(5 years and 3497 days ago)
(5 years and 3498 days ago)
Nice idea. Not sure if the machines should have been helicopters for more realism but good effort.
Nice! You did a great job with the lighting, the bridge...and pretty much everything. Awesome!
Really nice work here! I especially like the extra rays traveling through the bridge. Good luck!
Looks good! Try to distort the far end of the bridge so it's smaller, and the perspective will be better. GL.
extreemly cool!
Very realistic, I like the ilumination!
PS: You really should make a SBS for this. Would definitely improve your vote.
Update: added sbs
very cool work author...gl
Now that's what I wish Springville looked like!
nice one
Congrats, great job!
Congrats, terrific work
Thanks for the congrats... didn't really expect this one to win!
Congratulations on your first place!
Congratulation...best of luck...!!!
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to Jenny Downing, Nimrod Bar and Doviende for the great images. (5 years and 3498 days ago)
Wow, this is really unique. I like it =)
Agree with EmiK.....nice job!
Very nice compo, I like the mildness of the image.
Nice idea.
Fabulous work author...every details is just perfect....very well done
very cool
nice idea, i like it
my first reaction was 'what the hell?' but this is an interesting piece..
Thanks erikuri.
Congrats! for 2nd
Congratulation on your second place...your work was my favorite...well done
congrats! my favourite as well! great idea!
Howdie stranger!
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My rendition of the mythical giant mountain bird known as the Roc. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roc_(mythology)
Comments and criticism are much appreciated. Thank you. (5 years and 3498 days ago)
Welcome back buddy . You did a good job on the rendition but I think the feather can be done better by smaller brush size of smudge tool, and the size of the bird a bit smaller will be better for the composition. Also, a more blurry background is better for the main focus of the image.Good luck !!
PS: I think you should check the second link, it doesn't lead to anywhere, at least with me, and the background looks like a pre-manipulated image because the mountain is similar to a 3D image.
Thanks, buddy. I fixed the second link and I'm working on a new background. Please stand by!
EDIT: And it is done. I did everything you reccomended, Langstrum. Thanks for the advice. Hope the new background works.
Hi, friend, were you lost? Nice to see you again...
It's a very beautiful composition; when we see about the roc on Wiki, we find only b&w illustrations. So, with your entry, we can make our imagination flows about how a roc could be. Really nice entry, GL!
I like the lighting.... Nice job!.... maybe little clean up on edges of wings, imo.
Great entry!
Thanks skeletor. Don't know how much more I can clean up, though...the edges are pretty sharp and clean as far as I can see and the grey outline is part of the feathers.
EDIT: Sorry, my bad! Wings have hopefully been fixed now...
Very nice work author,IMHO background is to much blurry...in high resolution near eye of the bird u have one small red glitch...maybe u could made edges a bit softer,in this case blur tool or smudge,but my advice is smudge...Nice to see u again author...best of luck
Good idea and nice result...
Thanks all! Erathion, I THINK I fixed it but I couldn't really locate the glitch to begin with...hope I blurred the right places :p
aahahaha nice idea!
Nice idea and great result
Very good chop Author
Thanks, everyone! After looking more at the high-res...I realized that I did indeed miss a few white blotches between the wings. Thanks Skeletor! This has been now fixed, and the tips of the wings have been smudged slightly as well.
Oh, the wings are great!
Howdie stranger!
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Removed power lines, street banner and street lights... to create a nice river scene...
(update), fixed tower reflection. (5 years and 3499 days ago)
i guess it must be a mega bird!
I'm not sure if the bird was necessary either but I think this that the final result is best so far! I hoped that someone would cover the street with water and this is a very neat chop!
A more dramatic sky would definitely add more charm to it so i'll hold my vote until the end but I do like this!
I like it, it shows a nice boat ride.
Nice work on the reflections. Well done!
very nice ! g l
nice work...gl
Tower reflection is out of place (should be beneath original) but otherwise looks good.
@CMKY46, fixed the tower reflection.. thanks!
No, you didn't. See the other reflections and how they're directly below the objects they reflect? The tower reflection needs to move to the right.
@CMKY46.... (*as i facepalm myself*)... I thought you were tallking about the white and red tower down the river (which was off and I fixed)... I didn't even notice the big tower to the left was off too, lol. I will fix it this time... Thanks!
Edit: correct reflection fixed.
Howdie stranger!
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cooollllll..... maybe u can giv some splash of water on bridge.. i think it will be great... n some blur on tower..
i like this...
Nice job...like the mood.
Agree with CMYK...very nice work here.
WOW awesome feel author great enty!
Nice work, great use of the sources. How did you make the rain?
Thanks for the comments! : ) ... @erikuri, the rain was made with new layer (filled black) then added Fibers filter, small angle change, strechted out some, little motion blur... finished with blending mode "soft light" reduced to about 80% opacity.
very nice work author...gl
the image would look pretty good without the rain. there are too many rain drops which make the image look like a strange filter was applied to it. plus, nothing is actually wet so i agree with nonotkrov about water puddles and splashes. it would give the image more life
@elficho, there is rain splashes on the wood rails and there is water puddles on the walkway, which can be seen in full res... thanks for the comments!
Congratulations! And thanx for the tip about the rain, it helps a lot! Living and learning...
Congrats! for 2nd
Thanks everybody!!
Howdie stranger!
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