(5 years and 3633 days ago)
the beach photo is from my personal collection (5 years and 3633 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3633 days ago)
LOL love it, good job
Great idea, just warp everything on the right page to conform to the curve of the page.
an SBS would be helpful.. (increases the votes).. good luck author
Funny take on the theme but definetly needs some work as CMYK46 suggests matching the curve of the paper.
Lol love it...very funny.
Thanks guys, fixed the right page..I`d tried to vary the warp but you`re right it looked odd
"Drink Ooooze" HAHAH! Great humor.
Yeah! Looks great now...gotta say again, I love the concept!
Very good! Who's the humans?
Very nice idea...i love it...good luck author
Yes, looks much better with the improved type curves!
i wonder... what does the alien reads?...he's pretty angry...maybe is he's not agree with the safer reproduction technique..)
The idea is great.
Definitely a unique entry and unique take on the theme.
Howdie stranger!
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Smoke brushes
http://www.mediafire.com/?qrmnzmiixyd (5 years and 3634 days ago)
The transparency effect is inconsistent.
I can't believe! Birds turned into UFOs!...
Only you yourself!...
this is too cool, the fact that you did that with birds!! good imagination.
"High resolution photos are mandatory in this contest, even in hi-res people should have a hard time determining if the photo is fake or not..." I can go into high-res and see that this is obviously fake, but you nevertheless make a really cool picture. Nice one!
BWHAAA HAAA HAAA HAAAA.. CMYK deleted half of his compliment when he found out who I was.. OMG.. that kills me LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... you're such a piece of something that passes through an alimentary canal.. and then goes flush.. OMG.. I'm dying here LOL.. whew.. I needed that CMYK.. My 2 year old nephew passed away two days ago and I thought I'd never laugh again.. I was so blue and sad so I turned to chopping as a way to relieve the pain.. but you stomped it out of me....thank you... LOLOLOL... ( and I know about your voting manipulations..... you have so much class LOL)
You know CMYK.. it's absolutely okay to admire my work.. I won't drop a house on you .. or steal your sister's ruby slippers LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I think the funniest part is how you always yap about staying behind your comments.. and here you deleted it... hehehehehe.. thanks for the cheer... hahahaha
sorry.. had a lot of pent up angst over the death of my Nephew.. he's in heaven now.. and watching over me.. (and I truly believe he made this happen.. I was so sad.. my poor sister.. his grandma... I really didn't know where to turn except to start chopping in my grief)
there is nothing you can do to me now CMYK... I can now cast you aside... just like used toilet paper... put you are right where you belong... thanks again
(CMYK.. I'll DELETE this comment if you return the original compliment.. but this is such a deliberate attempt to corrupt the voting on your part that I'll keep it up... I know what you did on the other entries of mine from the past few weeks.. little birdies told me.. so it would behoove you to do the right thing).... LOL.. and by all means.. point out my Transparency and give me some KIND advice on how to fix them... if not.. .. then shut the hell up)
Author, I knew it was you when I made my initial comment...the deleted part was called sarcasm. Thanks again for another great psycho rant.
PS: "Little birdies"...ROFL.
your delay proves I was right.. LOL... (and I know your comment was sincere.. hehehe) I actually know how to add and subtract.. no thirteen votes pre comment..then 13 votes arrive and then comes the modification LOLOLOLOOL
I don't even remember what I wrote. Something like "This is incredible...no, really!" If that isn't sarcasm, what is?
keep up your uselessness.. you've made it into an art form... hehehehe.. and pull back on the Jbeam and cigarette's.. you are starting to slur (and lean off the beans.. I can smell you from Florida)
Keep up the lame rants.
Obvious over usage of the word lame... here's a new idea.. it's called a Thesauraus.. look under synonyms (just helping you with your creativity.. oh wait..you don't know what that is.. you can only source
Can I buy one of your Glass Jigsaw Puzzles?.. I'd like one with agates.. since I'm a recovering drugged out hippy.. LOL..
Going to Canada?
and I will be surprised if the mods delete any of these comments.. this is more entertaining then a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.. woo HOO
(quandary... cmyk didn't even take my Shut the Hell up advice... peculiar)
.. and don't worry CMYK.. I'd never have you banned over the manipulation of Votes thing.. you're too much fun to kick around LOL (great job at that by the way.. but you did make it a bit too obvious..you'll have to work on that) Your mistake was asking Newbies to follow your lead.. I have a habit of attracting them to the site.. and they like me.. even when I don't ask them for their pictures... ... that still unsettles me)
Just some kind advice CMYK... 15 will get you 20 (and you know exactly what I'm talking about)
i agree with author
again really?????? bwahahahahaha .. ok done... @ author this is exactly why I don't go to the beach... too bad it couldn't be a nudist beach.. oooh and you should add people running..... away possibly..... ya I won't go there lol
You know I am going to have too agree with pearlie,erikuri, Jellopudding, gamemastertips, and razor on this
Author,I have two words for you: paranoid and delusional.
