Photoshop Pictures: That (page 14)

results 66 - 70 of 96

That's My Shape - created by mysaurav

Thats My Shape
Favs: 1SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 3/16Score: 56.4% (25)11743 views

Yet another from me. Hope you all like it guys.

Can't think of anything else.

Comment & Suggest. (5 years and 3562 days ago)

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

well done, beautiful necklace

author says:


avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Cute neklace. . . . . I like it . . . . Gud luck author . . . . .

avatar Tip2Top
Tip2Top says:

Looks like one of those wood puzzles - very cool

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great shape author...but add a bit shading and maybe some look a bit more flat...good luck

author says:

Thanks everyone for the comments/suggestions and Erathion its because I am trying to give it the 'made of wood' effect so not much color. And its a thin shape so looks flat.

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

Best of luck

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

nice job

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Congrats for this beautiful work!

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Congrats on 3rd!!!!

avatar hereisanoop


no avatar

nice construction... congrats....

avatar chakra1985


author says:

Thank you everyone for liking my work and for the comments.

Howdie stranger!
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watch for that boom - created by MrHack

watch for that boom
Favs: 0SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 10/16Score: 55.9% (0)5600 views


i reduced the noice now (5 years and 3595 days ago)

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very realistic, but image seems a bit noisy to me...

author says:

thanks, i reduced the noice just a bit

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Great effect! Well done.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice work author...good luck

avatar kakarot
kakarot says:

Great! Great job!

avatar hereisanoop

good job

avatar sophia
sophia says:

nice work author

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Nice effects

avatar rasellia
rasellia says:

great job... and effects r really cool! gl

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

Good luck with this entry!!

Howdie stranger!
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What is that? - created by erikuri

What is that?
Favs: 0SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 16/16Score: 53.4% (0)4584 views

Something strange happened in the sky of Hong Kong City... (5 years and 3615 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

nice idea

avatar DanLundberg

Cool vantage point. I don't think the UFO undersides should not be so brightly lit, however, as I would expect them to be in shadow.

no avatar
PSser says:

It does look like a phony UFO photo which is the idea right?

avatar Drivenslush

very neat idea

Howdie stranger!
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Hoax April 1! :) - created by genuine2009

Hoax April 1! :)
Favs: 8SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 1/16Score: 63.9% (45)28748 views

Thanks to ''shoofly'' for source 3 (5 years and 3615 days ago)

3 Sources:

avatar ancient
ancient says:

nice composition but SBS?

avatar gamemastertips

Very I said with many entries here: "doesn't look like a hoax photo but very nice."

avatar hereisanoop

awesome.. (source not working.. I think only for me) I think some lights coming from the centre of ufo will be very nice...

author says:

hereisanoop....if you read the title ... you'll see looks like a hoax photo!!! indeed, just only after title, but is really hard to be on theme!!!...))...thx for the comm and suggestion!

avatar gamemastertips

It's not hard to be on theme: check out "Rooftop Sighting," "The Visitor," "Crop Circling," and "Breaking News." Still, the picture is an awesome sci-fi scene.
Just check out the latest entry "And then I looked up." Great example of a picture that looks as if it was taken by an average guy, of a UFO that seems pretty real.

EDIT: AHA! Knew it was you! I think your PS skills are pretty awesome alone...

author says:

gamemastertips....the entry...Breaking News....realy.... isn't in theme....!!!...if that entry is in theme ... then either could be, or it doesn't matter ..

avatar gamemastertips

Breaking News, along with others, follows the theme that "even in high-res, you should not be able to tell whether the picture is real or fake." Obviously, the over-dramatic lighting makes this look too fake for a hoax photo. I know, alot of people have forgotten about this rule by now. There's no doubt that this is still a great entry, but it could be more on theme in a more photo-esque scene. You did an awesome job on the UFO, btw.

avatar demi
demi says:

looks good

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Good title great picture

avatar braska
braska says:

Nice piece of art! You used some nice pics.... And who cares about the line "even in high-res, you should not be able to tell whether the picture is real or fake." .... Start adding 500 different little stipulations to the theme that are personal preferences and you just end up stunning creativity - imo.

avatar gamemastertips

Braska...that was the point of this contest. Lots of people can make a really stunning, dramatic, sci-fi scene, but can you also do it while making it look like a hoax photo? This contest isn't called "UFO" it's called "UFO hoax." Ignoring that rule makes the contest too easy. And it's just the one rule, not "500 different little stipulations."

