(5 years and 2875 days ago)
I created this epic view from several pictures of temples and ruins! Lots of digital painting, shading, and coloring to get it all to blend together.
Thanks to Tasastock and RaeyenIrael-Stock for the image of the girls. (permission is in the SBS) (5 years and 2915 days ago)
Nice mood ! This is an eye catching image !!
Yes, very nicely done, like to see a tutorial for this one
Great image
The perspective on two of the bigger temples on the right are off though, might be able to fix that by rotating and or skewing it. Otherwise: good mood, great color combinations, I like the framing in the rocks... a classic epic game scene
Howdie stranger!
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Its a statued building like liberty statue. (5 years and 2927 days ago)
The statue of Liberty is not a building nor is the Washington Monument even though both have stairs and an observation platform neither one is classified as a building. Your Guitar is too small for people to enter in any case. It's more like a statue and not an example of roadside architecture.
But its inside a building dont you think? Thats why i call it ancient its old and just a few of rocks left from the original one. Anything that you can be inside is a building, anyway i going to change the guitar . But i keep my point of view.
Well now you've completely changed the image. Just to help you understand, the guitar being inside a building doesn't make it a building. You could have made a larger guitar big enough for people to go inside with doors and windows and that would have been a building.
Thanks now i get the point of the contest, im working on a giant guitar now xD
Howdie stranger!
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Same Temple about 75 years ago. (5 years and 3225 days ago)
Very nice cleanup job, and I love the color intensification!
Howdie stranger!
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Roman-Greek Temple featuring:
1) Greek God, Adonis
2) Roman Goddess, Diana
3) Roman Emperor, Julies Caeser
Much effort and time was spent on details. (5 years and 3253 days ago)
The author of the photo of the Roman Mythology Goddess Diana is Luann Johson.
The author of the photo of the Greek Mythology God Adonis is Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva.
Both were notified by note.
in the place of gradient effect u have to put sm another background..... so maybe it look more real then now..
Taking your suggestion. I added a different back to replace the gradient.
Thank you.
Amazing work, and love the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddess. The shading is fantastic, and your use of scrolling is great. I can see myself entering a garden to look at this temple. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Something simple, sweet, and actually easy and pleasurable to view... nice work author!
why yr image is removed from competition many times....???
I am new to this website and did not understand the depth of the rules. I am also new to entering contests. I'm a beginner using Photoshop, completely self taught. Entering contest is something I had never tried before.
Yes the image was removed multiple times by the mods. I had to supply proof of purchase for other images used, an SBS guide and there was an issue with a brush and crediting an author.
I'm still a bit confused over all of it as I see many entries that do not have the requirements I needed to provide. But, I will understand in time with the wonderful help of the Mods in the forum.
The most important point is I am having a wonderful time and very much enjoying this website.
Thank you for asking.
Howdie stranger!
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funky fun (Woo HOO)
thanks Drivenslush
Weird mix, specially the people on running mode in the temple. Anyway very good blending and compilation.
thanks for your suggestion Marta
I really like the concept.
Thanks Noelle811
And congrats again for a second place!
thanks Elke again
Congrats Kushpatel!!
Good Job! Congrats
Good Job! Congrats
Howdie stranger!
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