that's three words dear... AND is a word... amazes me you were once a teacher.. those poor poor children.. sigh.. damage done.. lots of therapy.. LOLOLOL
Okay author now you're just sounding immature =.=
gamemastertips.. the only way to communicate with CMYK is to be immature.. he's not much above a D level
EDIT: gamemastertips.. please don't become one of CMYK's minions.. I don't want to see you go down the route of the dark side.. I already lost Ponti55.. I'd hate to see you be next
BEHAVE RAZOR.. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENJOY THIS.. oh wait a minute yes you are.. LOL.. you know all about CMYK's game LOLOL.. corruption of another youth.. OH THE HUMANITY.. oops.. ah crap.. soiled my self LOLOLOLOLOOL
Ooookay...don't worry...I take people's sides only if I agree with them. Right now, I have no bloody clue who to agree with. O.o
gamemastertips.. TRUST NO ONE.. especially peeps like the egg head.. they have a tendency to look all soft and friendly.. then they turn out to be something from the MOVIE ... THE THING.. (Why did the have to use a Malamute... WAAAAAHHHHHH).. oh yeah.. and if Egg Head asks you for your picture.. don't give him one.. he'll return it to you all sticky... (okay that was immature.. but very very funny)
You're even more demented than usual.
Lol sorry this conversation is just hilarious...
LMAO!!!!!!!! technically author ... with all this internet technology we can just email pics.. so the only thing that would be sticky would be computer keys... and possibly a mouse... I would also like to point out that I like seeing people that don't take this site too seriously ..people who are over competitive make me laugh... I'd rather have fun then focus on winning.... just saying
AND YOU DON"T THINK I"M HAVING FUN.. lol.. I can see cmyk running to his walking eyeball friend.. whining to make me stop.. the reason I keep going hehehe..
noooo I mean some people take this site waaaay to seriously..
who is eyeball friend?? I have eyeballs
it's how I read all this.. and I laugh... this made my day...
I also author need to point out that I like how you make the strangest objects out of the random things ..
Very clever creations! However, in high resolution you can see that one of the UFO's on the top left hand side ends very abruptly, if you could smooth that out it'll be great. Good luck!!
Whoa, you two take this site waaay too seriously lmao! Kind of confused why the entry had to be bashed sarcastically in the first place though... but you two lovers have your own thing going on I don't know about... On topic: It's a cool idea, I like the placement of the UFO's.
is that an egg cracking in the bottom left of your entry?
edit: sorry it is the first comment
thanks Ponti.. FIXED IT.. I do have bad eyes... thanks to you too BRASKA.. just enjoy the show.. CMYK and his minions have been trying to have me banned forever.. on an entry like this it's all for fun
Great change
I guess if these are UFOs we are all screwed??? And, oh the drama
This is pretty cool! Maybe if the ones that are father off in the distance were blurred it would look more real. Looks like more shdows on the beach would help too. I don't want to go to the beach now though :P
I'd try putting the invaders at different angles or perspectives; the oncoming force looks a bit 2-d
Very good work...creative and different...good luck author
very good
The blood obliges.
Omg the saga continues lmao good luck 40 comments and growing Good luck Author
great idea !
Seriously, out of birds? How on earth did you even think about doing that? That is impressive. Good job!
smooches IDt8r... tater girl
Howdie stranger!
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My Picture with Source (5 years and 3634 days ago)
Aficionado = enthusiast (in this case "addicted"???) Oh, well, peace and love...
nice work, good luck.
you have had a lot of work , looks very good,gl
Author, you been dropping acid again?
Fabulous work here...Love this crazy furry creature...good luck author
Howdie stranger!
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Haha nice! Love how you added all the people into the photo and the UFO looks great! Gl, author.
Very well created! Awesome!!
Good UFO.
According to the light source, you wouldn't see its shadow. The police car needs a shadow too.
Thanks for the comments, cmyk46 this is a morning shot , sun is just above the trees and the casting both long and short shadows depending on the position of objects below.
That's correct. It's also why the UFO wouldn't have a visible shadow in this pic.
Nice entry! A small point... only the guy in the foreground left is looking at the saucer, I might try tilting the heads of the folks on the right to have them looking at it as well. IMHO
Cool one!
Nice job on this one and I think the Spaceranger has a good point.
Like it
nice work.. GL
great use of your source image for the ship, but the small ports all seem to be facing forward as if the side is flat - maybe try to distort the ones far left and far right, otherwise, nice chop.
try on sum shacow den its nice..................
very nice work !
Funny it seems I'm the only one who noticed that the two major shadows, the fence on the left and both the object from the right side have completely different light sources. The shadows point to each other. Impossible. And as the egg said, no shadow for the police car or the UFO.
Howdie stranger!
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