This is strikingly beautiful in its subtlety.

As for some comments... last I knew, a tribute was a nod to a style, an interpretation, not an imitation.

Howdie stranger!
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Milo's Sunset Drift - created by Stowsk

Milos Sunset Drift
Favs: 7SBS: 12Hi-resRank: 4/15Score: 60.1% (20)10963 views

nothing but the source (5 years and 3310 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Imaginative and beautiful. Nice approach to use the source without the swing. It belongs in a classic storybook, my friend.

avatar Drivenslush

Very Beatrix Potter only transported to modern day

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Pretty, but too CBR.
EDIT: "CBR" = Chopped Beyond Recognition. It's when you create a "jigsaw puzzle image by deconstructing the source image so badly that you could have used any image of anything to create with, because the original source is no longer visibly identifiable within the chop.

Warping, recoloring, and adding to an image is one thing. Chopping into such "mystery meat" shapes minimizes it's use in the final image. While it's allowed, (In the opinion of some), it's not the best example of one's chopping skills.

author says:

What's CBR?

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good thinking, good color!

avatar Brunheroti

Gostei das sombras e cores

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Different approach author but great final product...well done

avatar dreamboy
dreamboy says:

Scenic atmosphere with nice composition.

avatar hereisanoop

Very nice result, gl

avatar DanielaOwergoor

Romantic image, really beautiful!

avatar arca
arca says:

Very pleasant scene ... interesting takes on the source.

My only "critique" would be that the little boat is perhaps a bit too centered ... it would add a little more life to the image if it was not directly in the middle of the image ... see here for Rule of Thirds and composition info ).

Sorry I am so late with my comment I know there is nothing you can do now but thought for next time

avatar Derivatix
Derivatix says:

would be perfect on the cover of a children's book. Very lovely, great imagination!

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

Nice image , but have to agree a bit with mossyB

author says:

Thank you for your kind comments Mossy B. and Glockman.However, with all due respect, the fence, ground and fence shadows are all in tact except for color and contrast. I chose the area because of the long fence shadows. The swing, and only the swing has been the only element used in most of the entries in this contest. I just chose a different area and focused on that. I think the shadows lend to the wonderful perspective in this shot.

avatar hymerion
hymerion says:

I wonder why no one notice another entries who use less of source image - for example those entries who could be constructed from any other source image (the pieces of source are used only for their texture or color...) I like this entry, at least you could recognise a good piece of source. Good job!

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

This is delightful and whimsical, author. I credit your creativity in using a different portion of the source other than the main object in it. Love the combination of image and digital painting, too.

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

VEry clever idea =)

Howdie stranger!
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Sunset - created by ChristianDarmali

Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/15Score: 56.2% (15)7777 views

Credit to : : for eagle image. : for sunset image. (5 years and 3367 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar Toothpick134

What an excellent Image! Really good! Only one thing IMO, you've probably just copied the coliseum across to get a full one. The only thing that spoils the image a little bit thought is that there are the same people in the same places on each side. To fix this I would recommend using the cloning tool to get rid of some people or maybe the healing brush tool. Good Luck!

author says:

@Toothpick134 : Thanks for your comment and advice.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good mood & color, but too many eagles makes the viewer aware of the obvious duplication.

avatar Syntek
Syntek says:

You did an excellent job matching the colors and the general atmosphere of this is slightly surreal.

Good job

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The lighting of the eagles is poor. With that bright a sun behind them, they should show some backlighting and more illumination from beneath. But they all show strong lighting from on top...

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

MossyB, you are indeed correct.

author says:

@ MossyB : Thanks for your critic and advice.

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Maybe the light could have been better on the eagles but the way you've put it all together, it look really nice. I guess I'm just not analyzing it like everyone else. In comparision to the rest I've seen, I think you got a winner. GL!

Howdie stranger!
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Old Mill at Sunset - created by artgirl1935

Old Mill at Sunset
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 6/15Score: 55.5% (0)6284 views

I decided to feature the mill against a striking background. Thanks to for the beautiful sky source photo. Birds are painted in with brush tool. (5 years and 3374 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Simply beautiful and romantic!...

avatar Christy
Christy says:

Beautiful image....IMO the birds would be darker to match the rest of the image...Best of Luck

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Interesting idea, but whatever you did to the original sky source didn't improve it.

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Very nice results = )

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very neat work

no avatar

Very nice, and very confincing.
Just beautiful.

Good luck.

avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Super realistic. Great job, author!

Howdie stranger!
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Sense Less - created by dreamboy

Sense Less
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/15Score: 52.4% (15)12279 views

(5 years and 3375 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

What sense (or lack of) would that be?

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Oh, that he's blind and walking towards a broken bridge. Well you could put a bandage on his eyes ( around his head) to make it more obvious.

avatar bompy
bompy says:

kind of looks like hes checking out the nice sunset

avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

didn't you uploaded this one into the wrong contest ?


author says:

I think now it makes Sense.

avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

yup it does now :P

avatar erathion
erathion says:

This entry would fit better in other contest....

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The light source on the umbrella in foreground is opposite the background light source...

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I don't why he's senseless... HE'S DEAD!!!! I mean, I'm no medical doctor or anything but I think he would not live long with his head several meters in from of him. But the head looks like it's positioned weird.....

avatar George55
George55 says:

Even if he does not have senses any more... or he is dead.... it is still a nice image... (but it should have done better in the other contest).... good luck author.

Howdie stranger!
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