Made only with source and a texture. Use brushing techniques from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrugGqwwLlM (5 years and 310 days ago)
That moment, when you want to take an artistic shot of the beach, and aliens decide to photobomb. (5 years and 784 days ago)
UFOs are renders.
5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.
CMYK46 is correct those UFOs are renderings and can't be used. There are many UFOs that are photos on sites like Flickr (see this forum post on how to search on Flickr: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644).
I can give you two links which I know are safe to use, this one on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moonbeam_UFO.JPG and this one on DeviantArt: https://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/Flying-Saucer-160295379 I've checked both and I know they are safe to use, the Wikipedia image is in Public Domain and the one on DeviantArt I verified to be a photo of a scale model. You can find more as I mentioned, if you aren't sure if the ones you find are okay just send me a PM and I'll check them for you.
It's an easy fix but make the correction as soon as you can to avoid a warning from the Contest Moderator.
Thank you for this important piece of info, and the links.
Howdie stranger!
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Please view image in hi-res. For some reason it makes it very soft when viewed normally. Captured from Earth, the Little Green Men are taking him to their home Planet. Poor old geezer. We need to help him. Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn\'t, and have added the source for the smoke brush.
https://pixabay.com/p-1818413/?no_redirect Cockpit bubble - Qijin https://pixabay.com/en/forest-the-roots-of-trees-tree-pine-2248606/ Roots - summa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Weird_rock_formations_Chiricahua_Nima.JPG Rock - Zereshk https://pixabay.com/en/wooden-windows-window-shutter-old-949805/ Window - Antranias https://pixabay.com/p-195835/?no_redirect Spaceman in Window - augustfinster https://www.flickr.com/photos/jdhancock/6777240320/sizes/l More little green men - CC0 Public Domain https://pixabay.com/en/seer-unit-measurement-old-volume-246480/ Used to make tower - prasadganapule69 https://abluescarab.deviantart.com/art/PS-and-GIMP-Cloud-Brushes-247810856 Cloud brushes - abluescarab https://pixabay.com/en/screw-thread-nut-iron-metal-476570/ Bolt - Potztausend https://pixabay.com/en/iron-rusty-thread-old-oxide-metal-1305812/ Bolt- adymyabya https://pixabay.com/p-214544/?no_redirect Cloth for banner - PublicDomainPictures https://pxhere.com/en/photo/854067 Old Geezer - CC0 Public Domain (5 years and 931 days ago)
Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn't, and have added the source for the smoke brush.
Author, link no.2 doesn't work, no.3 goes to the search page at pixabay not to the image used, please the source for the old geezer.
One of these days I am gonna get this right the first time. :-O Fixed link #2 and #3. Added Old Geezer link at the end of the description, but I will post it here too.
https://pxhere.com/en/photo/854067 Old Geezer - CC0 Public Domain
Thank you
It's pretty bad right now.. I'm about Maybe 25 are 30 miles from the eye.. We've been getting 100 mile an hour plus winds for. 8 hours now and it won't let up. For another 8 or 10 hours. Electric is off. but cell phone service still works.
You would miss my chops but not me? Haha totally cool. I can live with that.
I have not voted yet so I don't know who you are yet. But I will. Glad you survived (and will show us more chops)
I hope you're ok, and not too much damage to your home. This is a really fun chop
Yea MM, I am fine. I have been through devastating hurricanes before. This one was a doozy, but I have seen much worse. I have some video I uploaded and will post it after the contest is over since my YouTube account name might give away my identity. Thanks for your concern.
And yea it was a fun chop. Rarely do I envision a chop and it comes out perfectly as I imagined. Well, this one did. Wasn't sure I could do it, but perseverance paid off.
yes, better in high res.....a lot of work, nicely done.
Thanks Still. Those little preview images we get do the Chops no justice. They always look better in hi-res. Well, actually the hi-res can accentuate flaws too haha.
Congrats BWR, such a cool chop.
Maaaaaaaaahalooooo!! Was fun to do... mainly cause it worked out when I didn't know i could even do it.. haha.
Here is some cell phone video of the hurricane. I could almost go surfing on the lake. BWR = Big Wave Rider if you didn't know.
Very impressive Surfs up, you're lucky these windows were strong enough to stand the winds!
How come I made that comment like a minute ago and it says "(4 hr ago)" under my post? Same thing when I enter an image into a contest it also says "(4 hr ago)".
It does me the same, I thougt it was because I'm in France, because of different time zones, but it is not the reason why if it happens to you also.
Thanks Z. You always have some thing nice to say.
Congratulations my friend.
YW George. Thank you man.
Howdie stranger!
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Run for your lives!! SBS added. :) (5 years and 934 days ago)
Congrats again, terrific work
Mahalo MM.
Congrats again BW!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 1344 days ago)
Good image. You could make it better by fixing the jagged edge of the saucer rim, and giving the skeletons shadows that match the ones on the ridges in the sand.
Will do it... thanks.. was in a hurry....
great job
Fun, fun, fun.... thanks.
Nice job.
Thanks my friend....
Congrats George 55.
Thank you...
Thanks oana...
Howdie stranger!
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I felt so alone in this contest. But now that you are here with me, my life is good.
I know how it feels
Congrats B! See, you were not alone finaly
Yes yes. two of my favorite Photoshoppers came to visit me. You and magicalfruittuts .
Congrats well done.
I Have started liking Nemanja's tutorials more and more. Especially since he's been doing more and more compositing and manipulation stuff.
The tut I linked was pretty good. I have seen a few more by him too. He used a real cloud to make his brush. The one I used was made in PS like this. It's the only Cloud Brush I use.

I tend to go to PixImperfect for tuts. Unmesh is really good too. Or PhotoshopTrainingChannel. Jesus Ramirez is also good and was credited in the Photoshop program itself as he created something for it - I forgot what. Maybe I will check out Nemanja's channel more on your recommendation.
Howdie stranger!
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