(5 years and 3568 days ago)
EDIT: Changed the sky...again (no source - render clouds, motion blur, color overlay, blending) and the lightning. Sorry for all the changes, but I had a hard time finding a clouds pic that I both liked and could use...so I made my own. Hope you like.
Will try to update SBS when I get a chance>..forgive me if I don't please, hectic week.
Many thanks to Scully7491, little-Stock, Stock Gallery, and Smoko-Stock http://smoko-stock.deviantart.com/ of DA for their sources and brushes. They have been notified. (5 years and 3569 days ago)
Cool, although I'm personally more drawn to SBS Step 10 (maybe with tower moved to right in accordance with the Rule of Thirds).
Well, I've never seen an explosion before (only in movies or news) and I don't know how we can depict it with images, but I can say that your entry is cool nice!
I looked very hard at moving the tower to the side, but it cut off too much of the explosion for my taste. Played with the positioning quite a bit and that was as close as I could really come to hitting one of the intersections for the rule of 3rds without sacrificing too much of the explosion out of frame.
Good Job Its very hard to judge art because most artists have their own style. What is the rule of thirds?
Very nice work author,i like explosion effect very much.Only thing that i don't like at all is the image of the sky.It not fit at all with this great effect.Sky should be way darker and then will explosion be more dominant.
Thanks for all your suggestions and comments...can't remember when I had a harder time finding a clouds pic I liked...oh well, at least it led to me figuring how to just make them instead..
nice one .......... beautiful lightning effect ........ all the best .......
Wow author,now looks fabulous...best of luck
Nice work! GL!
Good job...gl
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3569 days ago)
Wonderful effect, really nice entry. Good work and good luck! (Excellent depth of field)
Almost flawless! Aside from the head, the use of the grass brush is very nice. Very convincing result. I just have a suggestion to slightly blur the edge beyond the ear, it's too sharp (especially when you create a shallow DOF like that). High score for sure
Really wonderful and so nice ...GL for you author
love it
Great job!
Thanks for the comments Fixed the sharp edges.
Great idea and execution. I especially like the cracks. Good luck!
great entry... youre a real whiz at toning
All that work on the tree and you covered it back up!
Amazing job you did here!
Very nice creation........G/L Author.
Great great job Author...
brilliant work ....... all the best to u ..........
Great job author,really really good.Few minor observations,lighter part of the head needs a bit more shading,now when u watch high resolution looks a bit flat.And i don't understand step 10 in your SBS,how did u make grass,used some image,brushes?!?...Any how this is fabulous work and i wish u best of luck.
Thanks erathion. I fixed the SBS(used the grass brush) and I slightly added some shade to the image to give it some depth.
nice work!
Absolutely incredible!! I don't know what else to say =) Best of Luck
very talented
Top 3 for sure, well done
Wonderfully creative entry, I love it. GL to you!!
Thanks everybody
source of inspiration?....
Nice clean image! Good luck!
No, not my source of inspiration, but it is an Interesting find genuine2009.
Thanks everybody
A top 3 for sure
Thank you
Congrats, beautiful work
Grats Artist!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats ! Very well deserved win !
Fantastic entry!!, congrats.
congrats ..............
Congrats! Amazing work
congrats , very nice work
Well deserved 1st place!
Congrats for 1st!
well done... congrats...
oh, well, that's predictable and I was right when I decided to give up joining this contest. I had the same idea as you but I didn't start when you submitted your work. Congratulations, you deserve that!
Thanks langstrum
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With All the pretty patterns entered I thought this contest needed some hardcore Birds! (5 years and 3570 days ago)
Cool Idea..
Love this! You are right... too many pretty birds around. High marks from me!
Too funny - great copywriting on the names!
Funny stuff, author!
I honestly think this would have more WOW factor if they were full frontal, and manipulated into poses like the film poster, the rest could stay the same, just make it more gritty or something... IMHO...
hehehehe.. love the Ostrich breaking the upper boarder.. hehehe
LOLOLOLOL Henry "eye pecker" oTool. :lol: awesome chop. love this one!
So cool...good luck
funny one
good luck
Howdie stranger!
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Fun and interesting topic. Took a little time on this one. Hope you guys enjoy it. (5 years and 3570 days ago)
i had fun with this one, tell me what u think guys
hey, you beat me to it...nice job! GL
You might want to give the edge of the hair a little burn to give it more depth, but that's about all that really stands out for me. GL!
is it possible to reupload if i fix it?
Yes, you do the corrections; then you click "my stuff" - "my contests" - "edit entry", and reupload it (don't forget to check hi res box).
Howdie stranger!
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Looks like the chief has got his warpaint on! GL
strong work ......... all the best ..........
nice work...gl
Kinda Silvester Stallone in his Rambo costume.
Nice one ! 
Howdie stranger!
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