P is for Puppet & for Psychotic!
May this just be the possible cause??
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKnhTUBt5xI (5 years and 3117 days ago)
I manipulated the photograph as the background blur, you may be able to notice the constructions become trees, and that the statue's face is actually cracking away to reveal tree bark.
I then turned the image into an old vintage postcard that has been damaged.
Thanks for viewing! (5 years and 3118 days ago)
Very nice work, it makes a cool postcard!
Thanks! Thought it might look better as a postcard
Not much use of the source image.
good blending author
Thanks kush,
Well I looked at a few entries for other contests which used less than 10% of the source image. If you view the SBS you can clearly see a large portion of the source image remains...
The contest source is your main focal point, and hasn't been CBR'd (Chopped Beyond Recognition) into some bird, or flower, or other object totally unrelated to what it was. You've kept it intact and enhanced it. That is an accomplishment in itself. That you did so in a believable manner makes it a good manipulation in my book...
Thanks MossyB
nice thaught author & good blendingbut not much use of the source image..
I'm confused by the amount of people mentioning the lack of the source image - when looking at other entries a very small portion of the source has been used or altered...
It is an amazing entry and you used the source as it is mentioned, very well done author and best of luck!
Thanks Joe
Howdie stranger!
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Swimming in the river was fun, until these velociraptors showed up! The fun is over, at least it looks like....
Thanks to mqtrf for the pic of the river, and to grafixar from morguefile for the two pics of the velociraptors. Just a little work, but lots of fun. (5 years and 3119 days ago)
Would have been even funnier if the big raptor was about to eat the small raptor who is intent on eating the ducks, but it's still a good image. GL author.
Hey Bob, this is fun, isn't it? Yeah, I did not think of that, good idea. Maybe my next! Glad to see you safe from Irene....!
It looks like the little velociraptor is running away from the duckies. I would have been better if he was behind them (compositionally speaking). He's also a bit too dark in front. But it's a very imaginative idea!
These 2 raptors must be very scared as they never seen rubber ducks in their era. It's very nice artwork composition, where the bigger raptor appears very sharp and close, whilst the smaller one is a little bit blurry to show depth of field. The eyes of the raptors are focusing on the rubber ducks to direct the viewer that the rubber ducks are the main actors in this stage. The colour harmony of yellow and green emphasize the funny scene of rubber ducks that are "lost" in the dinosaur era. Thumbs up
Thank you for comments.....
nice work author like it
looks very realistic
lol munch munch Nice chop Author
Good job on those reflections. Real funny picture. Good luck, friend.
Thanks again for all comments. MnMcarta: Thanks for your pic, it was cool working with it!
the ducky do not seem to be afraid...
what an !dea sir ji..
Poor thing, he can't even start swimming until this big dino comes @ it!!!!
Lovely work author!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3126 days ago)
Great pun, great image. A fun idea!
good work author
Thank you both!
Got a few masking issues, but very PUNNY!
I know... that extract tool! Thank you anyway
Nice Congrats
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3130 days ago)
What dit your original photo look like?
Author, you need to post the source of your photo or the original image if it is your own. This is a truly lovely image, it would be a shame to have it removed!
im new so would you mind telling me where and how i would have to post the original?
Author.. go to MY STUFF.. then go to MY CONTEST ENTRIES and look for the button to ADD STEP BY STEP and upload the original image there .. hope that helped (red flag if you need more help as well)
Thankyou very much
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That is a really nice work.... nice SBS. Good luck.
That's awesome.
The stripes on the arm holding the axe are not the same as the rest of the stripes of his sweater, but this is a delightfully creepy image!
thats cutting edge art !!!
Creative, but seems rushed to me. Aside from Mossy's comment, the way you have your light source wouldn't put so much shadow on the duck's underside. A lot of edges could be smoothed, too. Make it better with some tweaks...it's mostly funny and well done!
scary! they were best of friends, now fight over a ducky? poor Ernie...
cool chop
1) for more 3d, add bright n dark tones to Bert n arm with ducky.
2) add white shine on the edge of the axe, perhaps a starburst to suggest sharpness of axe
3) fade the top part of the shadows on the table (Ernie's arm n ducky)
4) side-thought, you can very well add a "spot light" to just lit the face, axe and arm for a more sinister feel
Hilarious lol.
Poor Ernie
Hahahahahahahahaha...super cool work author...Great humor and excellent execution...high marks form me....
lol it's so cool It's remind me of my doll, when I was a child I've done that to her hand too hehe.
Just wonderful and creative idea!
2nd congrats.. scary entry
congrats for second.....!
Congrats for second place..
congrats Geexman
Howdie stranger!
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