The adventure through the Darkness forest of Andy the ant with the magic flower...
Bee: hey buddy, do you know this is the treasure of the forest?
Thanks to stock-feele (DA) for the forest. (5 years and 3606 days ago)
- 1: The forest
The adventure through the Darkness forest of Andy the ant with the magic flower...
Bee: hey buddy, do you know this is the treasure of the forest?
Thanks to stock-feele (DA) for the forest. (5 years and 3606 days ago)
(5 years and 3606 days ago)
Very good use of source!
original idea, i think u should used some glass in the window
Nice to see something a little different. I might nudge the background up a tad so the little boat in the distance doesn't look like it's sitting on the window cross piece.
thank you all ... I think it's a bit better...
interesting idea
nice view
very nice!
Good work.
Howdie stranger!
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I started with the idea of the river comming down from the sky...then I just kept on going xP (5 years and 3607 days ago)
This is great! Goes to my favs!
The lightning is my favorite part. The river reflections are of tall trees along the river's edge -- except there aren't any such trees here. (Reflections are the same size as that which they are reflecting.)
Awesome idea but i think its kinda too skyfi and too colorful
nice concept
very nice idea!
Good work.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3608 days ago)
hair is fantastic,face too,but eyebrows are very weird...maybe they will look better without upper part...good luck
Niiiiice !
Creative hairdo. I confess I don't get the political commentary of the title. Her hair on the right really blends in with the background (for obvious reasons). Maybe a different chunk of the source image would work better there.
she reminded me of Nathalie Merchant in the video "Ophelia" when she dresses as the Blue Stocking Suffragette, so I changed the name to Suffragist which is a proper term for a Suffragette, Suffragette was a derogatory term at first, but was later accepted into history, as to the hair blending into the back ground, I feel less then 10% of the entire image is blended and is perfectly fine with me, I have no illusions of placing, but I do enjoy the process
Defenetly the most original one! Nice
haha thats creative
hard to find words for commenting here... good luck my friend...
vey nice work author , i like how you made the hair, GL
wow nice
what a thinking....its really amazing.......
very creative! gl
Very Nice work author.think out of box.good luck.
Howdie stranger!
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My picture + (5 years and 3608 days ago)
You don't have to provide the internal source of that mushroom !!!
(Or, if you accidentally made that a source link instead of that truck (as far as I can tell), fix your link!)
dinomario10 my links are sufficient check SBS for other source
Nice pic! And nice compo too...
nice sources and blending --lighting is well controlled
Great work author...good luck
Nice job! =)
If you horizontal flip the truck, would it look more like it's following the curve of the road?
No Dan not necessarily Its fine the way it is .... thanks for the suggestion though.
I totally disagree with your "not necessarily," but I completely respect your "it's fine the way it is" conclusion.
nice blend... Gl
very nice love the big mashrooms
great job author! gl
nice job
congrats, nice work!
Howdie stranger!
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awesome work author ! really great job ! very well done
The light beams would continue across the entire image...otherwise, nice work!
Thank Lamantine and CMYK46. @CMYK46: the light beams are behind them, they just enlighten a part of the forest. The light on the characters is from the flower (except the one on the ant, but we don't see the light beam here). Anyway, your comment is very appreciated
I love it! Great job!
Very enchanting image! I just think that the bee needs a bit of curves on body's stripes, like Andy.
Brilliant work author.....Superb....GL....
amazing job.... Gl
Great work...good luck author
Great work author
B52 baby!!! very nice job author
very good job!
Very good work the use of the source image is amazing paint job is very nice.
Brilliant work.............
Thank you all for your comments and favorites
hehe amazing work author
good luck author... nice entry.
good luck
Amazing job Author.........Good Luck.
Congrats for your second place, Langstrum!
Congratulations on the second place! Andy is cool

Congrats for 2nd
congrats on 2nd for 'Andy'!
congratulations on your second place...
On behalf of Andy and B, I want to express my appreciation to all of you
congrats !
Howdie stranger!
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