When even a drop of water is precious... (5 years and 3510 days ago)
(5 years and 3510 days ago)
very nice work ,good luck
very cool work...good luck
Very nicely done......great image!
good execution!
Nice Image, like the water splashes, GL
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Spec Thanks to Mikebaird for use of his picture on flickrphoto sharing.com
Spec Thanks to Carlitos for his picture on flickr photo sharing.com
Spec Thanks to Gregwake for use of his picture found on flickr photo sharing.com
Spec Thanks to Masterjack. Rogers for use of his picture found on flickr photo sharing.com
All these are under a Creative Commons license.
Also Thanks to Anteantic11 for suggesting source picture for contest. (5 years and 3515 days ago)
The surfing girl is in a wrong place, she'll never surf on placid waters like that!
Surfer girl also has some leftovers around her legs from the previous picture.
Nice idea still needs a little work tho (why so pixilated) surfing girl has some white edges that need to be removed.
The water is very clear, I think we'd see a suggestion of the legs underwater, right now the water around the bathers looks too opaque. The reflections of the two on the left should be straight down and more disturbed by ripples IMHO.
Entries will not be removed by request. Once submitted they will remain unless removed for rule violations or other reasons explained in the rules and guidelines.
lol so what should I vote for this ??
Put a copyrighted photo on your image, then it will be removed immediately
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3525 days ago)
Excellent idea!!!!!
Would look better with either diagonal or horizontal blend. Like both moon and sun on the same sky mixing the landscape of night and day. Or A night sky blending horizontally to a daytime landscape etc.. pretty good idea thou.
very cool
Howdie stranger!
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My own photo of statue was used along with the source photo. Please see SBS for all the details. (5 years and 3526 days ago)
Beautiful use of your own material... and creative creation..love all the silky pink fluffiness... AWESOME
great work...great elements of nature...gl
Howdie stranger!
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Nice job. Step 8 is more clear.
Thank you CMYK46, I just used the glowing effect, so it's not clear compared with step 8. It's fixed!
Great Creativity..... top job!
Really really nice! I fear one day we need to search for water this way...
awesome entry, author! wish you good luck! top 3 for sure even a very high possibility for winning!
incredible work author!
After looking at this entry, I could predict this was one of your creations. It's funny how you can pick up on an artists techniques in photoshop just as you can with paintings. Great job, good luck!
Fantastic idea author and great composition...I don't have any nit picks for your work,this is one great clean chop....well done and good luck
Super !
Good idea, nice focus and reflection in eye.... overall, great execution!
Great idea and great execution
Think this is surely going to win. Well done!
great good and awesome creativity, I wish to favor this one a 100 times, Good luck author
great work, gl
I like the originality of this piece
LOL this is great. love it!!!! he is so cute!!!!
Good one.
You are always exceptionally creative to the source, my friend. Well done and GOOD LUCK!
Thank you guys, I'm glad to have supports from you.
Very good idea! The light on the drop is a nice touch. Gl!

Congrats for your second place, Langstrum!
hi,......it is you,....congrats on your second winning.......
Congrats with 2nd place! Really like the focus in the middle of the image!
Thank you so much for the congrats
Howdie stranger!
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