At least I got a reason to try this tut of making object transparent.
http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/2206/A-Quick-and-Simple-Way-to-Make-Any-Object-Transparent.html (5 years and 3336 days ago)
Had this photo with half missing. Fortunately had some others that had some useful components. Although the coat was from a very small photo. (5 years and 3736 days ago)
we need to see the original here, not just in sbs
Corrected thanks
Its only meant to be a 6x4 inch print so please view with this in mind, many thanks
the work in this is magnificent............there are some differences in sharpness, from coat to another for instance, but the rebuild is superb.
Yes the coat cannot be sharpened any more as it comes from a postage stamp sized photo, and the original torn photo is a 6x4 inch photo. Therefore the lines that go to make up its shape are way more difused and spread out, there is no pushing them together and making them crips lines as in the mans jacket. This is the limitation of any restoration when you use photos of different sizes.
It's very good, but somehow I think you missed the chin position and shape.... I dunno, it just looks somehow 'fatter' than I suspect from such thin face and hands. I'd move it a little bit up, gl!
Very good, GL.
mmm thanks you are right I have fixed the chin, good call!
Better now! =)
if u could fix a bit better her rigth eye it wood stay perfect,it´s not easy i know,but u did a very good work congrats
Wonderful colours, and a great restoration!
Professional work,well done!
Just the right eye looks funny, other than that well done restoration!
Great job!
Well done
even though this is truely an excelent repair the womans shoulder is far too broard! nice work author
Nah, the shoulder should be like that because almost all women coats have the fake shoulder implants Oh, and I spotted something else - his hair has no colour. I know he's supposed to have black hair, but natural black hear appears brown when highlighted. Like this it looks like he's old. Lol, sorry, maybe we're to nitpicky... High votes from me anyway!
Actually his hair is coloured a slight warm hue, but you have got to look closely to spot it! Try laying one on top of the other and switching layer views, you'll see it then!
Other than her right eye, this is truly one of the best restorations I've seen. You get high points for just achieving the restore so well.
NIce work....well done
woww awsome , professional.
beautiful job
Congrats for your first place, PhotoRepair!
Congrats! You deseved it!
Congrats, very well done
Congrantulations...well deserved, but i cant say that for some of the other results
congrats!! =)
This is my first entry to win first place, very proud! thanks to all who voted!
Congrats on your win... (the guy kind of looks like William DeFoe)
Howdie stranger!
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Tutorial was followed well, but, being as the transparency is within water there would definitley be some refraction of the background (select donkey shape and liquify-bloat brush inside selection on the background layer) ....& to add a little extra I`d make the ground under the donkey darker/wetter (maybe using soft burn brush).... just a thought
Hmmm.. Thanx for the idea Geexman! I'll try it just to see the result. I should have thought of that before...!
Interesting image and I am glad to see an "easy" way to make thing transparent (ha ha)... nice run at it! I do agree with Geexman but not bad work overall!
Nice....I did the tut as well.
Nice one...gl
Howdie stranger!
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