Photoshop Pictures: Switch

results 1 - 5 of 5

switch places - created by Se7eN0f9

switch places
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 9/9Score: 54.7% (0)5627 views

(5 years and 2728 days ago)

2 Sources:

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Night Switch - created by Chalty669

Night Switch
Favs: 5SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 1/9Score: 74.6% (45)19010 views

Old part of the village I live in. Day to Night. (5 years and 2828 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Very well done! Great lighting!

avatar alyssadanielle

knew it! good job author! good luck!

avatar RickLaMesa

nice one...i always wondered how to do this..nice SBS too

avatar macarhign
macarhign says:

i really like the SBS! nice job author. Good luck!

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Well done, wish I had though of it = )

avatar Drivenslush


avatar Galena
Galena says:

Great work and helpful SBS.

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nice! Very realistic looking, great job.

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Chad terrific work

avatar rusvelt2000

Congrats Chalty669

avatar macarhign
macarhign says:


avatar spaceranger


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flip the switch, go green - created by jaescoe21

flip the switch, go green
Favs: 0SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 6/9Score: 58.2% (0)8737 views

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Your guide is very difficult to see, perhaps try it on a darker background. The image itself is very nice!!

avatar Graphopoly

the idea of the neon light is good but the choice of the font color combined with the background color is bad. I would suggest to add a shadow to the text so it can pop out a little or to go with a darker backround. Good luck anyway thought

author says:

how is this? is it better???? should i put something back...

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Glass part looks good, threaded base should be metallic...

no avatar
maXed says:

Go green, turn your light on? .. Isnt it like better to turn your light ofF?

author says:

this is suppose to be one of those light bulbs that are better for you. I forgot what they are called, but the ones with the curl in them.

avatar chakra1985


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Mr. and Mrs. Ed - created by MrBig

Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/9Score: 60.5% (25)24040 views

".... psssst, go for the one in the other hand - they taste like chicken!"

Constructed the Livery sign in CS3 - sbs to follow. (5 years and 3866 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

horses don't eat kittens.. LOL.. good humor author

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The girl is floating...otherwise this is great.
PS: IMHO the only thing that would make this better is if we could see what the girl is holding, like maybe a carrot?

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

A horse is a horse of course of course....say Wilbuurrrr, Good work on this one

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

in high res i can see the lines where you copy pasted wall below the sign you can fix that ofcourse with the patchtool or by leaveing the top layer a lil long and with a large soft brush on like 25% or so erising the edge so the flow better into eachother.. as picky as i am.. at the doorstep the cuout is really a tat too sharp in high res use a soft blur on that edge and you will also that tiny dark cutout line there most likely... the girls feet are not on the floor and while looking there i also saw a copy paste line there that you easely can cover with patch tool

I rly like this piece.. very realistic done too

author says:

Thanks for the improvement tips. CMYK - am considering your carrot suggestion. And to Eladine - wow. Your eyes are far better than mine - after putting in the intitial time in the construction of this piece - I said, "I'm done. Time to submit" I never looked back until the comments started to roll in. Fixed what was pointed out (girl, masking, sharp edges) keep 'em coming - this just keeps better and better from your suggestions.

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

xD very nice!!

avatar thomasms
thomasms says:

Very well. One thing though, if you zoom in at the girls feet the wall behind has a very sharp edge and doesn't quite meet with the floor. You can blend that out with the eraser and clone tool. It might help if you add some shadows under the wheelbarrows aswell. Otherwise great image!

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

XD sorry but dont worry im even mroe pickier on my own work o.o; and i rly like what you did.. good job on the corrections by the way altho the copy paste lines above and below the door openeings are still there :P high marks from me anyway.. good job

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Nice blend and good composition. I like the simplicity.

author says:

Holy hi resolution . No worries El, appreciate your attention to detail . Here is a sincere request; however - please provide me with your home email. Those c&p lines were dreadful! I gave a cursory look before submission, then I really took a look last night after your review ( ), then today I come back to check and I didn't even get most of them! so perhaps you'd be interested in "proofing" my entries prior to submitting them?? (for a small fee, of course!)

At any rate - I think this final correction should make you happy. I challenge you to find a single straight line anywhere on the piece lol !

And to you Thomas - if you'll review the source pic, you'll see that the "foundation" of the stable is indeed lifting there too on the left side. I tried to follow your suggestion in creating a blend at that point - and with your skills I might have been able to accomplish it - but alas, with my own I was leaving Captain Cloning Marks all over the image which Eladine would have discovered later this afternoon
so in the interest of saving myself some more time (or just being lazy) I opted to leave it as it was. Great eye; however - good perception and even better attention to detail.

(sheesh - you guys are even better than I remembered! )

(little disappointed in you CMYK though - not until today did I realize I spelled PIXLEYES with an "i" in the sign - slipping in the old age, bro - or just going for the obvious oversights?

author says:

EDIT: There you go, Bob. A carrot per your request (hope it improves your for typos and straight lines!!)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Ummm...I didn't mention anything about typos & straight lines, although I did say this is a great image. I'm glad the suggestions I DID make helped it be even better. Good luck, cranky author!

no avatar

good use of source. Great to see you take on board suggestions to improve your entry. well done author.

avatar hereisanoop

great work..

avatar elficho
elficho says:

great blending! good idea

avatar thomasms
thomasms says:

Well done for trying Author. This entry definately deserves a high mark all the same.

I think you have improved it though haven't you? It looks better than it did.

avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:

Nice job.

avatar woodztockr


avatar Leanord
Leanord says:

Nice job.

avatar Leanord
Leanord says:

Nice job.

author says:

Indeed Thomas, the image has improved greatly. The uh, carrot was an excellent suggestion. as were the shadow enhancement below the wheel barrows.

Anything else jump out at you??

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I like this one!

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place, MrBig

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Congrats on the 3rd place Amigo...well done

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:


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"The Switch" - created by boemeles

"The Switch"
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 7/9Score: 54.7% (0)12030 views

Note: please start reading slowly and increase your reading speed over time, it will make it more fun :)

It starts with the hand pushing against the switch, a motor activates the wheel, a ball then rolls over a ledge hitting a cup, taking the cup away from its blocked position, a 1kg weight pulls the cup up, activating the seesaws, the seesaws form a funnel ball rolls on the spring release, spring releases, ball flies against guide, scores 3 points by falling thru the basket, the ball falls on top of a paper plane which pushes out the rubber band holder, paper plane gets launched hitting the switch and the machine is back off!

Thanks to Jason Eppink.

P.S. I hope this is rube goldberg enough? (5 years and 3939 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar fille
fille says:

i fear that your machine can be turned off much earlier from paper plane pushed from 1kg weight...

avatar Ory
Ory says:

I was really waiting for someone to make an entry into this contest, I am drawing up my own ideas now and trying to make something good, nice work on your entry, I like it a lot.

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

oh hell.. I have no idea what to do about this contest.. glad to see someone attempt.. high marks for being one of the first

author says:

the weight falls in front of the plane (= further away from background) @ Ory: I was waiting too, but i thought what the hell. Its finished, ill submit it

avatar fille
fille says:

aaa ok then! i didn't saw that

avatar OliviasArts

great job author, i wouldn't even know where to begin

avatar burtzomega


avatar artist3001

Good entry

avatar chainedheart
chainedheart [banned] says:

good but i dont really understand whats going on but good job looks nice

avatar chakra1985


avatar CookieMonster

Great job! Well done!

Howdie stranger!
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