(5 years and 3886 days ago)
- 1: source1
(5 years and 3887 days ago)
please post a step by step guide.. i'd really like to see how this was made!
An sbs would be GREAT.. nice image.. g'luck
Funny, and a good blend!
Now this is a good image... I like this a lot/ Great job!
hahaha looks awesome great work, just theres something with the trees above the elephant that looks odd..
simple and superb result
XD came back to fav the entry, i just love elephants XD
this one made me laugh out loud! So good one!
this image is nearly flawless and i think that this is one of the best in the contest
Quite funny . I'd remove the wire in front though (because right now both ends dont fit well. I'd say better remove than show that they dont fit). Good luck!
good job at cutting him/her. trees look fine--the sun is shining on them. wires look fine too.
To the left of his tail and to the right of his feet, the wires are disjointed... Not that noticible in small size( unless the viewer is hawkeyes), but is more prominent in high res... Fix that small glitch and this image will shine more... This is rather a small flaw, but it ought to be fixed... Apart from that cool image
Hahahaha! now thats definitely a frdak show!!
Very cute! And good blending!
great stuff!
Nice chop
Really nice!
its very cute and amazing blending!!gr8 job author
Congrats! Extremely funny entry and a late fav
Congratulations for 1st
thanx for all the comments everyone
Congrats, really well done
congratulations buddy
i'm glad this won....it cracked me up for about half an hour!
Howdie stranger!
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I found a picture in my archives that matched man's face and decided to combine them (5 years and 3899 days ago)
idont get it
me neither^^ i think that facial expression is quite common everywhere in the world
I get it. But yeah, the red eye should have been removed.
Good fix on the eyes. I checked out your guide. I see you fixed the light to match the other photo. I would've kept the suits, though.
lol nice idea
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3904 days ago)
Haha!! Very nice.. great facial expressions.. this is exactly what the contest is about. High marks!!
way to capture the lemony expression LOL very funny and cute
Super image nice work would love to see this in high res!
wow cool
Nice job, MR & Mrs Lemons., lolz., Good Luck
this is super cute... ^^
Good expression
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3945 days ago)
they're a bit stretchy.. remember to hold down the shift key when transforming so they don't lose their proportions... good luck!!
thanks for the tip
the people are very blury. The light on the girl doesn't seem to match the picture well. Good job on placing them so they look like they are walking in the water.
I like this concept! I think it would be even more effective if the woman was monochromatic like her surroundings. Good job!
those people look a tad bit distorted
First, author, both the image of the man and the woman are rights-managed. Do you have permission to use them? Rules are, you have to show proof of authorization or payment receipt in the SBS. Once you're over that potentially disqualifying hurdle, next, the concept is good, but to make it work successfully: 1. re-add the man and woman from the original source, making sure they are in correct proportion (they are too "tall" or "skinny"right now to be natural); desaturate the woman to make her grayscale like her background. There are also some light source/shadow issues. Good luck!
good luck
Good Luck
idea is good, but the picture is compressed
Interesting concept, but fully agree with elemare. I'd go for some more higher quality images, keep them in the right proportions (press shift while scale images) and try to match the light from added images compared to the source image. Good luck!
The people are too stretched out, but the idea is good. Also she looks like she's walking on water, maybe because of the desaturation...
Howdie stranger!
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i don't understand.. sorry!
i disagree with the drop shadow.
You don't need a drop shadow, it makes things look flat. You also need to make the light bulb look round. Did you mean to enter this in the Creative Bulb contest?
srry this is the one i wanted here
well now it makes perfect sense.. good luck author
big bang... hmmm
i hope this isnt what the earth will look like, im a winter person and wont be able to handle the heat lol
just a personal thing, i think that ALL the stars over power your work. However if you were going for an abstract construction it is good. GL
the sky could use some work but its a cool image!
the milkyway hasnt got enough stars the background has too many
Howdie stranger!
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