distortion and liquify filter for the bird, difference clouds and zigzag distortion for the water and some masking and varying blend modes (5 years and 3051 days ago)
(5 years and 3052 days ago)
Please comment and criticize
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3055 days ago)
The bottle is too warped at the bottom, it looks misshapen.
just an artisitic licence question... note this is just IMO. if the water flows down the sides alittle would there not be drips coming off the globe at the bottom?
like the sources you have used... GL
I like this concept a lot, the earth is nice. I'm a little bothered by the bottle, it looks a bit too compressed vertically and I can't help but keep looking at it. The perspective of it is a bit off, I think. Otherwise nicely done.
third .. congrats
Nice Congrats
Howdie stranger!
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This is some sort of dinosaur shark...thing...I hope you like it! Its late so I'm just going to upload my step by step without explanation for now. Hopefully I'll have time later in the week to describe the steps. (5 years and 3058 days ago)
Looks stunning, i think the creature looks rather cute. The lower part seems to lack some detail compared to the mid-top parts. Amazing lighting as usual :P
Love the face..pretty sharp!..and beautiful mood.
my fav too..by the way
brilliant, very artistic, good luck author
Oh, very cute little creature!
Very well done. I love the colour pallet you used.
wonderful work
love it
Thanks everyone!!!
aweseome effect : its such a cute creature
Thanks you!!! Funny how you can take pieces of a totally NOT cute animal and make it sorta cute
@Akassa, there is definitely more detail towards the top. Partially because that is where I want your eye to go, and partially because it got really late last night and I knew I wouldn't have much more time to work on it, so I called it done
Thanks nator!! Took LOTS of painting to get the light to look like this
That is a great work....love the creature. Great imagination! Good luck author.
Thank you as well! I can't take much credit for the color pallet, the source gave me my colors its a GREAT source image!
NICEEEEEE wish make like that, god job ....... thumb up
Beautiful colors!
Gorgeous creature, looks so innocent
Great transformation and painting, love the 'ears' and whiskery things.
Congratulations....great entry
Congratulations......beautiful image and cute creature!
Robart...great creature. Really great.
Congrats Robert terrific work
Thanks you everyone
littel late ( I was one a road trip) great work I simply love it!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3070 days ago)
Of all his stock, this one is my favorite. I could just never figure out what to do with her. You did and you did it beautifully. Adding it to my favs. If I could add it twice, I would.
it is amzing
Wow it's so pretty..I love this kind of work...high vote and fav
Beautiful image, well made SBS...mucha luck, author!
very nice piece of work !!! love how you've made spilling water ... GL!!!
Thanks everyone!
Derdevil, the water was the first thing I saw in my mind when I looked at the contest source, imagining "waves" from the curves of the power supply. It took a bit of work to make it look more organic in form, but I'm happy with the way it turned out, thank you for noticing!
Yeah..cool thinking.
I think that the water was an especially subtle and creative use of the source image. This is a really wonderful piece of art!
Fantastic Work........ Love the concept. Good Luck Author.
Awesome Work!!! Love the SBS, certainly a teaching tool for me! I am learning as I go through experimentation and I don't have photoshop so this entry just amazed me. Then to see the SBS...all I can say is WOW! Good luck, truly a fantastic entry.
The concept is nice and the SBS is very helpful.
Adding it as one of my favorites. Very nice job done.
All the best for your future works.
Beautifully done. Your SBS are very informative. Good luck!
beautiful view, love the ancient Greek mood, good luck
One of the best and surely a winner for me. Instant fav here author.
Wow, it looks great. It reminds me of Aquarius image and the effect is brilliant. Two thumbs up - well done
This work is beautiful, and good
Good job showing something recognizable from the source in an artistic way.
Appealing, but the slightly colorful background, particularly the pink roses, grabs my eye before the water maiden's muted tones.
Although the roses may grab your eye before the maiden, I doubt your attention stays there, since the maiden is in front of the roses...This then pulls your eyes to the maiden, her hair and the pouring water, which then makes your eye go to the circular pattern containing the source image, which is echoed in the water, directing your eye back to the background roses, and your eye begins the journey again...Notice that the pale roses (which match the maiden's dress) are at the bottom. The roses were deliberately rotated to place the colors that way...
That's the concept behind the composition, and why I selected the roses as well as the pink tones - to keep the focus from settling upon the maiden with the background as an afterthought.
Really nice work, author, good use of source image. I especially like how you made the water.
Great clean work....should of been top 3 in my eyes.,
Howdie stranger!
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Very nice execution and idea! I like it
Very good, try making the bird slightly transparent in some sections to make it even more realistic
Lov it..and a fav! good luck
Nice chop author. Wonder how it will look with the inner torso blurred on the edges, but that's just me
congrats on first.. just fab entry
Congrats, well done
Oh wow, thaks for the high votes
Congrats on 1st place..awesome entry
Nice Job Congrats on First Place Win
Howdie stranger!
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