i am Nature... Keep your Self Away from me

Canon EOS 550D Canon 55-250mm Lens ISO - 1000 TIME - 1/160 sec. F stop - 5.6 Focal Legnth - 163
Canon EOS 550D Canon 55-250mm Lens ISO - 1000 TIME - 1/160 sec. F stop - 5.6 Focal Legnth - 163
Captured with Camera : EOS 550D Lens : 55-250 Focal Length : 250
A Green Bee Eater.
For: birds 3 contest
my friend From Rajkot india
took at early in the morning after rain.
Iso-100 F-16 Time-10 sec
For: long exposure night contest
ISO-100 F/20 20 Sec
For: long exposure night contest
30 sec F16 ISO-100 :-D
For: long exposure night contest
Took with canon 550D kit lens thanks to Nehal Patel for giving me support.
For: backlit portraits 2 contest
a shot took in the occasion of Lord Krishna Comes on Earth...
For: celebrations contest
they came in migration to India.
For: bird flight contest