After browsing around on internet I found a very beautifully stock-photo-portrait on a site, after that the curious eye of mine had checked the other internet-site-users, how they had used the portrait, their results and further on I was greeted by a big disappointment, instead of embellished the image they had rather done the opposite, ruined it. I felt that the portrait and the woman in the picture was "worth" so much more and therefore I determined that I would give the image a try and here is the result! Enjoy!
The image and its beautiful colors is easily created by repeated and different kinds of blending mode. No big deal really.
(5 years and 2402 days ago)
Good idea and source finds. Some hoof prints would make this more convincing, along with some blending work at the point of their contact with the snow. Tweak on the Zebra's shading some too (check the brightness of highlights). Those are my idea's and suggestions, good luck.
Take a closer look. There are prints all over, and I'm satisfied with the blending.
No comments yet? Hmmm...this is a well made image except IMHO for the composition. GL author.
Well apparently not! Thank you very much but what does the abbreviation IMHO stands for? I chose to use the pretty-thirds rule, which is a very successful composition within modern photography and design that makes the screen appear to be very stylish. Was that some kind of answer to your comment I didn't really understood?
IMHO means"in my honest opinion"
Howdie stranger!
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