Photoshop Pictures: Tinkerbell

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Tinkerbell - Look Out for the Wall - created by BWR

Tinkerbell - Look Out for the Wall
Favs: 0SBS: 23Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 58.6% (35)24275 views

Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling, and Captain Hook. This wasn't easy...

Peter Pan - Keiichi Inoue
(5 years and 561 days ago)

10 Sources:

avatar Majkman
Majkman says:

like the smashing into the wall...but having trouble with sunk in on the corner of a building perhaps wing and hand sticking out or move to wall only

CMYK46 says:

Please check the source image. It's only the shade of the wall that makes it look like she's on a corner. (Author, not the best choice of sources because of that optical illusion...).

(5 years and 560 days ago)

Majkman says:

I see it and yes the shade of the wall is a factor and the illusion but still original seems to have plaster edge ..which I assume the author fixed> I agree not the best choice of source and or placement. still nice work

(5 years and 560 days ago)

author says:

This was very difficult for me to make. 11 days of work which took over my life. Finding those sources was a chore. I have no clue as to what would be a better source for incorporating Tinkerbelll crashing into a a wall with Capt Hook and others looking on.

But what I did in the meantime was to make the wall all one color and added another window with Peter Pan which hopefully will make the wall look flat. Did a little brushing on her hands to make them go more into the walll, but honestly I can't do any better.

I can say that I poured my heart and soul into this Chop and was one of the most time consuming pieces I have ever made @ 60+ hours.

(5 years and 560 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Much improved...GL author!

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Love the cartonish effect of the fairy hitting the wall, well done!
On other aspects I would have made other choices I think. I'm wondering if the 3 other figures are needed. You might have made the whole image stronger without them and focusing on adding other attributes instead.
Just my 2 cents

author says:

"I'm wondering if the 3 other figures are needed. You might have made the whole image stronger without them and focusing on adding other attributes instead."

Haha. I felt that all the way through, but I was committed to my original idea of having the others looking on. WTH... I went with your suggestion and what was always my gut feeling. Banzai!!

(5 years and 560 days ago)

robvdn says:

Looks better IMHO

(5 years and 559 days ago)

avatar Majkman
Majkman says:

Well done author
After all the work you put into it I belive looks much better IMHO

PS..I found the other characters a bit too "cartoonish" for this pic also and now your focus is centered on the crash

author says:

Appreciate your insight Majkman. A 2nd, 3rd, 4th set of eyes tends to help. As you do these things, you see them from your perspective. Something that looks flat to me (because I know the source images) can look like a corner to someone else for example. It's always a learning experience.

(5 years and 559 days ago)

author says:

Could have done this so much better if I stayed with just the fairy from the get go. Haha. Such is life.

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Well done on 1st!

author says:

Thanks. A depressing score.

(5 years and 557 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats BWR, don't be depressed, you're still first

Howdie stranger!
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Tinkerbell's Dilemma - created by spaceranger

Tinkerbells Dilemma
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 68.8% (39)14132 views

Peter Pan has been kidnapped by his nemesis Captain Hook! Should she try to rescue him with her magic or is there time to seek help from Peter's friends in Neverland?... what to do...what to do.

I saw the more obvious possibilities in the source but decided to go a different way. I wanted her to look more like a claymation or puppetoon character than a real one. (5 years and 2478 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Needs source link for star field.

author says:

See the SBS. Stars are rendered by me in Photoshop. This consists of a blue/blackStar mottled background with multiple layers of various size sprinkles of white set to various sharpness and blurs. Some tint layers mostly in blue are added to give some stars a bluish cast. By shifting positions you can make any number of different star fields. Star Twinkles are made from one of several star brushes I made myself.

(5 years and 2478 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Congrats, Rein!

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Rein lovely work

avatar George55
George55 says:

Congrats Rein..!

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:


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author says:

Than you all very much! Thanks to Lelaina for providing the source image!

Howdie stranger!
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