Photoshop Pictures: Wine (page 3)

results 11 - 15 of 29

Wine 'n' dine - created by sunilz

Wine n dine
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 14/14Score: 48% (0)6004 views

Cheers! (5 years and 3379 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

made me laugh...good picture, wish you had a hi res

avatar shama98
shama98 says:

It's so cute except the background is really blurry. :p

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Tiny Bubbles in the Wine - created by Drivenslush

Tiny Bubbles in the Wine
Favs: 0SBS: 14Hi-resRank: 13/14Score: 51.4% (0)7096 views

source and bubble brushes (5 years and 3419 days ago)

1 Source:

avatar DanLundberg

The bubbles are cool (although might not the clear portions distort the background somewhat?) and the title is fun, but I admit I don't see the relationship between them.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Tiny bubbles? Looks more like 5 foot wide plate-like things.

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

now that's pretty cool lookin!!

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

maybe "tiny bubbles in the wind?" the letters are close on the keyboard.

author says:

It's a old love song sung by Don Ho. Famous Hawaiian entertainer, the song was running through my mind when I was making the piece so I just kept it as the title

avatar gopankarichal


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Wine - created by Nator

Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 11/14Score: 53.6% (0)4220 views


"K" Goudy Initial
"Label" Trajan Pro
"Headline" Goudy Old Style (5 years and 3453 days ago)

1 Source:

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XxBWxX says:

NICE ad. Love it

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Because everyboody would have drunk it all!
Nice and clean!

avatar DanLundberg

Crisp and clean. The image portrays the abstract notion of 'light,' but then your text introduces the concrete notion of a table that is nowhere to be seen. A simpler message along the lines of "Kabooza, the truly light wine" might work better. [An aside: Why is a 'light' wine a good thing? Is it especially appropriate for particular occasions or with particular foods?] The label is classy and sophisticated, but while its border matches the curve of the bottle exterior, the illuminated-K logo and text do not.

avatar gopankarichal

Bottle design is very good. shadow you should compress vertically at-least 50%.

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Well, you just changed a table for a shelf, but the message is still the same...
Light is light, but not in excess!!!
@Dan: I don't understand about wines - I don't even drink - but I suppose that a difference of a white wine and a red wine is clear, at least for me; I think that the white one is lighter in taste than the red one. Soft and smooth... Am I wrong, author?

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

Shadow isn't too convincing... gotta agree it needs pulling in vertically... also just a nit pick but the shadow wouldn't be oval either... based on the light hitting the bottle...
oh one more thing... the message might be conveyed better if there was a bottle either side of your 'brand'... just to show the difference visually... ??? just an idea!?!...

avatar blindscientist

I like the concept, and it looks like a real ad, so kudos for that. I will agree on a few minor technicalities: The shadow seems a bit off (perhaps the vertical compression suggestions will work) and if one looks closely, as DanLunberg suggests, the logo and text on the bottle don't match the curvature of the label itself. Perhaps a very slight warp on those elements would resolve. Either way, it's well done, conceptually, as well as execution. Good luck author.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very nice work author with great of luck

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Friendly Wine Glass - created by omercb

Friendly Wine Glass
Favs: 1SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 3/14Score: 56.6% (25)16860 views

The picture used was taken by me. (5 years and 3457 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

bravo.. well done!!!

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siddude11 says:


avatar cbkh2bankai

love the image but one questions... im not that great in photoshop or anything but shouldnt the background in the glass retain its original image? I mean to make it seem more realistic :O..... sorry haha had a moment

but i do like the picture

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

IMHO, if you put some curves on arms it will be more personificated. Now it seems a sculpture. But I like the idea.

avatar dreamdriven

nice concept. hand need more transparency.

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XxBWxX says:

Nice job. May want to take a soft eraser to the arm attachment area. Seems to be sticking away from the actual glass itself.

avatar blindscientist

Great job removing glass from BG (what version of PS are you using?). I agree that the arms need a bit of work where they connect to the stem, but overall, well done. Good luck.

author says:

Hey all,
First of all thanks for your comments, I will try to see how to apply them to the image.

I used the photoshop CS5.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

ultra cool...

avatar sunzet
sunzet says:

He doesn´t like coke? Amusing and well done!

avatar Disco
Disco says:

Congrats on third place!

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place!

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


author says:

thanks a lot to everyone

avatar gopankarichal


avatar hsbee
hsbee says:


avatar hereisanoop


avatar spaceranger


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You didn't want one did you? - created by Disco

You didnt want one did you?
Favs: 1SBS: 10Hi-resRank: 5/14Score: 51.4% (15)25791 views

Thanks for the following images: girls on beach by keithusc and wine glasses by Davide Restivo.

(5 years and 3464 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice blend author...good luck

avatar woodztockr

Nice work author! I will have to double check your sources... I think I know these girls... I may owe one child support... lol....

Keep up the great work!

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aljhay says:


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