Enjoying moon light

Well my main intension was to give feel of joy by looking at moon. :) Moon image is created by using my custom brush. Thanks to http://www.photos8.com and http://www.sxc.hu for providing stock image!
For: bunny fun contest
Well my main intension was to give feel of joy by looking at moon. :) Moon image is created by using my custom brush. Thanks to http://www.photos8.com and http://www.sxc.hu for providing stock image!
For: bunny fun contest
Mystic land matte painting, almost all source images are captured by me. :) Thanks to http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=956137 for providing bird image
For: all red contest
New city concept. Thanks to http://www.imageafter.com/ and http://www.photos8.com/ for providing stock images.
For: gulls attack contest
Night in ruins thanks to http://www.photos8.com for providing photo of ruin and moon, rest of all done in PS!
For: mixed manipulations 5 contest
Here is my entry for mixed manipulations. Photo downloaded from http://www.photos8.com, rest of all created in Photoshop! All comments and suggestion are welcome... :)
For: mixed manipulations 5 contest
Here is WIP of sunset effect on the given image.
For: open field contest
By looking this images it looks like they are in dancing mood... So here is my concept! Hope you like it... Suggestion and comments are most welcome. :)
If you might know that most of Indian temples are situated near river... So here is my try.
For: indian river contest
Used photo download from - http://www.flickr.com/photos/vast-bhutan/3561714432/sizes/l/ (under a Creative Commons license) to show that artists are painting tree. Used custom shapes in Photoshop for showing splatter brush effect.
For: tree in mist contest
Hay all, Here is leaf Icon. Hope you like :)
For: icon designs contest
Hi All, Here is submission for this contest. Use Photoshop custom tool and lots of Brush and blur... Hope you like... I really love this!
I use the given green pattern on fish to show glowing fish... Rest of all created in Photoshop...
Here is the edited result of tree in mist - my main intension was to show night scene with lots of star and moon. I use noise filter to show star and use circle to show moon, hope you like final result :) Bird brush credit goes to Obsidian Dawn link given in source 2 URL.
For: tree in mist contest