avatar braska
braska says:

yes, that was a VERY obvious exaggeration when I said 500, was trying to make a point. Saying "your image HAS to be at least 1600 X 1200", the photo has to look extremely life-like, also a "daylight scene is recommended". My 'point' is that it stuns creativity, I fully understand the 'point' of the contest. And why couldn't someone of taken the photo above? Looks good to me, they snapped the shot, tweaked it a little in Photoshop and posted it on flickr, right? And its a nite scene!? Vote lower? naaaa. Outstanding image.

avatar gamemastertips

Okay, I see your point, Braska. I suppose it's a matter of opinion what looks realistic or not. We're conditioned to believe that these things are fake, so we consider this "unrealistic." Why? Why can't it be realistic? Yes, once again, great entry.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fabulous work...very very well done author...high marks from me...

avatar DanLundberg

One might argue that producing something awesome while limited by onerous contraints shows true creativity.

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

awesome work ! great ufo !

no avatar
mangoa says:


avatar jaskier
jaskier says:

Good work.

avatar oana
oana says:

congrats for your first and second!

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your first place, Genuine!

avatar madamemonty

Congrats, awesome work

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Congratulations both of the top two spots!

author says:

thx all for your comm...and grats!!!

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 1st

avatar DigitalDreamer

congrats for first and second nice job on both

avatar DigitalDreamer

congrats for first and second nice job on both

avatar hereisanoop


avatar Giulia
Giulia says:

Great job, congrats!

avatar spaceranger


avatar Clinge
Clinge says:


Howdie stranger!
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The Hand that is Smacked - created by Drivenslush

The Hand that is Smacked
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 8/16Score: 52.6% (0)8275 views

See how the child reaches out instinctively
To feel how fire will feel.

See how the man reaches out instinctively
For what he cannot have.

The pull and the push of it all.

Reaching out for the hand.
Reaching out for the hand that smacked.
Reaching out for that hand to hold.
Reaching out for the Star.
Reaching out for the Star that explodes.
Reaching out for Mama.

See how the flower leans instinctively
Toward the light.

See how the heart reaches out instinctively
For no reason but to touch.

The pull and the push of it all.

Reaching out for the hand
Reaching out for the hand that smacked
Reaching out for that hand to hold.
Reaching out for the Star.
Reaching out for the Star that explodes.
Reaching out for Mama.

(Can't we see...)

Reaching out for Mama.

by Kate Bush

Quote is from (5 years and 3624 days ago)

avatar Jellopudding

this is my favorite... like the fact someone turned this crap contest into something real.. GL

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Font in center is pixelated...

author says:

CMYK46: I'll be ignoring this lame puppy, hence not voting either.

Can't even keep your own word can you Bob..just couldn't resist LOL

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Just trying to help, since you can't even seem to get little things like font resolution also seem to have a rather large collection of male nude photos...I wonder how those came to be.
Just asking, of course.

avatar Govindrathod

Nice quote.....

avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

@ CMYK46, i bet you do wonder

author says:

@CMYK... since you Asked...

I have a large collection of male nudes because they invented this thing.. it’s called a Camera.. and did you know that if you have a subject that is nude.. you just have to push the little button on the top of the Camera Box thingy and it actually takes MULTIPLE photographs... you should check it out

(By the Way) I also have a large collection of female nudes as well, but those are in private collections...

To aquire nude photos you have to bathe and have a trusting personality. (I find people are more comfortable getting nude when the photographer is clean.. being in shape is also helpful.. I have the number for Jenny Craig if you’d like to work on that CMYK) You also cannot lie... You cannot be narcissistic... you cannot be a homophobe... you cannot be Xenophobic... and you can’t be a racist.. People who have nice bodies have a tendency to be turned off by these characteristics.

Since you have NONE of these abilities.. I’m afraid you are going to have to depend on Deviant Art’s Adult section for your sources... so sorry dude.. but good luck

oh yeah.. and don’t be a phony... (which I'm sorry to say, you've made into an art form)

avatar Jellopudding

Come on, CMYK cause that wasn't a jab at the authors sexual orientation ... lets not hit below the belt (haha) this is an art site I am sure there is many different sexual orientations here.. try not to offend everyone...

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The font's still pixelated. I love your psycho diatribes.

author says:

chuckle (Print resolution is fine.. hehe)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Oh goody another author that's super defensive when CMYK says something to him. Just what we need.......................

author says:

not defensive Jawshoewhah.. I'm just allergic to BULLSH!TE and have a tendency to sneeze back in Prose

Howdie stranger!
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