
pls watch high resolution friends
pls watch high resolution friends
Thanks to Alun Salt at for source for texture layer, Horsehead Nebula
For: fruit contest
no sources.
For: halloween DD contest
The roots and lights are all drawn by me..
For: four seasons contest
For: autumn leaf contest
For: checkmate contest
Just the source used for completing the bird and creating flowers and leaves. Please see SBS for the details. My own photo for background.
Immigration is a natural instinct in animals and humans equally! animals do immigrate in a specific time every year! I made this image to depict a rhino starts off their immigration journey using this imaginary bridge in order to reach their destination. The clock stands for the arrival of the immig...
For: rhinoceros contest
Just source image used in the making of this entry. sorry I did not go into details of shading and light, I was in a hurry, just to make it on time. I will keep your suggestions in mind.
For: dinner for 4 contest
My pictures of the wave ,,the elephant and the kangaroo can be found at end of SBS
All done in Painter
For: shoe mania contest
the leaf pic is my own as was the sunset and can be found at end of SBS
For: old tractor contest
Thanks to artists off of DA for there wonderful stock.. Used 4 of my images as well
What if in the not too distant future life as we know it comes to an end. By natural means, invaders from the unknown or by our own hand. The only ones left will be the machines we built to serve us, witness to a barren, desolate world with no one left to serve. I wanted to show a different take...
For: doom contest
Thanks to zatrokz: and Warrenski:
Many thanks (and apologies) to DeviantArt photographer AngieStock (
For: zombiefy contest
Beach photo taken as the sun rised on a cloudy day.
Here the temperature has started falling down and that reminded me of the coming winter. :-) Could you please go through SBS and let me know which looks better : girl in the snow or without the snow. Thanks to yana-stock for the snow brush.
For: sky hug contest
Taken from my iPhone 4S, edited on the phone using the app Snapseed to add contrast to the sky and darkened the shadows. Taken in North Yorkshire Marina.
For: iphotography contest
For: self chops 2 contest