They are the warriors from Mars. In the end of days... there is going to be an alien attack. But.. don't worry.., they can save us.. Lol
Please check the sbs... :) (5 years and 3211 days ago)
(5 years and 3211 days ago)
Great job author!
p.s. If this is at me... the facial feature missing would be big ears! lol...
actually I did add ears at one point, but it made him look to much like Mr. Potatohead, LOL (thanks buddy)
cute looking little fellow!
very nice work good luck
Congrats, well done
I'm not surprised you won in your contest! Congrats!!!
Congratulations!!!! Now #2 - What a lot of hours you must put into PS. You deserve it!!!
lol congratulations ya old slushbuckler
Nice Job Congrats on First Place Win
wow congrats
Really nice job!Visually very pleasing.
Congratulations for your fist place.
Howdie stranger!
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my own pictures combined with source (5 years and 3213 days ago)
I really like this!
Wow, one of your best, good job
Seems as though there are other sources like the eyes and other bones. Might want to list those, interesting character. Try and blend it into the background photo more, he seems way too light for the light in the area...it would be way more creepy if you had to look at it twice to be sure it was fake...IMO
Titan, Please check the SBS (eyeroll)
His eyes fascinated me...............wooooooooow!.............GL!
Ok i see the SBS, my bad for not seeing the other sources, other comments still stand though.
Really like this one! Good luck!
You sir, are just "Too Tough To Tame" WTG! Grats
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3215 days ago)
Looks better in High Res
SBS or used source is required ...............chair looks floating above ground , duplicating doors with no changes not very good idea at least try to make some changes , and the front door carpet dont look comfortable with king throne
Sources are on their way.
Look carefully....i made lots of changes to the textures so they didnt look duplicated....maybe i need to do a few more
The door carpet looks fine next t kings throne if you look in high res.
I will add more shadow so the chair doesnt look like its floating.
Thanks for the comments
I would have gone to a GIANT LIZARD..but the chair and detail is very sweet good luck author
Yes,,,,i realized that and made the lizard bigger, but i didnt have internet just after i uploaded it till now and couldnt edit it....oh well ).
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to royal_broil at flickr.com for the ocean and sea grass source photo;to mqtrf at pxleyes.com for the standing seagull; to rosevita at morguefile.com for one of the flying seagulls; to wallyir at morguefile.com for the other seagull. (5 years and 3215 days ago)
Very good work author! Good luck!!!
great work
Really Really Nice! Love how much depth this has.
odd...I took a photograph EXACTLY like the "Ocean and grasses" picture and funny that it was on the other side of michigan. hmmmm
I would give a shadow on fence for the bird in front right.
It is a work of art, photographic reality. Perfect!
Excellanto!! Extremely well done,depth is superb! GL author
Nice use of source...I love entries like these. Nice work, author!
Howdie stranger!
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wonderful build and drawing
wow awesome ! well done!
Another great work..... good luck.
Wow! Nice Work
awesome work
love it , great job.
how the hell do people draw like this....... geeze louise its good work author
going into fav's incase i need to call you in 2012 lol
Wonderful work, and a fabulous sbs too
This entry is really great! The SBS is a must see for this entry for alot of reasons, first one I seen like it, I will have to steal that idea... lol... wow... now I must vote, my highest, and see who this is... first time I've been so curious!
great job!!!
Beautiful entry author.... GL!!
LOLs nice SBS, good details, good render. That belly button really irritates me
, like it's not the axis. Maybe it's just me 
Fabulous work, author! Very creative sbs, too. I can only hope that you're making a living doing this in the 'real world'.
This was very well done!
Green eyes, grab a lot of attention. Not sure if that was intended or not...
Hey. greymval.., her upper body is in a twisted posture. that's why it looks like not in the axis. If you look at the one in the sbs you can see that it is in the right position to th bottom half. and tytyllion., you are right I like green eyes.
great skills and clever job on SBS

Absolutely amazing!!!
Author, you're great!!! 
Hey author, I thought that too, at first.
But your statement is contradicted by the line of her shoulders, which should not be paralel with the horizon in a twisted position. Anyways, maybe is not that important.
I agree with the green eyes, they are really attractive and well drawn
Really nice job!
I think the lower half is twisted.., how about that.., what ever.., You have a cup of tea..

Fantastic image!! Congrats ahead of time!!!
fabulous .................
Exceptionally Brilliant.......Good Luck Author.
Congrats Anoop
super work
Made it to the top entries, congrats
Congratulations Anoop...another great work......!
Nice Job Congrats on first Place Win
Congrats!!! Amazing work!!!
Thank you all..., thank you very much..
Howdie stranger!
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