(5 years and 3867 days ago)
- 1: source1
(It's going to take awhile)
source and my pics (5 years and 3868 days ago)
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! GREAT use of source xD xD
Ha-ha-ha! Great imagination! I like their helmets
like the faces as well as the idea -- nice work
Freaky image lol...
edit: Had to be you lol
wow very unique! i love this image!
Funny and nice work
cool its u
i didnt expect it was u
nice idea. i was just wondering about the japanese sculpture...was this taken at morikami in boca?
Miami Zoo
haha Love it!!!
lol very funny this one i didn´t connect 2 u,good luck on this
nixce turtle
*lol* So cute I really like the helmets and of course their face (or better: eye) expressions! Good luck
Nice chop
makes me laugh cool!
cute hahahaha
Congrats Golem!
Congratulations for 3rd
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Aged photo of a child playing with an old toy.
Only original source and personal photos used. Child is my son and has my permission to appear in this entry. (5 years and 3868 days ago)
Nice image.. very creative, i like the fact the images you used are your own. Good luck!
This is a great concept. May i suggest you add a small shadow below his fingers, lose the repeaters between your son's arms and altering one of the curtains. Wonderful idea & good luck.
prettyn cool i like the image it kinda brings the whole modern day back to the 80's huh?? love it!
Good idea. The aged look works well to integrate the different elements. Adding a paper texture and/or some grain would have made even more realistic.
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
sources used:
"Ant Explosion" by ~Eos-Stock at deviantart.com
(letter of approval for use of this image is included in SBS)
"Scabies Stock" by *xena111returns at deviantart.com
I felt my first entry was lacking, so I changed a few things around; they are noted in SBS.
New source used: "stitches staples 1" by ~perdition-stock at Deviantart.com (5 years and 3868 days ago)
sorry for the double upload....i got logged out mid-upload the first time, and now i can't seem to delete this ghost upload.....???!?!?
red flag the entry and write the reason why then the mods will notice it sooner and remove it
thank you!
Good entry!
author you just have to remember to give links to the photographers on deviant art goodluck
pretty cool i like bit a lot
the sources should all be in check....i wrote them up in my description and they are linked below in "sources"...
sorry i wasnt clear enough.... you need to go to deviant art, where you got the pics from and give those people a link so they can view your work part of the rules on images is that they see what you make
step 12 in the SBS is a collaberation of screenshots of the messages i sent to the source owners with links to the work....
looks like a open wound... nice...
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
My first try at digital painting, it's not good but I'm happy with it.
I used Artrage to do this.
MementoMori-stock credited at his other account as requested http://m3ment0m0ri.deviantart.com/ (5 years and 3869 days ago)
Doesn't look too much like a lady, but i suppose because it's your first try, good luck
Always had problems with faces Ponti
Oh-la-la, its a primitive painting style, gorgeous. Cannot imagine how did you find this ArtRage, I shall try it.
looks pretty freakshowishy to me! and ponti, its freakshow! are you really supposed to be able to tell? lol cool image author
like Matisse and Rembrandt collided good luck
love to see people extend their skills and learning. Nice entry Author. GL
nice first try
very nice.
Fun! Good luck!
Great try, keep practicing!
ewwwwwwwww a painting lady
What! First try at digital painting! Man, that's great for me. It looks like oil painting
could b better but nice
Howdie stranger!
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Nice idea, i think the hummingbird is a bit too big. Maybe add a backdrop. Good luck!
The black background makes the lily pop.
nice concept. like the lilly colour
great image author its just that the humming bird is a bit to big imo and it out does the flower which isnt good but i love the humming bird!
this is the kind of image that would look great as an OOB
it would take the eye away from the empty background 
Howdie stranger!
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