source only (5 years and 3303 days ago)
Everything in this image is created from the window design. The beautiful swirl designs lend themselves to a flowery image so well. (5 years and 3303 days ago)
Intricate and beautiful. Congrats!
I really love the colors of this one. Nice composition, author!
Beautiful work author....
this is very cool.
Lovely and I think I can guess the artist ... I must be getting familiar with the site. Quality work this!
Wow! Absolutely beautiful!
Congrats for your first place, Lois!
Thanks for the nice comments, and for the votes!! Love y'all
Congrats Lois lovely work
Congrats Lois another lovely piece!!
Howdie stranger!
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"...OH sing me a song you're the Piano Frog..." You know how the song goes.
Thanks to am-y at SXC.hu and istockphotos Ellande. (5 years and 3303 days ago)
He looks like the WB!!! hehehe
(author, on a side note.. Make sure you show how you made the tongue in side the mouth, it's unclear in the SBS and I wouldn't want this pulled on a simple tech prob.. It's obvious you made it but it's better to be safe then sorry )
Thanks Drivenslush. The whole time I was making this I kept thinking it looked like something or somebody but all I could think of was Slash from Guns a Roses. I'll have to Google the WB. As far as the Tongue goes, You might have commented before I was done submitting all of the the SBS's but I can add on to the SBS if you want. It's pretty simple really, the tongue really starts to pop once you blur the shadows and add the highlights. Thanks again.
Extraordinary and very unique! Love what you have done ... he is sooooooo cooool!
Only problem is I am going to be singing that @(&^$* song for a week ... and everyone will think I am nuts (re: pianofrog instead of pianoman). Oh well ... the picture is worth a little pain and everyone thinks I am nuts anyway so no biggy!
Cool Jazzy image !
Very cute! Great personality! Nicely done! Reminds me of Chuck Jones cartoon (the WB frog) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRnX4quv5W4
Simple, crisp and really humorous. Good luck!
cool and cute entry..... I wonder how the voice sounds...probably like the Budweiser commercials....... GL author.
hahahahahaha...great thinking...well made author...GL
I like this one the best
Great idea and execution
Good job, and thanks for the link, Spaceranger, that brought back some good memories!
Nice tonguework, author!
should of placed much higher......shame people here dont know how to vote
agree wid u Freejay ..many entries these days are ending up too low...
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Spec Thanks to Conan(TK) for use of this picture found on Flickr photo sharing.com (5 years and 3304 days ago)
Good idea, but the figures are distorted.
Thanks cmyk46 Yea I know just recut and did over and I looked on high resolution its a little clearer but pxled
I just over again photo so so
But it's very nice!
Author, the figures are still distorted. If you want to resize an image just hold the shift key.
Hey Thanks CMYK46 I cut it three times took largest size they I just figured it was bad photo I was resizing from image header it kept coming out like that even on smaller siize?
I tried holding shift key down nothing ? something plus shift?
author.. when you are resizing the image with the mouse (Using Transform Scale) (grabbing one of the 4 corners NOT mid squares, only the corners, when you hold down the shift key and grab one of the 4 corners the image will retain it's proportions with no distortion (Or you can simply convert a picture to a smart object and no matter what you do to the photo it will never distort AND it will always retain it's resolution no matter how many times you resize it)
Hey Thanks I tried recutting and doing over still looked like crap...blurreed Thanks all
Congrats for your third place, Chuck!
Thanks all for the congrats ...and comments and help It means alot to me
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Inspired by the Bottle City of Kandor from the Superman Comics. Used source, with various PS brushes and filters. And the screw fitting of a different light bulb from SXC.
(I am listing two images as "reference only". Because the original material was a comic, part of my reference/inspiration came from a drawn image. I hope this is allowed? You can find it on the first reference link, to a blog page, second image down. The second ref is a pic on an Amazon.com page.) (5 years and 3304 days ago)
very nice interesting work...gl author
Neat idea = )
Really creative and love the overall feel. I like how you didn't just duplicate the ones in the background...you changed them up a bit to make them different. Nice attention to detail.
I agree with pixelkid ... very interesting concept and great depth of field creation. Well done!
Very clever, and yes, cool elevator. Would sure make an interesting Christmas tree bauble, especially if it lit up!
Congrats for your second place, Elliejane!
Congrats for 2nd
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This reminds me on dream vision with clash of the planets...GL author
A world of waves and wonder ... weird, wild, wonderferful and whatever wistful alliterations I can think of that begin with that whacy "w" letter!
Particularly like the upper side of the "wave" on the right side! It is almost it's own little landscape.
A world of waves and wonder ... weird, wild, wonderferful and whatever wistful alliterations I can think of that begin with "w"!
Seriously, I particularly like the upper side of the "wave" on the right side! It is almost it's own little landscape.
Howdie stranger!
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