6 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

Author , you have the light shining under the lip of the mag light, and not on the inner lip. the rest is great work.

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

avatar Govindrathod

Beautiful work author... Absolute class....

(5 years and 2580 days ago)

avatar Bitmap
Bitmap says:

Impressive, nice job and nice idea. but the leather is a bit weak. there is a lot of free and nice leather materials around the web, you could've used one of them.

(5 years and 2588 days ago)

avatar invisible_idea

new idea..

(5 years and 2603 days ago)

avatar rahul.savalia26

Love 2013

(5 years and 2603 days ago)

avatar Bitmap
Bitmap says:

this is nice, but IMHO it's looks more cartoon. the idea in this contest is to look real.
anyway GL

(5 years and 2607 days ago)

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:


(5 years and 2612 days ago)

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

great work and beautifully done.

(5 years and 2627 days ago)

no avatar

yeah its propably better suited for the favourite gadget contest.
Looks pretty nice though!

(5 years and 2632 days ago)

1492 Alarm_Clock
avatar rahul.savalia26

nice one..

(5 years and 2638 days ago)

avatar rahul.savalia26

but it runs on battery, no?

(5 years and 2638 days ago)

1492 Alarm_Clock
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

nice 3D effect

(5 years and 2654 days ago)

E_Coli Virus
no avatar
Spinjamn says:

With a orange material these could easily be Cheetos :P

(5 years and 2664 days ago)

E_Coli Virus
no avatar

i did not think you could put a shading in to it

(5 years and 2667 days ago)

E_Coli Virus
no avatar

i did not thick you could put a shading in to it

(5 years and 2667 days ago)

E_Coli Virus
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Wouldn't you see the back of the cat in the mirror?

(5 years and 2668 days ago)

The Mirror Crack
no avatar
GwenBriar says:

This picture keeps bothering me because the mirror is behind the cat and should be reflecting the cat's back. Not to mention what is holding the broken pieces in place? I think I could accept it if the mirror was a portrait instead.

(5 years and 2670 days ago)

The Mirror Crack
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Ohhhhhhh.... not ugly only strange... poor cat....smiles.... nice capture!

(5 years and 2673 days ago)

The Mirror Crack
no avatar

its good but its look like steel pasta

(5 years and 2679 days ago)

Penne Rigate Pasta
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Looks very yummy, great work!

(5 years and 2681 days ago)

no avatar
GwenBriar says:

Interesting water effect. The ripples look very strong; they should ripple along the bottom edge of the boat too. I think the reflection would be more distorted, and more faded toward the bottom of the picture.

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

texture of the icing looks fine -- but the cake does not really look like cake -- maybe another texture would look better

(5 years and 2687 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Nice water effect! (Guess I need to get myself one of those programs!!) Perhaps you would consider matching the color of the water to the rest of the sky. Notice the blue (from the original sky) in the reflection, like a halo around the boat, and how it ends rather abruptly. There is nothing in the sky that would cause the water to change color.

(5 years and 2689 days ago)
