Fire Man

For: shoes 2 contest
The Dip, Fexlistowe, Suffolk, UK. I was attarcted to the pastel colours of the beach huts
For: hdr only 2 contest
atop of Seymour mt.
For: snow 3 contest
Went out kind of early today.
For: snow 3 contest
Found this snake at a park nearby beside a stream. Used a +4 close up len on a 70-210mm I think (not sure) so ad to get really close (I was like 10 cm away from it). The risk would be the snake potentially getting angry and attacking me or my camera (it was pretty big).
For: gutsy shots contest
3x bracketed shots (-2,0,+2) shot using tripod, and merged in photoshop HDR
For: three hdr contest
Went for the more surreal end of the HDR spectrum with this shot. I know the over cooked effect isn't to everyone's taste, but I think it suited the subject.
For: three hdr contest
A tractor shot in a farm implement shop Handheld bracketed RAW shots (-2,0,+2), processed using photoshop HDR
For: three hdr contest
A friend of mine who happens to have lots of wonderfully colorful tattoos! I did lots and lots of sharpening, some brightness/contrast, color balance and some saturating.
For: contest